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Film stars and music celebrities may earn a great deal of money and live in luxurious surroundings, but many of them lead unhappy lives. Do you agree?
To what extent is this the price they pay for being famous?
Many people would agree that many film stars and music celebrities lead unhappy lives even though they may earn a great deal of money and live in luxurious mansions. News items regularly report that famous people have depression, drugs problems or even commit suicide. Is this the price they pay for being famous? I will now look at these issues in more detail.
In general, many believe that financial stability brings happy life because of less worries about basic life needs.This is especially true with wealthy people, including billionaires, famous sports players, Internet celebrities, film stars and music celebrities who could not only pursue but afford luxurious lives. Dressing elegantly, living in an expensive mansion and fine dining is the definition of success nowadays. Furthermore, celebrities in entertainment business particularly enjoy this spotlight, cheers and applause from fans, and obtain mass audience’s attention. Traveling around the world seems to be a habitual routine because of tour concerts or films publicity. To sum up, it looks like living in a paradise for general public who ultimately could not have till death. Although some people argue that film stars and music celebrities must take more social responsibilities to be role models for fans, it is totally worthy of paying the price to become the worship icon.
I feel the question is not ethical whether a big fortune defines living a happy or unhappy life. Happiness comes from a range of positive emotions including joy, pride, contentment and gratitude. It seems to be that mental stability plays a more important role than money. Yet, according to news articles, many celebrities in most countries of the world have suffered from depression and anxiety their whole life. Some of them even commit suicide or suddenly die. It is unrealistic to think that people were born to know how to cope with sudden fame, big fortune and huge applause. I believe it requires extremely strong inner strength. If soul and mind are not mature enough, it is very easily to fall into pieces or get in trouble. This is especially true if those celebrities start their entertainment business since their childhood. Take ex-Disney stars for example, Britney Spears, Shia LaBeouf, Lindsay Lohan, and Justin Bieber, they all got into trouble with the law for different reasons. Their agents consider them as products not human beings. They had to work 24 hours a day in order to maintain the status of being famous in such an excessively competitive and cruel environment where one day being popular and becoming nobody the next day. In my opinion, earning a great deal of money does not necessarily bring happy lives.
Recently, cyber bullying becomes a serious problem, especially for those celebrities who are easily attacked by their antagonists. In the old days, celebrities only need to pay attention to paparazzi who pursue them to take candid pictures everywhere. With the development of smart phones and social media apps, they even have to take care of their social pages for haters, violent languages, threats, and insulting words. I think that all men are created equal. Every person has their right to life including celebrities as well. This should not be a price to pay for sacrificing privacy, and revealing personal life, such as personal dressing style, romances, and marriage. Moreover, they also have to take precautions against crazy fans, stalkers and overly obsessed fans. For these reasons, it is tough to maintain a happy image but in reality, to be wary about every little detail happening in their life.
In conclusion, nobody would suggest that only general public have human rights, but film stars and music celebrities don’t, just because they need to pay a price to be famous. Earning a great deal of money absolutely cannot bring happiness, therefore many celebrities lead unhappy lives due to mental problems, suffering from stress and being exploited.
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這本書的篇幅很小,個人也很喜歡這種作者很快把重點說一說的論述結構。如果看了許多另類事實、假訊息、資訊戰的報導、研究書刊,覺得好像哪裡搔不到癢處,那麼這本小書說不定會中。 作為指稱別人的說法似是而非,放屁根本直接到不行,單刀直入沒在客氣。但放屁終究跟說謊不同,而問題就在不同處。記得那位喜歡編故事的李大
  關於教授學習如何寫作的書籍,市面上依舊以歐美的作家為大宗,我幾年前也介紹過幾本,不過讀完後事實上對我的寫作能力提升著實有限,因為很多書中提出範例的書籍,都不是當時的我讀過或是有興趣的。     前一陣子開始針對一些寫作相關的資料做查詢時,偶然看到了這本“百萬小說家的職人必修課“,老實說一開始我
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這本書的篇幅很小,個人也很喜歡這種作者很快把重點說一說的論述結構。如果看了許多另類事實、假訊息、資訊戰的報導、研究書刊,覺得好像哪裡搔不到癢處,那麼這本小書說不定會中。 作為指稱別人的說法似是而非,放屁根本直接到不行,單刀直入沒在客氣。但放屁終究跟說謊不同,而問題就在不同處。記得那位喜歡編故事的李大
  關於教授學習如何寫作的書籍,市面上依舊以歐美的作家為大宗,我幾年前也介紹過幾本,不過讀完後事實上對我的寫作能力提升著實有限,因為很多書中提出範例的書籍,都不是當時的我讀過或是有興趣的。     前一陣子開始針對一些寫作相關的資料做查詢時,偶然看到了這本“百萬小說家的職人必修課“,老實說一開始我