Eighth English Diary

更新於 2019/04/08閱讀時間約 12 分鐘
5:41 p.m.
  I felt graceful and peaceful in the coffee shop because I had been losing the warming love inside my heart for a long time after reading bible and listening poetries. I didn’t know whether I had qualified value that Jesus wanted to save us by sacrificing his life. Furthermore, I was just a man full of sin that always argued how hard the difficulties in front of me, however he still used his blood and the glory above the cross to reverse our life to more plentiful confine. Why does he think that we worth him to do that? If I reflect to myself, can I do such things to other people? It’s too hard to answer…
  Why does Paul determine to disseminate gospel outside from his hometown. He was just a normal man before god chose him to disciple. Whether god also choose me to do something someday, then how would I make decision when he want to give decree at that time? I’m still afraid that I don’t have enough confidence to abide by the pressure in further growing process. Lord, please let me calm down and give strength from your mercy.
   I still worried about lots of to-do list because I always delayed the schedule in my plan day day after day. I realized how I weak in front of you, even I could’t stand up… I will carry on walking notwithstanding how difficult the way you want me to do, hence giving me more power and intelligence to confront difficulties and reminding me to be humble day by day. Giving all glory to our god. A-Men.
7:05 p.m.
Cost time: 1 hr 30 mins


  1. 挽回 reverse, undo, save, retrieve, redeem
  2. Reverse a.顛倒的(order), 相反的(direction), 背面的,反面的(side)
    e.g. His coat can be reversed when it begins to rain.
    e.g. He reversed his car into the garage.
    e.g. She reversed her views.
    e.g. The court reversed its decision.
  3. 境界 boundary, confine, limit, state, realm(王國,領土,領域,範圍)
  4. Confine n.邊界,邊緣,區域,範圍
    e.g. The scientist are trying to prevent water birds from leaving the confine of this preservation (保護區).
    e.g. We’ll confine our discussion to the main issue.
    e.g. He was confined to bed by illness.
  5. Reflect v.反省,思考,帶給,招致,反應,表現,反射,映射
    e.g. He reflected that he had no right to do this.
  6. 傳播 disseminate (v.散播,傳播), propagate (v.繁殖,遺傳,傳播,普及,傳導), spread, blow about, give about, get wind, take wind
    e.g. propagate scientific knowledge
  7. Rumor v,n.謠言,傳說
  8. Downtown adv, ad, n.城市商業區
  9. Ballet n.芭蕾,芭蕾舞團
  10. 家鄉 hometown, homeland, homeplace, native place, native soil
  11. affection n.感情
  12. Soil n.泥土,土地,國家,領土,務農,農業,溫床,滋生地
    e.g. Some soils are not suitable for farming.
    e.g. He died on British soil.
    e.g. Soil is the fundamental industry in the nation.
    e.g. Parts of this town are soil for crime.
    e.g. A white dress soils easily.
    e.g. Her slanderous (毀謗) words soiled his reputation.
    e.g. The rain soils the stone on the beach.
  13. Disciple n.信徒,門徒,基督教會友
    e.g. Martin Luther King considered himself a disciple of Gandhi.
  14. Discipline n.紀律,教養,訓練,休養,懲戒,懲罰,教規,戒律,學科
    e.g. They have good discipline.
    e.g. It takes years of discipline to become a pianist.
    e.g. A little discipline would do them a lot of good.
    e.g. He disciplined the new soldiers.
    e.g. The boss isn’t going to discipline anybody.
  15. Decree n.法令,政令,命令,教令,判決,裁定,天意,天命
    e.g. He is to be the new ambassador to Japan by decree of the government.
    e.g. The court granted her a decree of divorce (離婚).
    e.g. The minister decreed that there should be a full investigation.
    e.g. The committee decreed the movie unsuitable fo children.
  16. Suitable a.適當的,合適的,適宜的
    e.g. He was just not suitable for the job.
  17. Afford v.買得起,足夠去做,提供,給予
    e.g. Dancing affords us pleasure.
    e.g. Can you afford the time?
    e.g. We can’t afford to pay such a price.
  18. 承受 take, receive, accept, bear, support, sustain, endure, abide by
    e.g. You must abide by the results of your mistakes.
  19. 前面 preceding, ahead, in front, the front, the front side
    e.g. The road diverges ahead.
    e.g. He had been in Cuba the preceding summer.
  20. Mercy n.慈悲,憐憫,仁慈,寬容,善行,幸運,僥倖,救濟,救難
    e.g. The commander (司令官) showed mercy to the prisoners of war.
    e.g. It was a mercy that whole family survived the earthquake.
    e.g. Distributing food among the homeless was an act of mercy.
  21. Homeless a.無家的
  22. Outcast a.被拋棄的,被逐出的,被丟棄的
    e.g. An outcast from society
  23. Day after day 日復一日,天天
    e.g. He was doing the same things day after day.
    Day by day 一天天
    e.g. She is getting better day by day.
  24. Notwithstanding conj.雖然,儘管
    e.g. Notwithstanding he tried hard, he failed in chemistry.
    e.g. Her parents tried to prevent the marriage but the wedding took place notwithstanding.
    e.g. Notwithstanding the bad weather, the match (比賽) went on(進行).
  25. Match n.比賽,競賽,對手,婚姻
    e.g. Our side beat the other in the match.
    e.g. The blue shirt and gray tie are a good match.
    e.g. Bill is no match for his brother on this.
    v.較量,比賽(+against),比得上(+for, in),相配,相稱,比較,匹配,使結婚
  26. Hence adv.因此,由此,從此,從此生,從今世(go/depart hence)
    (Synonym) therefore, consequently, accordingly, thus
    e.g. This is a good necklace, hence it’s expensive.
Mime的沙龍 的其他內容
03:20 p.m. 04/05    I’m not a patient man who can continuously insist on self thought that can’t be influenced by others, even self… I’m often defeat
11:54 a.m.    I slightly arrived at Starbucks late today. I waked up more late day after day gradually. It seems like that I’ve a little tired about
11:17 a.m. In Starbucks Coffee Shop. E   But how should I balance my daily habit? I want to watch TV, play game, do recreational things…You need to so
 11:52 a.m.Thursday in April 4   It’s really hard to insist on personal thought all the time, in the other words, I still need to follow up this worl
  一轉身誰能把感慨拋在腦後,在事過境遷後 過去了又改變什麼,濃情愛戀突然陌生了.. 我不恨妳了,甚至原諒妳的殘忍理由... 聽 Tanya 唱歌,是種療癒讓人忘記時間,沈入回憶漩渦一圈一圈,直達鎖在內心深處的黑暗。 ”我好愛妳” 不管你怎麼做,聲嘶力竭、拋棄自尊、丟失自我、墜入絕望深淵、行屍走
08:34 Start Today, I waked up at 6:00 o’clock probabaly. It’s a little not expecting matter, because I hope that I can adjust to get up earlier like 5
03:20 p.m. 04/05    I’m not a patient man who can continuously insist on self thought that can’t be influenced by others, even self… I’m often defeat
11:54 a.m.    I slightly arrived at Starbucks late today. I waked up more late day after day gradually. It seems like that I’ve a little tired about
11:17 a.m. In Starbucks Coffee Shop. E   But how should I balance my daily habit? I want to watch TV, play game, do recreational things…You need to so
 11:52 a.m.Thursday in April 4   It’s really hard to insist on personal thought all the time, in the other words, I still need to follow up this worl
  一轉身誰能把感慨拋在腦後,在事過境遷後 過去了又改變什麼,濃情愛戀突然陌生了.. 我不恨妳了,甚至原諒妳的殘忍理由... 聽 Tanya 唱歌,是種療癒讓人忘記時間,沈入回憶漩渦一圈一圈,直達鎖在內心深處的黑暗。 ”我好愛妳” 不管你怎麼做,聲嘶力竭、拋棄自尊、丟失自我、墜入絕望深淵、行屍走
08:34 Start Today, I waked up at 6:00 o’clock probabaly. It’s a little not expecting matter, because I hope that I can adjust to get up earlier like 5
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*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
G-EIGHT遊戲展是以台灣獨立遊戲為主打的遊戲展,目的是讓台灣獨立遊戲被更多人重視,也包括了來自日本、韓國、中國及美國等地的遊戲開發工作室及發行商參展。 ||心得分享||
關於: 八HOT 不一樣的麻辣燙鳳山店 (EIGHT HOT) 地址:高雄市鳳山區中山路35號 電話:07-7407111 營業時間:17:00-23:30(無公休日) 粉絲專頁:Eight Hot 不一樣的麻辣燙 IG:@eight_hot_  
《78度的智慧Seven-Eight Degrees of Wisdom》 📖本書為開啟當代「塔羅復興」的頭號功臣,被塔羅迷奉為塔羅聖經,也是塔羅迷必讀十大選書之一。對塔羅有追本溯源的探討,資訊與內容異常豐富。   波拉克按照每張牌的古代象徵圖像,從諸如神話、靈數學和心理學各個面相來深入探究每一張
Hi, everybody! I am Clearwater (清水)!For most of the foreigners, Kimono is one of the cultural symbol of Japan. Even though you haven’t visited Japan
*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
G-EIGHT遊戲展是以台灣獨立遊戲為主打的遊戲展,目的是讓台灣獨立遊戲被更多人重視,也包括了來自日本、韓國、中國及美國等地的遊戲開發工作室及發行商參展。 ||心得分享||
關於: 八HOT 不一樣的麻辣燙鳳山店 (EIGHT HOT) 地址:高雄市鳳山區中山路35號 電話:07-7407111 營業時間:17:00-23:30(無公休日) 粉絲專頁:Eight Hot 不一樣的麻辣燙 IG:@eight_hot_  
《78度的智慧Seven-Eight Degrees of Wisdom》 📖本書為開啟當代「塔羅復興」的頭號功臣,被塔羅迷奉為塔羅聖經,也是塔羅迷必讀十大選書之一。對塔羅有追本溯源的探討,資訊與內容異常豐富。   波拉克按照每張牌的古代象徵圖像,從諸如神話、靈數學和心理學各個面相來深入探究每一張
Hi, everybody! I am Clearwater (清水)!For most of the foreigners, Kimono is one of the cultural symbol of Japan. Even though you haven’t visited Japan