November 11

閱讀時間約 3 分鐘
【作者】Eileen Caddy
All that you need you have within you, waiting to be recognised, developed and drawn forth. An acorn contains within it a mighty oak. You contain within you tremendous potential. Just as the a corn has to be planted and tended to enable it to grow and become that mighty oak, so that which is within you has to be recognised before it can be drawn forth and used to the full; otherwise it lives dormant within you. What happens to many souls is that this tremendous potential never develops in this life and is often carried over from one life to another. How unnecessary this process is! Now is the time to draw forth and use all that you have within you. Know that you can do all things because I AM there strengthening and guiding your every movement and decision, until like that acorn you have burst your bonds and are free to grow into the mighty oak.
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