Third English Writing Diary

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08:34 Start
  Today, I waked up at 6:00 a.m. o’clock (in Ref. 1) probabaly probably. It’s a little not expecting matter result, because I hope that I can adjust to get up earlier like 5:00 a.m. Humm Hmmm... It’s not also a big problem to me, but I always just want everything to be perfect. Just go ahead straight and don’t give up. :-0
  I adjusted my waking ceremony naturely naturally to do something interesing interesting in this the morning, e.g., I turnd turned on my favorite song on cellphone when I heard the noisy alarm, and I have some time to let me leaving bed unforcely unforcedly (= Spontaneously). It took me about 10 mins, then because hearing little star(小星星) by singer(汪蘇隴) cause me some pleasant mood (= temper) and cheering (= inspiring) effect to me. I quickly took my dogs (Bao and Pee) outside to go bathroom (= lavatory, urinate),but I got a an idea why don‘t I don’t (in Ref. 2) directly go to traditional market. Because it also caused that dogs feel felt happier oaught owing to watching meats which is their main food (= staple). So after doing above, I rided rode my motorcycle to turn (=go, get, return) back home, and I cooked their breakfast and mine instantly. I always added favorite materials, which I could get simply ,which consists of (in Ref. 3) fish and corn in the can, some cooking meats soon a moment ago, bean drinks (Soyabeen milk), and breads (= toast). It cost me about 20 minutes, and I can could hear some favorite musics when I swiped the screen on cellphone.
  I originally wanted to do exercise like swimming, jumping with lines (skipping rope), and workout in the morning, but I wasted too much time in doing some unnecessary plans, and I waked up too late. Cheer up! If no one can give energy (= hearten, gladden, animate) to you, then you can give (= inspire) yourself at least. So, I recorded a short video about the song (little star) which I covered (= imitate) with guitar. I can feel happier in singing and playing guitar.
  I packed notebook, swimming suit, and small fan into my bag, then when I rode my motor motorcycle to the library, I watched a traveled recreational car passing through beside me. I had a brand idea in my heart why do I do (in Ref. 2) want to run carry out(= enforce, administer, execute, implement) my studying aboard plan, because I just want to esacpe escape from present circumstance which I can’t get stronger (= become maturity) smoothly now, and I tried so many methods like finding a new job or doing some innovative and interesting things that I never attemped attempted before. All things above can’t fulfill my empty heart in growing up to achieve my personal expectation.
Humm Hmmm.. to be continued..

finishing time: 09:22 (Spending 50 mins exceed in anticipation of 25 mintues)
Inspection time: 10:30..(Spending 72 mins exceed 67 anticipatory time )


  1. o’clock (= of the clock)
  2. why(關係副詞) e.g. These are the reasons why we do it. P.S. (I use it.)
    why(疑問副詞) e.g. Why should you be so interested in my affairs?
  3. Consists of or be consisted of?
  • “Consist” doesn’t have passive type, so it only includes of “Consist of” usage.
  • It also have ”Comprise” and “Compose” words which can be used.

    Comprise( includes of (in Ref. 4) initiative and passive usages ):
      e.g. Our branch in Thailand comprises 120 employees.(我們在泰國的分公司由 120 位員工組成。)
      e.g. Generally speaking, the human body is mainly comprised of water.(大致上來說,人體主要是由水所組成。)

    Compose( only passive usage)
      e.g. The earth’s atmosphere is composed of nitrogen, oxygen, argon, and so on.(地球大氣層由氮、氧、氬...等所組成。)
 4. “Include, Including, Included” usage?
  • The meal includes dessert and beverage.(餐點包含甜點以及飲料。)
  • Some people are trapped in the burning building, including two men and five women.(有些人被困在那棟著火的建築物裡,包含兩名男性及五名女性。)
  • They’re having a big sale, all electric appliances included.(他們在舉辦一場大拍賣,所有電器產品都有包含在內。)


  • Spontaneous a.自動自發的 (=voluntary, unbidden, unprompted)
    -> This spontaneous action makes lots of people get encouragement.
  • Initiative n.主動的行動,倡議,首創精神,進取心,主權,新作法,提議權
    -> I should find my initiative back right now.
  • Prosperity n.繁榮
    -> Everyone wants to have prosperity.
  • Acquaintance n.相識,了解,熟人
    -> I don’t have acquaintance to this man.
  • Community n.社群
    Familiarize v.使熟悉,使親近,使普及
    -> She didn’t familiarize the new environmental construction.
  • Urine, urinate, urinal, urinary
  • 尿,小便, 撒尿,小便池,尿的, 泌尿的, 小便池
  • Staple n.主要產品,主要商品,主食,主要成分,主題,纖維
    -> Rice is my staple of my diet.
  • Resolution n.決心,決定,決議(會議),分析,解析, 解決(+ of)
    e.g.-> His generosity led to the resolution of all our difficulties.
    -> Worst of all, he had no hope of shaking her resolution.
  • Soy n.大豆(Soybeen),醬油
  • Soyabeen milk n.豆漿
  • Skip v.跳躍,躍過,略過,快速處理,迅速翻閱
  • Dim a.灰暗的 (= gloomy)
  • Imitate, mimic, ape v.模仿,仿效,以..做範例,仿製,偽造
  • Recreational a.消遣,娛樂,休養的
  • Recreation n.消遣,娛樂,休養
    e.g. Reading is a form of my recreation.
  • Execute v.執行 (= administer, enforce, carry out)
  • Anticipate v.預期,期望,搶先,預支
    e.g. I don’t anticipate that we can achieve the target.
  • (Derivative) Anticipatory a.預期的,預先的,提早發生的
          Anticipation n.預期
  • Derivative a,n.衍生
  • Exceed, overstep, go beyond, outrun v.超出
  • Beyond  adv.更遠,更後,此外
    e.g. They provided the essentials of education but nothing beyond.
    e.g. Its benefits go beyond this.
    e.g. He has nothing beyond the house. 除這房子外,他什麼都沒有。
        n.遠處(like great beyond),來世(using Capitalization)

Mime的沙龍 的其他內容
About TOEFL iBT:   The TOEFL iBT consists of four sections: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. The entire test is about four hours long, and a
Counting time:25mins Current time: 02:36    This is the secondary second diary which was written today. I changed to library to implement with it. Aft
Writing Target: Practicing brainstorming in English and writing article without doing other things like looking up vocabularies and concentrating with
  我自己是用托福考滿分跟托福小站練習。這兩個網站對考生來說真的是超~好~用!裡面有非常豐富的資源,也可以和很多托福考生一起交流。   我最常用的是托福考滿分,它有電腦版跟app版,我在實習+衝刺期,蠟燭兩偷燒的情況下,最零碎的公車上捷運上的交通時間,我都用app來讀托福~   可以訂下自己的讀
生活中,常聽到這一串抱怨:「太多事導致分心,代辦事項永遠做不完。」 提高「專注力」,並習得控制專注的訣竅,處事才能達到最大效益。《專注力,就是你的超能力:掌控自我、提升成績的18個學習武器》認為,專注力的高低,並非先天決定,而是用意志力控制。
About TOEFL iBT:   The TOEFL iBT consists of four sections: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. The entire test is about four hours long, and a
Counting time:25mins Current time: 02:36    This is the secondary second diary which was written today. I changed to library to implement with it. Aft
Writing Target: Practicing brainstorming in English and writing article without doing other things like looking up vocabularies and concentrating with
  我自己是用托福考滿分跟托福小站練習。這兩個網站對考生來說真的是超~好~用!裡面有非常豐富的資源,也可以和很多托福考生一起交流。   我最常用的是托福考滿分,它有電腦版跟app版,我在實習+衝刺期,蠟燭兩偷燒的情況下,最零碎的公車上捷運上的交通時間,我都用app來讀托福~   可以訂下自己的讀
生活中,常聽到這一串抱怨:「太多事導致分心,代辦事項永遠做不完。」 提高「專注力」,並習得控制專注的訣竅,處事才能達到最大效益。《專注力,就是你的超能力:掌控自我、提升成績的18個學習武器》認為,專注力的高低,並非先天決定,而是用意志力控制。
Google News 追蹤
為了昨天的嘴饞,吃了好吃的舒芙蕾,所以今天特別提早到5:50晨跑。 街燈佇立,照亮暗黑中的道路。我喜歡由漆黑的黑夜到黎明光芒乍現的感覺,充滿了能量及喜悅。 清晨的鄉間小路,沒有人車,只有水鳥、八哥、竹雞跟小狗這些小動物的聲音,每次跑過,田裡、圳溝的鴨鴨、水鳥就會被我驚擾裡,振翅而飛,好療癒!
 最近天氣比較好了,我又開始早起了。 上週天冷又硬要運動,再加上MC一起來,使得我整個身體很虛弱的情況下感冒了;所以我就天天睡到飽。 但其實我是很想要像村上春樹一樣的作息的,就是早上起來寫作,下午運動跑步,之後處理一些雜事,閱讀,晚上九點上床;而且天天持續。
今天是星期六,星期六是我的休息日因為客戶不太會在週六出現打擾,我規定自己早上睡到飽,所以今天睡到了9點才起來。 剛開始練習早起真的很靠意志力在撐,在睡眠不足的情況下還是硬要早起會有一種起來很虛的感覺,我想是我們身體在修復充電時需要充足的睡眠,如果你不讓自己睡飽的話,身體很多的受損很難修復,所以我不
昨天還是沒有達到早睡的目標,今早起床也是一早在馬桶上掙扎了很久之後努力的爬了起床,再怎麼想睡或是沒睡好也都起來了。 一早就化好妝地奔向外面,走路經過公園,在長椅上坐下來閉眼冥想5分鐘,呼吸公園清新的空氣,今天的天氣是有點點濕冷的,有一點點小毛毛雨飄下來的樣子,是個沒那麼大太陽的陰天。 冥想結束以
為了昨天的嘴饞,吃了好吃的舒芙蕾,所以今天特別提早到5:50晨跑。 街燈佇立,照亮暗黑中的道路。我喜歡由漆黑的黑夜到黎明光芒乍現的感覺,充滿了能量及喜悅。 清晨的鄉間小路,沒有人車,只有水鳥、八哥、竹雞跟小狗這些小動物的聲音,每次跑過,田裡、圳溝的鴨鴨、水鳥就會被我驚擾裡,振翅而飛,好療癒!
 最近天氣比較好了,我又開始早起了。 上週天冷又硬要運動,再加上MC一起來,使得我整個身體很虛弱的情況下感冒了;所以我就天天睡到飽。 但其實我是很想要像村上春樹一樣的作息的,就是早上起來寫作,下午運動跑步,之後處理一些雜事,閱讀,晚上九點上床;而且天天持續。
今天是星期六,星期六是我的休息日因為客戶不太會在週六出現打擾,我規定自己早上睡到飽,所以今天睡到了9點才起來。 剛開始練習早起真的很靠意志力在撐,在睡眠不足的情況下還是硬要早起會有一種起來很虛的感覺,我想是我們身體在修復充電時需要充足的睡眠,如果你不讓自己睡飽的話,身體很多的受損很難修復,所以我不
昨天還是沒有達到早睡的目標,今早起床也是一早在馬桶上掙扎了很久之後努力的爬了起床,再怎麼想睡或是沒睡好也都起來了。 一早就化好妝地奔向外面,走路經過公園,在長椅上坐下來閉眼冥想5分鐘,呼吸公園清新的空氣,今天的天氣是有點點濕冷的,有一點點小毛毛雨飄下來的樣子,是個沒那麼大太陽的陰天。 冥想結束以