學歷 vs. 實務經驗

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In today’s job market it is far more important to have practical skills than theoretical knowledge. In the future, job applicants may not need qualifications. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
People have a tendency to accept that in today’s job market it is far more important to have practical skills than theoretical knowledge. However, in my opinion, I firmly believe both are equally significant for job applicants to master a better career path. Speaking about professionals, such as doctors, lawyers, and accountants, fundamental education establishes basic understanding of that specific field. Certifications or licenses are essential to verify their capabilities for practice. In addition to practical skills, professionals can possibly explore more insights to advance the industry to a new era. Take organ transplantation for example, despite medical expertise is critical, while coping with patients and family relatives, emotional comforting skills and regulations acknowledgement are also decisive. Considering each case of organ transplant is unique, doctors would learn more from practical practice and benefit to the medical industry, not only domestic but around the world.
Despite the fact that recently, more and more recent graduates face difficulties of job hunting, some people suggest university education can be related to future occupations in order to facilitate career planning. This is a very short-sighted point of view toward university education. Universities are not defined as vocational schools. While studying in universities, students are required not only to broaden knowledge of expertise, but also to learn ways of independent thinking for analysis, problem solving and reasoning. For example, a person majored in history could specialize in information technology because adapts the logical thinking of historical theories into engineer programming. It shows that academic studies should not be rigid. More importantly, how to apply theories to work, even to daily life, should be the primary thought. Many people argue that learning mathematics is not relevant to daily life. Yet, mathematics is not solely defined as arithmetic. It associates with logics, philosophy, and critical thinking. These skills are practical to deal with life issues and how to manage finance for living.
If theoretical knowledge is not important, why so many courses continuously appear in the job market? This is a simple economics theory of supply and demand. Theoretical knowledge has been discussed for a long time and been viewed worthy of academic advanced study. Take EMBA for example, it requires applicants with years of working experiences, at certain position and also having specialty in their career field. Without those criteria, no arguments of comparison between theories and practices could be developed in school. It is also helpful to enhance competence and expand proficiency when returning to work. Especially when meeting some barriers or bottle necks, historical research and studies could assist in developing creative ideas and solutions. What’s more, during the time period of pandemic, digital transformation becomes the main business challenge. Nevertheless, most people do not know how to run an e-Commerce campaign even though very familiar with using the Internet every day. Online education platforms have become very popular because demands of raising own competence in the job market.
With working in a changing world, theoretical knowledge could be considered as a basic foundation, and practical skills are the tools to form the shape of a person. Thus, people are able to learn and adapt within continuously moving trends in order to survive in the job market. An old saying proves that learning never ends.

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培養技能的重要性 在我們的日常生活和職業生涯中,技能的培養是一個永恆的話題。無論是剛踏入職場的新人,還是已經在某個領域打拼多年的資深人士,擁有專業技能都是成功的基礎。專業技能的存在,既能讓你在某個行業站穩腳跟,也能讓你具備解決問題的能力,成為不可或缺的資源。 專業技能的價值 培養技能並
有些人看到能力比學歷重要這句話,就會自動想成,所以學歷就不重要。 那麼,對工作來說,學歷到底重不重要?
讀書,重要嗎? 很多高中畢業後,就踏入社會,當然....很辛苦。 很多大學生,畢業後也踏入社會,可還是...很辛苦。 這辛苦的成分在於,求職的工作,多是一些3萬上下的上班族工作。 既然,都是3萬元的工作,那學問...重要嗎? 當然拉,如果你是創業的,辛苦又是另一個層面。你若是公務人員,
學生在選擇大學科系時受到熱門職業及收入的影響,對比2010年與2024年熱門科系的變化。儘管文科學群對應職業較少,但它培養的批判性思維和文化敏感度有重要價值。 持續的學習與探索,讓我們在職業生涯中理解自己的優劣並提升適應能力。最終,成功的職業之路不應受到科系的限制,而是源自於對知識的掌握與靈活應用。
最近對於職涯的一個深刻體悟是如何區分「職涯」與「工作」, 用英文來做區別的話就是Different between Job and Career。 我大學畢業四年左右,在過往找工作的道路上,我從來沒想過「職涯」,眼前只有所謂的「工作」。 因此每次我應徵到了一份新的工作時,我總是抱持著我只是來這裡
"Your most valuable skill is the thing you can reliably do under pressure that delivers results--and looks like magic to those nearby." "Novice wan
培養技能的重要性 在我們的日常生活和職業生涯中,技能的培養是一個永恆的話題。無論是剛踏入職場的新人,還是已經在某個領域打拼多年的資深人士,擁有專業技能都是成功的基礎。專業技能的存在,既能讓你在某個行業站穩腳跟,也能讓你具備解決問題的能力,成為不可或缺的資源。 專業技能的價值 培養技能並
有些人看到能力比學歷重要這句話,就會自動想成,所以學歷就不重要。 那麼,對工作來說,學歷到底重不重要?
讀書,重要嗎? 很多高中畢業後,就踏入社會,當然....很辛苦。 很多大學生,畢業後也踏入社會,可還是...很辛苦。 這辛苦的成分在於,求職的工作,多是一些3萬上下的上班族工作。 既然,都是3萬元的工作,那學問...重要嗎? 當然拉,如果你是創業的,辛苦又是另一個層面。你若是公務人員,
學生在選擇大學科系時受到熱門職業及收入的影響,對比2010年與2024年熱門科系的變化。儘管文科學群對應職業較少,但它培養的批判性思維和文化敏感度有重要價值。 持續的學習與探索,讓我們在職業生涯中理解自己的優劣並提升適應能力。最終,成功的職業之路不應受到科系的限制,而是源自於對知識的掌握與靈活應用。
最近對於職涯的一個深刻體悟是如何區分「職涯」與「工作」, 用英文來做區別的話就是Different between Job and Career。 我大學畢業四年左右,在過往找工作的道路上,我從來沒想過「職涯」,眼前只有所謂的「工作」。 因此每次我應徵到了一份新的工作時,我總是抱持著我只是來這裡
"Your most valuable skill is the thing you can reliably do under pressure that delivers results--and looks like magic to those nearby." "Novice wan