2024-10-11|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 0 分鐘

112年統測對話題分析(16-20) (4)


Jimmy: I need to find a part-time job, Ms. King.

Ms. King: May I know the reason?

Jimmy: I need to support myself through school.

Ms. King: I see. ______________

Jimmy: I can type pretty fast.

(A) How soon do you need the job?

(B) What kind of skills do you have?

(C) What kind of support do you need?

(D) What do you know about the school?


Ans. (B)

Anal. 情境題(situational context):求職者諮詢工作機會(to find a part-time job)。Ms. King顯然是負責提供資訊或媒合的人員。職員會問求職者「有什麼技能」,求職者回「自己能做什麼、會什麼」 (I can . . . )


        (A) 問 “How soon . . .” 【多快】,回答應該會對應 “As soon as possible.”

        (C) “What . . . do you need” 【需要什麼協助】,回答對應 “I need . . .”



Secretary: Hello, Dean’s office, may I help you?

Jack: Good morning, Sir. I’m looking for Dr. Huang.

*Secretary: ___________

*Jack: OK. Could you let him know that Jack, his student, would like to make an

appointment with him?

*Secretary: Sure, let me check his schedule.

(A) I’m sorry there’s no such person here.

(B) I’m sorry you dialed the wrong number.

(C) I’m afraid he doesn’t work here anymore.

(D) I’m afraid he’s not in the office right now


Ans. (D)

Anal. 情境題(situational context);場景在「學校」,學生和辦公室秘書,或助教,之類的職員對話。


        由第三者代答的回應經常有 “I’m afraid that s/he’s not available . . .” “I’ll let her/him know . . .” “I’ll make sure that s/he receives that . . .”要記得將語句還原成:


                “I’m afraid that s/he (doesn’t) know . . .” 【第三者 “I”】

                → “S/he will know . . .” 【不在場的當事人】



                “I’ll let her/him know that you (Jack) want to see him”


                “S/he will know that you (jack) want to see him”






*Ms. Lin: Ms. Ting, Stella’s ballet show yesterday was terrific. She is great. _________

*Ms. Ting: Since she was seven.

Ms. Lin: I can’t believe it. She must be a genius.

(A) How often did she practice ballet?

(B) How long has she been learning ballet?

(C) How old do people start learning ballet?

(D) How much will you pay for a ballet show?


Ans. (B)

Anal. 從文法一致性(agreement)著手,Ting答 “Since she was seven” 回答「累積的經驗、年數」; 對應Lin 問「學多久、學幾年」(How long has she been . . .)

        從題意來看,(A) How often . . . 或許跟Lin 所問的相關,但文法不一致。

        (C)、(D) 答非所問。




Angel: Have you ever met new friends online?

Teddy: Yes, I have. We still keep in touch now.

Angel: How did you meet them?

Teddy: __________

(A) I joined an online group.

(B) We never talked on the Net.

(C) They met new friends on the street.

(D) He continued to play online games


Ans. (A)

Anal. 從文法一致性來看,A 問「如何做到」,對應 T 回「藉由……」手段。只有(A)、(C) 選項涉及「認識朋友、與朋友見面」的手段。

        但(C) 的主詞 “They”與回答者 T 不一致,故不適合。




20. Nancy: Let’s go out and play badminton. Do you know where the badminton gears and equipment are?

*Danny: Aren’t they in the closet next to you?

*Nancy: ______________

*Danny: Why not go check the garage?

(A) Yes, here they are.

(B) I don’t see them here.

(C) They sound closer to you.

(D) No, we threw them away.


Ans. (B)

Anal. 從語法結構判斷,這段對話是經典「再三確認的語境,」由否定詞構成的提問句 (Negative questions):

N 問 D「有沒有看到……」

D 回「是不是在……」Aren’t they . . .

N再回「不是。」(No,) I don’t see . . .

D則「提出另外可能。」(Is it . . .) (How about . . .) (Why not go check . . .) (Try . . .?)



N:(是)不是? (Is it not . . .?)

D:不是。 (No.)

N:(那是)不是? (Is it not . . .?)




N:Did you check your closet?

D:Not here/there.

N:Did you check the garage?





總結以上的分析,考生宜時時刻刻考慮「語境」(context)、選詞與語境的關聯(lexicon, relevance)、語法結構中的一致性(grammatical agreement),以及「常見字詞配搭」(collocation)。

對話題尤以「語境」至關重要。語境有三個面向:語法(linguistic aspect)、情境(situational aspect)、人際關係(social aspect)。由語境的框架決定:「誰對誰說」(Who to whom)、「哪個場合,主題是什麼」(In where, when, about what topic, what themes involved),「提問對應適合的答覆」(proper response to the right question)。


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