WFOE incorporation in China – Complete Guide

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As mentioned in our article ‘FastLane is delighted to announce the opening of our new office located in Shenzhen China!, the FastLane Group has successfully expanded our business presence into Mainland China. As the Greater Bay Area holds great potential for businesses, we are keen to help our clients take advantage of the growing opportunities in this region, and discuss how to expand into China through the incorporation of a WFOE.
1. What is a WFOE?
Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprises (“WFOE”) is the most favoured investment vehicle for non-Chinese enterprises. Pursuant to Chinese corporate laws, WFOE’s are the China-based business entity designated for non-Chinese enterprises to establish their limited liability company in China. Although there are multiple company structures available to non-Chinese enterprises, WFOE incorporation is the most favoured investment vehicle.
2. What is the process of a WFOE incorporation?

Name Approval

Obtain Registered Office Address

Apply for Business License
2.1. Name Approval
The first step of your WFOE incorporation is to decide on an appropriate name. China maintains legislation that dictates certain requirements for a company name that must be adhered to.
Company names must incorporate the following:
  • Administrative region name of the company’s incorporation
  • Brand name
  • Industry or business the company is operating in
  • The company name must include “Company Limited”
Chinese legislation outlines certain restrictions in respect of what is not allowed in a Company name or what may require special approval from government authorities. Generally, names that may mislead consumers or hinder fair competition, damage or challenge Chinese national unity, policies, social ethics, culture or religion are not allowed.
In addition, special characters are not permitted and certain words that can imply business operations in certain industries (e.g., banks or insurance companies) require special approval. Lastly, words such as ‘China’, ‘National’, ‘State’ or ‘International” also require special approval.

2.2. Obtain Registered Office Address
During a WFOE incorporation, applicants must provide documentation stating that it has a registered office address in which the business will operate. Applicants should submit a document showing this registered address in the form of a copy of the lease contract or a property deed.
It should be noted that under current Chinese laws and regulations, it is prohibited to apply for incorporation when utilizing a virtual office as a registered office address.
2.3. Apply for Business License
Upon receiving approval for a WFOE name and obtainment of a registered office address, a business license must be obtained from the local State Administration for Industry and Commerce (“SAIC”).
To prepare for document submission, it is important that applicants compile the following documentation:
  • Documentation evidencing that their company name has been approved
  • Proof a registered office address
  • Business scope (the incorporated WFOE will only be able to conduct business activities the outlined business scope)
  • Identity documents of the shareholders
  • Proof of registered capital to be injected
2.4. Other Considerations
The location you incorporate your WFOE in will have considerable effects on your business operations. Different geographic regions in China may possess varying subsidies and initiatives to support start-ups and SME’s. In addition, these geographic regions within China may even offer different consumer markets for certain industries. To ensure applicants can take full advantage of these subsidies and incentives, it is recommended to take time to research which geographic region is most suitable to your firm and your business intentions.
When drafting your WFOE’s business scope, careful attention should be given to defining what business operations your WFOE will perform. The Chinese government maintains the right to prohibit or restrict your business activities if your business scope does not align with Chinese laws and regulations. To avoid any unnecessary complications upon the commencement of your business operations, make sure that your business scope aligns with the long-term goals of your company.
Although there are no rules dictating the minimum amount of registered capital for a WFOE, it is recommended that the initial investment be sufficient to support the WFOE’s proposed business activities. A sufficient initial investment should allow the WFOE to operate in China for at least one year, without the risk of its insolvency for its operations.
Do you have additional questions regarding how to incorporate a WFOE? Are you interested in learning about the various benefits to incorporating a WFOE? If so, please feel free to contact FastLane for assistance!

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在街道的一隅,有一間開張不久的咖啡廳   ——Wonderland   一次意外都相遇,白瑀成為了Wonderland的員工,   也因此邂逅了他們。   他們一起碰上許多新奇古怪的事件,   不論是人亦或是非人,都讓白瑀大開了眼界。   但危險也在他們身邊悄然盛開。   正因為如此,  
以前的年代,每家都是孩子一籮筐,個個都覺父母偏心,而且一定不是偏向自己,老大覺得自己什麼都得讓、老么覺得什麼都得揀大的用過的、排中間的更是懷疑自己是父母撿來的。 尤其是鞋子,小孩腳長得快,父母需要精打細算,一雙鞋需要改朝換代經歷多位主人才能功成身退。
自己對各行各業或是其他設計師的一天總是充滿好奇,不管是文章還是木曜的一日系列都覺得看完有更認識不一樣的工作方式,分享一下我大部分的一天吧! 通常我都會寫個週計畫和日計畫,條列式的把已知的待辦事項都寫下來,然後希望可以一一把他們完成,一天的開始絕對是開個MAIL收收信,之前有待過一間公司會有公關部門統
  今天腦海裡一直在播放Linkin Park的In The End,英文奇差無比其實聽不懂歌詞內容,但是聽歌聲就覺得有一種無處可逃的絕望嘶吼感。   本來以為是今天還是要一個人獨挑大梁的上假日班而感到絕望,但是到後來卻感覺不是這麼一回事。
在街道的一隅,有一間開張不久的咖啡廳   ——Wonderland   一次意外都相遇,白瑀成為了Wonderland的員工,   也因此邂逅了他們。   他們一起碰上許多新奇古怪的事件,   不論是人亦或是非人,都讓白瑀大開了眼界。   但危險也在他們身邊悄然盛開。   正因為如此,  
以前的年代,每家都是孩子一籮筐,個個都覺父母偏心,而且一定不是偏向自己,老大覺得自己什麼都得讓、老么覺得什麼都得揀大的用過的、排中間的更是懷疑自己是父母撿來的。 尤其是鞋子,小孩腳長得快,父母需要精打細算,一雙鞋需要改朝換代經歷多位主人才能功成身退。
自己對各行各業或是其他設計師的一天總是充滿好奇,不管是文章還是木曜的一日系列都覺得看完有更認識不一樣的工作方式,分享一下我大部分的一天吧! 通常我都會寫個週計畫和日計畫,條列式的把已知的待辦事項都寫下來,然後希望可以一一把他們完成,一天的開始絕對是開個MAIL收收信,之前有待過一間公司會有公關部門統
  今天腦海裡一直在播放Linkin Park的In The End,英文奇差無比其實聽不懂歌詞內容,但是聽歌聲就覺得有一種無處可逃的絕望嘶吼感。   本來以為是今天還是要一個人獨挑大梁的上假日班而感到絕望,但是到後來卻感覺不是這麼一回事。