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Viewpoint: Comparing Earth-Based Construction with Recycled Materials: A Reflection on Sustainable Construction


Original title: Building with earth could transform sustainable construction – here’s how, by Rabia Charef, The Conversation

原始標題:以地球為基礎的建築如何改變永續施工——Rabia Charef,《The Conversation》

We live in an age of profound environmental reckoning, forced to confront the fact that our modern modes of construction are neither infinitely sustainable nor benign in their impact.


For decades, we have relied on steel beams, reinforced concrete, and other energy-hungry materials that drain resources from the earth while leaving behind towering heaps of carbon emissions.


It is in this context that an article from The Conversation (“Building with Earth Could Transform Sustainable Construction—Here’s How”) renews our awareness of a practice that humanity has known for centuries: building with earth itself.

正是在這種背景下,《對話》雜誌的一篇文章(「用土建造可以改變永續建築 — 方法就在這裡」)讓我們重新意識到人類幾個世紀以來就已知曉的一種做法:用土本身來建造。

The authors of this piece extol the virtues of rammed earth, mud bricks, and similar methods that harness local soil, contending that these approaches may cut the environmental cost of construction while providing homes and public spaces that can stand the test of time.


Yet one must note that earthen walls are hardly the only alternative to conventional materials.


Across the globe, innovators have turned their sights to recycling or reclaiming waste—be it plastic, timber, or stone scraps—to fashion building blocks that might rival the structural might of concrete or steel while safeguarding the planet’s dwindling resources.

在全球各地,創新者將目光投向回收或再利用廢棄物 —— 無論是塑膠、木材還是石頭碎片 —— 以打造可能與混凝土或鋼鐵的結構強度相媲美的建築材料,同時保護地球日益減少的資源。

In what follows, I aim to compare the article’s chief subject—earth-based construction—to three other recycled or reclaimed materials: (1) plastic waste moulded into bricks, (2) reclaimed wood reconstituted into boards or engineered timber, and (3) stone offcuts turned into tiles or aggregate-based bricks.

在接下來的內容中,我將比較這篇文章的主要主題 —— 夯土建築 —— 與其他三種回收或再利用的材料:(1) 塑膠廢料製成的磚塊,(2) 再生木材製成的板材或工程木材,以及 (3) 石頭碎料製成的磚塊或骨料磚。

My purpose is to explore four key points: the advantages and drawbacks of earth as portrayed in the article; the pros and cons of these other recycled materials; how each might handle the rigours of an earthquake-prone environment; and how their carbon footprints stack up when one takes a more global view.


If we are to reconcile our building needs with the urgent mandate of decarbonisation, we might do well to examine these alternatives through a measured, critical lens that clarifies their promise and pitfalls alike.


1. Advantages and Drawbacks of Earth-Based Construction


Building with earth is older than recorded history. For centuries, people around the world compressed soil into blocks, shaped it into adobe bricks, or packed it tightly between wooden frames to form load-bearing walls.


The article from The Conversation points out that this ancestral wisdom, once commonplace, was eventually overshadowed by the rise of steel and concrete.


Today, however, many architects and environmentalists believe a revival of earthen construction could significantly reduce our reliance on carbon-intensive building materials.


Advantages:One cannot overstate the appeal of local abundance.


Soil is found nearly everywhere, and with a bit of testing, one can calibrate its composition by adding or subtracting clay, sand, and silt to achieve a workable mixture.


Because it can be sourced on-site or from a nearby excavation, the raw material requires little transport, cutting out emissions from long-haul trucking.


Moreover, earthen walls possess remarkable thermal mass. In a hot climate, they hold off midday heat until well into the evening, at which point they release it gradually.


In colder environments, their insulating properties reduce the need for round-the-clock heating. The indoor climate remains relatively stable, requiring fewer mechanical interventions and lowering overall energy usage.


The article also underscores the breathable nature of earthen walls, which help regulate humidity and ward off mould—an ever-present menace in tightly sealed modern buildings.

這篇文章還強調了土牆的透氣性,這有助於調節濕度並防止黴菌滋生 —— 這在密封嚴密的現代建築中是一個普遍存在的威脅。

Second, the physical and cultural dimension of earthen construction can be a boon to communities that have lost touch with older building traditions.


Certain regions in Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East still feature centuries-old rammed-earth or adobe structures that stand tall despite having endured both time and weather.


Reviving such practices could restore local identity, preserve ancestral knowledge, and offer a tangible link to place-specific architecture rather than the generic, glassy towers that dominate the skylines of global cities.




Yet the article acknowledges that building with earth also poses challenges in the modern era.


The simplicity of soil masks a wealth of complexity: its composition can vary greatly even within the same plot of land, requiring repeated tests for clay and silt content.


Builders skilled in concrete or steel often find themselves in unfamiliar territory, needing to relearn the techniques of mixing, tamping, and curing earthen walls.


The drying process can be long, subject to humidity and weather patterns. In a construction industry driven by cost and speed, those who propose earthen approaches must convince contractors and developers that this is more than a nostalgic choice.


Another obstacle is the deep-seated prejudice against so-called “mud houses.” In many societies, earthen structures have been dismissed as a symbol of underdevelopment or poverty.


Overcoming this bias requires serious public outreach and a series of high-profile success stories—projects that demonstrate how earthen buildings can achieve modern standards of aesthetics, comfort, and structural durability.

克服這種偏見需要嚴肅的公眾宣傳和一系列引人注目的成功案例 —— 證明夯土建築如何能夠達到現代美學、舒適度和結構耐久性的標準的項目。

Without such examples, earthen construction remains a marginal curiosity or an artisan’s niche rather than a mainstream, scalable option.


2. Pros and Cons of Recycled Materials


Alongside earth, builders seeking greener alternatives are exploring a range of recycled or reclaimed materials to reduce the environmental toll of construction.


Here we consider three chief examples: plastic-based bricks, reclaimed wood, and recycled stone waste.


Recycled Plastic Bricks (“Eco-Bricks”)


Plastic is ubiquitous, and it is no secret that millions of tonnes of discarded bottles and packaging end up in landfills or oceans each year.


Some innovators have proposed compressing or melting plastic waste into sturdy blocks that can replace or supplement conventional masonry.


These so-called eco-bricks boast a lighter weight than concrete and can reduce pollution by diverting plastic from waste streams.




Eco-bricks can be fabricated at relatively low cost if an appropriate recycling infrastructure is in place.


Because they are lightweight, builders might save on transportation costs.


Their insulation properties vary depending on the type of plastic, but many plastic-based bricks can help keep indoor temperatures stable, especially if paired with other insulating elements.


Above all, plastic bricks offer the moral satisfaction of reusing a troublesome waste product, thereby relieving pressure on landfill space.




Despite their attractions, recycled plastic bricks still face significant hurdles.


If exposed to excessive heat or flame, plastic can melt, warp, or release toxic fumes, raising questions about fire safety.


The structural integrity of plastic-based blocks is also a concern, especially under heavy loads or shear forces. Many prototypes rely on binding agents or other materials to improve rigidity, which might increase costs or complicate production.


Furthermore, critics worry that if these bricks degrade or break, microplastics could re-enter the environment.


While a promising idea, plastic-brick construction demands careful oversight and rigorous performance tests before it can become a widely accepted norm.


Reclaimed Wood Products


Timber, in some shape or form, has been a mainstay of human building since time immemorial.


In recent years, “green” construction practices have placed renewed emphasis on reclaiming wood from demolition sites, shipping pallets, or manufacturing offcuts.


This timber can be planed or milled into boards, or even pressed into engineered wood products such as cross-laminated timber (CLT).

這些木材可以刨成板材,甚至壓製成工程木材產品,例如交叉層壓木材 (CLT)。



Reclaimed wood circumvents the need to harvest new trees, thereby conserving natural forests that store carbon and support biodiversity.


Reusing the timber also means that the carbon locked into that wood remains sequestered, instead of being released through decomposition or incineration.


Wood-based structures typically have a warm, natural ambience that appeals to many homeowners and architects.


In certain seismic zones, well-constructed wooden frames can bend without fracturing, offering a form of built-in resilience to shaking.




One must remember, however, that not all reclaimed wood is created equal. Boards salvaged from a demolition site may bear hidden nails, cracks, or rot.


Chemical contamination—such as old lead-based paints or industrial residues—can pose health risks if not treated correctly.

如果處理不當,化學污染 —— 例如舊的鉛基塗料或工業殘留物 —— 會對健康造成危害。

Quality control thus becomes a significant undertaking, requiring dedicated sorting, testing, and certification.


Engineered timber solutions like CLT may be challenging to produce at scale from purely reclaimed sources, given the tight tolerances needed to glue multiple layers.

由於粘合多層所需的公差很嚴格,因此從純粹的再生來源大規模生產像 CLT 這樣的工程木材解決方案可能具有挑戰性。

Furthermore, wood is less dense than earthen or concrete walls, so while it can excel in seismic design, it may not store and release heat in quite the same way.


Builders in very cold or very hot regions often combine wood frames with additional insulation to achieve comfortable indoor temperatures.


Stone Waste Recycling


Quarrying stone for countertops, monuments, or construction blocks produces significant offcuts and debris.


Rather than sending these fragments to landfills, some recyclers now grind them into aggregates or fashion them into decorative tiles, bricks, or panels.




Stone waste repurposed in this manner harnesses a material prized for its durability and aesthetic appeal.


Crushed stone can serve as aggregate for new concrete, reducing the need for fresh gravel. Likewise, tiles or veneers made from recycled stone can impart an upscale look without further mining virgin rock.


Since many forms of stone—granite, marble, limestone—are dense and wear-resistant, they can stand up well to heavy traffic, extreme temperatures, and other stressors.

由於許多石材 —— 花崗岩、大理石、石灰石 —— 密度大且耐磨,因此它們可以很好地承受人流量大、極端溫度和其他壓力。

Recycled stone also helps cut down on the energy costs tied to quarrying, shipping, and processing newly extracted material.




Stone is heavy, so transporting it—even in recycled form—can be energy-intensive if the distance between demolition or quarry sites and the recycling facility is great.

石材很重,因此運輸它 —— 即使是回收的形式 —— 如果拆除或採石場與回收設施之間的距離很遠,也可能很耗能。

Sorting different types of stone may require specialised machinery, raising up-front processing costs. Inconsistency in colour or composition can complicate the creation of uniform tiles, bricks, or aggregates.


While these challenges are not insurmountable, they do highlight that stone recycling hinges on local infrastructure and a reliable supply chain—conditions that may not be equally present everywhere.

雖然這些挑戰並非不可克服,但它們確實表明石材回收依賴於當地基礎設施和可靠的供應鏈 —— 這些條件可能並非在所有地方都同樣存在。

3. Feasibility in Earthquake-Prone Regions


No overview of building materials would be complete without considering seismic resilience.


Earthquakes are sudden, brutal tests of a structure’s ability to bend, absorb shocks, and remain standing.


Conventional reinforced concrete—despite its high carbon footprint—still dominates in many earthquake zones because engineers and regulators have decades of experience quantifying its strength and ductility.

傳統的鋼筋混凝土 —— 儘管其碳足跡很高 —— 仍然在許多地震帶佔主導地位,因為工程師和監管機構在量化其強度和延展性方面擁有數十年的經驗。

But how do earthen walls, plastic-based bricks, reclaimed wood, and recycled stone products compare?


Earthen Construction in Quake Zones


Because traditional earthen walls (rammed earth, adobe) can be brittle, they risk cracking under lateral seismic loads. However, modern techniques have emerged to mitigate this issue.


Builders can stabilise the soil with small amounts of cement or lime, embed steel rods, or install wire mesh along critical points.


In many parts of the world, earthen structures retrofitted or constructed with these reinforcements have survived moderate quakes.


The Conversation article hints at ongoing research to codify these reinforcements in building regulations, so that inspectors and developers have clear guidelines.


While an earthen structure may never match the brute force resilience of high-grade reinforced concrete, with proper design it can offer a safe and sustainable alternative for low-rise or mid-rise buildings in areas with moderate seismic risk.


Plastic Bricks Under Seismic Stress


Advocates of plastic-based bricks argue that their lighter weight might be beneficial in certain seismic scenarios.


A lighter wall exerts less force on a building’s foundation and may sway more in step with ground motion, rather than snapping like a rigid block. Still, tests remain limited.


One worry is the deformation of plastic over time, particularly in hot climates, which could undermine structural integrity. Another issue is how well plastic-based bricks can be anchored to each other and to supporting beams or columns.


Without thorough mechanical connections, a quake could cause walls to buckle or separate.


Until plastic bricks are systematically tested in seismic labs and standardised through building codes, many engineers will be hesitant to employ them for primary load-bearing walls in high-risk zones.


Reclaimed Wood in Earthquake Regions


Wooden frames, especially when braced with metal connectors, have a proven track record in earthquake-prone areas.


Traditional Japanese timber architecture, for example, has survived countless tremors because wooden joints allow for controlled movement, distributing stress rather than shattering.


Reclaimed wood can share in these virtues, provided it is structurally sound and meticulously inspected.


However, if the boards carry hidden weaknesses or if there is inconsistency in the quality of salvaged timber, building a tall or complex structure might introduce risks.


Designers who use reclaimed wood typically supplement it with engineered beams or cross-laminated timber panels, which can be easier to calibrate.


In smaller-scale projects, like single-family homes or low-rise buildings, reclaimed wood can be ideal if accompanied by proper checks and reinforcements.


Recycled Stone and Earthquake Performance


Stone, in either natural or recycled form, tends to be more rigid and less flexible than wood. As such, stone-based structures risk cracking unless carefully engineered with steel reinforcement or other bracing systems.


Recycled stone used as aggregate in concrete or mortar can help produce robust masonry, but the key lies in ensuring enough ductility within the overall structural design.


If recycled stone is shaped into large tiles or bricks, each piece must be properly joined with suitable mortar or adhesives that accommodate lateral shifts.


While stone-based construction can excel in static load-bearing contexts, engineers must pay extra attention to seismic design to avoid sudden fracture.


Thus, recycled stone is best used in tandem with rebar, metal ties, or flexible frameworks, unless local seismic risk is minimal.


4. Comparison of Overall Carbon Footprints:


Finally, we should weigh the environmental credentials of each material in terms of carbon emissions across its life cycle. Construction’s carbon footprint arises from the extraction, processing, and transportation of raw materials, as well as the building’s operational energy use over decades.


End-of-life scenarios—demolition, reuse, or recycling—also factor into the equation.


Earthen Construction and Carbon:


Because local soil requires no extensive manufacturing, nor does it demand long-distance shipping, earthen buildings often feature impressively low embodied carbon.


Stabilising the soil with small amounts of cement or lime does introduce some emissions, but nowhere near the scale of a fully cement-based construction.


As the article highlights, earthen walls also moderate indoor temperatures, slashing heating and cooling costs across the building’s lifetime.


This synergy of low embodied carbon and reduced operational energy is what makes earthen construction an attractive choice in the quest to minimise environmental harm.


The caveat is that earthen buildings must be well-designed to handle moisture, which can compromise structural integrity and necessitate frequent repairs.


Still, when properly maintained, an earthen structure’s carbon footprint remains markedly smaller than that of a typical concrete edifice of comparable size.


Plastic Bricks and Their Carbon Accounting:


Turning plastic waste into bricks can deliver a mixed verdict on carbon. On one hand, it reclaims a persistent pollutant that would otherwise idle in a landfill or degrade into microplastics in the sea.


On the other, the process of collecting, cleaning, shredding, and moulding plastic demands energy, which may or may not come from fossil-fuel-based grids.


If a region’s electricity is heavily reliant on coal, for instance, the carbon footprint of melting plastic remains significant.


Plastic bricks also lack the thermal mass to moderate indoor temperatures on their own, so additional insulation or climate control may be necessary, raising operational energy use.


Advocates counter that if the plastic bricks are used intelligently—incorporating layers of air pockets, for example—they might improve insulation and thus reduce heating or cooling needs.

倡導者反駁說,如果塑膠磚使用得當 —— 例如,加入多層氣穴 —— 它們可能會改善隔熱性能,從而減少供暖或製冷需求。

But the net result depends on local factors: the source of plastic waste, the energy mix used in the recycling process, and the building’s final design.


Reclaimed Wood’s Climate Benefits:


Among the recycled options, reclaimed wood is notable for storing carbon that trees absorbed during growth. By reusing the wood, one defers its eventual decomposition or burning, both of which would send carbon back into the atmosphere.


Sourcing, sorting, and processing salvaged wood does take energy, but nowhere near as much as manufacturing concrete or steel from scratch.


Moreover, if properly maintained, wooden structures can last for decades, even centuries, further prolonging that carbon sequestration. Operationally, however, wood does not offer the same large thermal mass that earthen walls do.


To maintain comfortable indoor temperatures in extreme climates, one might need insulation or supplemental materials.


Still, from the vantage point of embodied carbon—especially if the wood is sourced locally—reclaimed timber emerges as one of the more planet-friendly choices.

然而,從隱含碳的角度來看 —— 特別是如果木材來自當地 —— 回收木材成為更環保的選擇之一。

Recycled Stone and Carbon Footprints:


Stone, whether newly quarried or recycled, is not associated with the high CO₂ releases we see in cement production or steel smelting.


That said, quarrying and cutting stone can be energy-intensive, and heavy stone blocks require considerable fuel for transportation. Repurposing stone offcuts reduces the demand for fresh extraction, diminishing the environmental toll.


Moreover, stone is durable and often outlasts other materials, making it a sound choice for floors, cladding, or architectural features that might otherwise be replaced or renovated more frequently.


If the recycling facility and building site lie within reasonable distance of each other, the overall carbon footprint shrinks appreciably.


On the operational side, stone’s thermal performance depends on how and where it is used; stone floors can store heat in sunny climates, while thick stone walls can modulate temperature in ways akin to earthen construction—though perhaps not as effectively unless carefully designed.


Still, the net climate benefit of recycled stone rests on a well-organised supply chain and a building design that takes advantage of its longevity.


Concluding Reflections:


No single material alone can solve the monumental challenge of lowering carbon emissions and conserving resources in construction. The Conversation article shows that earthen methods—once dismissed as old-fashioned—can coexist with modern, eco-friendly innovations.


If reinforced and well-maintained, earthen walls offer resilience, comfort, and reduced embodied carbon compared to standard steel-and-concrete systems. Yet other reclaimed or recycled materials merit attention.


Plastic-based bricks tackle our plastic glut but face concerns about fire safety, structural integrity, and microplastics. Reclaimed wood can sequester carbon and draw on age-old craftsmanship, though supply and quality checks complicate large-scale use.


Recycled stone, similarly, spares fresh quarrying but can be heavy to transport and process.


In earthquake zones, each approach requires thoughtful design: earthen walls need stabilisation, plastic bricks benefit from framing, wood must be verified sound, and stone should be supported by ductile reinforcements.


None uniformly surpass concrete, but each broadens our material options, responding to local climate, resources, and cultural norms rather than following a single blueprint. Carbon footprints also vary.


Earth-based building excels with its low embodied carbon and inherent temperature regulation; plastic bricks divert waste but may consume fossil-fuel-based energy in production; reclaimed wood locks in carbon from earlier growth cycles, although scaling up remains tricky; and recycled stone endures for decades but involves shipping heavy loads.


Which route yields the best climate outcome depends on regional energy sources and construction traditions.


Still, one shared principle emerges: resource circularity. Earth can be reused on-site; plastics are granted a second life; timber is salvaged rather than felled anew; and stone scraps are repurposed instead of discarded.


Realising this vision demands policy changes, robust training, and public acceptance. Demonstration projects and research can dispel myths and showcase viable, appealing structures.


Amid the climate crisis, earth-based methods set a powerful example of blending old wisdom with modern insight.


In time, we may see hybrid designs—earthen cores paired with reclaimed wood or recycled stone cladding—and skylines shaped by local needs and inventiveness.

隨著時間的推移,我們可能會看到混合設計 —— 夯土製核心與回收木材或回收石材覆層相結合 —— 以及由當地需求和創造力塑造的天際線。

Each solution has drawbacks, but only by recognising and refining these alternatives can we achieve a more sustainable and enduring building culture.


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隨著理財資訊的普及,越來越多台灣人不再將資產侷限於台股,而是將視野拓展到國際市場。特別是美國市場,其豐富的理財選擇,讓不少人開始思考將資金配置於海外市場的可能性。 然而,要參與美國市場並不只是盲目跟隨標的這麼簡單,而是需要策略和方式,尤其對新手而言,除了選股以外還會遇到語言、開戶流程、Ap
嘿,大家新年快樂~ 新年大家都在做什麼呢? 跨年夜的我趕工製作某個外包設計案,在工作告一段落時趕上倒數。 然後和兩個小孩過了一個忙亂的元旦。在深夜時刻,看到朋友傳來的解籤網站,興致勃勃熬夜體驗了一下,覺得非常好玩,或許有人玩過了,但還是想寫上來分享紀錄一下~
工程會的終極目標,是推出八大類公共工程減碳指引,包含建築、軌道、水利設施、橋梁等建設, 從設計到施工都要符合
ESG 可持續發展的理念包括環境、社會和公司治理三個要素。在環境方面,管理氣候變化、資源使用和廢物處理等相關的環保問題至關重要。在社會方面,考慮社會整體的運行以及人群的需求和使用條件。而在公司治理方面,則需要關注政府、機關、公司治理和風險管理等議題。
現在談論的永續建築,真的永續嗎?永續建築的「永續」也只是一種「價值」的概念,而非建築「永」恆存「續」的永續。根據成大建築系江哲銘教授於(2003)〈未來百年的台灣永續建築發展趨勢〉建築師雜誌一文中提及永續建築(Sustainable Buildings)的含意為:「一個永續需思考的操作事項是
【建伸智慧綠建築以創新、誠信、服務為宗旨,致力提供最好的專業服務,使每棟建築都能展現智慧綠色革命(圖/建伸智慧綠建築提供)】 【李婉如/ 報導】全球碳排放量,約40%由建築產業所貢獻,在世界高度環保意識倡導下,全球已有130多個國家提出「2050淨零排放」的宣示與行動,面對趨勢的演變,