
2021/07/12閱讀時間約 8 分鐘
What are some benefits of doing a hobby for society and what are social impacts?
In general, it is said that spending time on an activity can have positive impacts on both physical and mental health. There are several benefits of having a hobby for individuals. For instance, this is a good chance to try something new, to build new skills, and to increase knowledge. On one hand, it helps prevent bad habits and wasting time. On the other hand, with a learning curve, being patient is a very critical value to conquer difficulties. While doing a hobby, it is surely to take one’s mind off everyday life stresses. There is no doubt that doing hobbies is important for individuals.
One major benefit is that people with hobbies seem less likely to suffer from stress and depression. Some people argue that this brings harmony and improves well-being for a more peaceful society with less violent activities. In addition, doing a hobby helps social life and creates a bond with others. Cooperation plays an important role in a modern society. Thus, some hobbies, such as sport games, enhance appreciation of teamwork, rather than an individual’s achievement. Meanwhile, many believe that sharing specialized knowledge with others drives personal accomplishment and satisfaction. With digital technology development, social media facilitate demonstrations of doing hobbies, including YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. Learning a hobby seems not only to taken up in schools, but also to be accessible from online influencers and key opinion leaders. The cost to the society seems to be decreasing thanks to virtual activities through these online media platforms.
Yet, according to the Guardian, it reported, “the richest cultural capital or the widest range of hobbies – who wield the most power and influence in society.” I am personally inclined towards this research finding. Hobbies could be regarded as an indicator of class. To cultivate a new hobby costs a lot of money, time and effort. Take camping for example, the equipment is expensive for better quality of enjoyment. Outdoor clothing is also pricy in terms of mountain climbing, hiking or biking. Some argue that working class people have no leisure time and money to do a hobby. Not to mention that a hobby would not be profitable. Another argument put forward is that some manage to rise up their social scale by changing their cultural habits. Hobbies are considered as a means of social networking for class mobility.
In conclusion, Taiwan education system aims to balance five ways of life. It includes moral qualities, intellectual abilities, physical fitness, social development, and aesthetic appreciation. Hence, cultivating hobbies plays a significant role for students to learn how to nurture their characters while passing on knowledge. However, I think that the initial intention is good, but in reality, not every student has resources to do a hobby apart from learning in schools. It shows that the gap of social class is huge between the wealth and the poor. Hobbies are no longer for personal benefits only, but a means of power and influence for social status. I feel that hobbies indeed have a great impact on society.
petitechi 小琦宇宙
petitechi 小琦宇宙
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