30 day challenge ideas 甲斐(ikigai)

更新於 2024/11/02閱讀時間約 19 分鐘

總之緣起於看了以下這篇談到日本人活得很起勁的文章,連結查詢了DOIY的這個有趣公司,再找看看有沒有30天挑戰的那種文章。然後今天下午在ooh cha cha 自然食編織還想到點子就寫下來自己打算製作的某些30天挑戰或者每天的生活指南之類的。很開心放鬆的一個下午。

什麼是生?甲斐(ikigai)?這個來自日本的單詞可以解釋為找到生活的目標、熱情或意義。在《Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life》





DOIY 100 Things You Must Do Before You Die
Carpe Diem CAllendar
30. day challenge


100 30 day challenge ideas to turn your life around

Running 30 day challenge ideas

the-30-day-challenge-book-thumbnail***Get your copy of The 30 Day Challenge Book: 500 Ideas to Inspire Your Life here***

You don’t always need to partake in massive life altering experiences, around the world adventures or make drastic lifestyle changes to your routine to make a significant difference to your life. Although I’ll never say no to an adventure, I’d like to think that long term change comes from your outlook on life. It’s not necessarily where you are, but what you do with your time there. Change yourself from the inside first.

What I like about the whole 30 day challenge project is that you can make a massive difference to your life without having to spend loads of money, relocate or wait until the time is right. The majority of the 30 day challenge ideas I’ve listed here can be done anywhere — some of them for as little as five minutes a day. I first heard about 30 day challenges from Matt Cutts in his inspiring TED talk


100 30 day challenge ideas

1. Take a photo a day on your way to work.

2. Give a compliment a day.

3. Speak to someone new every day.

4. Keep a thought journal.

5. Write your dreams down every morning for 30 days.

6. Give up alcohol for a month.

7. Give up TV for a month.

8. Listen to a new song every day.

9. Spend five minutes focusing on your breath every day.

10. Take time out each day to watch your thoughts play out like a film — observing without judgement.

11. Be totally honest — so no lying for 30 days (harder than you think).

12. Draw or paint a picture a day.

13. Learn something new every day.

14. Teach others something new every day.

15. Think of your worst habit, you’ve been meaning to ditch and give it up for 30 days.

16. Drink eight glasses of water a day.

17. Try hot yoga every day — many studios offer an intro discount!

18. Ditch the news for a month and instead seek out an interesting article to read every day.

19. Cook or bake something new each day.

20. Spend five minutes a day repeating a positive affirmation you’ve set yourself.

21. Keep a laughter journal. Write down one thing a day that made you really laugh hard.

22. Go for a 15 minute run every day

23. Do 50 sit-ups a day.

24. Write a handwritten letter or send a postcard a day to old friends.

25. Learn a dance routine as part of a group

26. Cycle to work

27. Write down a positive thought a day

28. Keep a gratitude list for 30 days

29. Before you go to sleep, think about the best thing that happened to you that day for five minutes.

30. What have you always wanted to do but never have? Spend 30 days writing down ideas for accomplishing your goal.

31. Spend at least five minutes doing laughter yoga every day.

32. Knit a scarf in a month doing a few lines a day.

33. Drink green tea (high in antioxidants) every morning.

34. Give up bitching for a month or saying anything negative about people.

35. Write a book in a month with help from National Novel Writing Month

36. Go money free or live on a strict budget for a month then splash out at the end.

37. Wake up at 6am to meditate every morning

38. Play devils advocate with yourself each day and really examine your own beliefs.

39. Face a new fear a day — talk to a stranger, pick up a spider… push yourself put of your comfort zone

40. Learn to love yourself just a little bit more each day. You deserve it.

41. Become a master of magic and learn a trick a day — just watch some youtube videos.

42. Watch a film a day

43. Take a photograph of your food every day — it might force you to prepare nicer looking meals.

44. Experiment wearing a new outfit every day.

45. Plant a flower a day — in your garden or just in random places.

46. Do karma yoga (selfless service) for at least 15 mins a day.

47. Take up a new interesting hobby — tai chi, free running, pottery…

48. Write loads of cool ideas for things to do in a hat and pull out a different thing each day.

49. Tell someone you love them each day.

50. Text, write, message…people you care about and tell them why they’re important to you.

51. Learn to draw the human face — record your progress in a sketchbook and be a mazed at the results.

52. Take up life drawing.

53. Learn a new instrument in a month — the ukulele, cello, flute — whatever takes your fancy.

54. Bring your own lunch to work.

55. Be the Yes man for a month and start saying yes to stuff.

56. Stop smoking for 30 days.

57. Create a postcard sized piece of art each day and have a work of art to display at the end of the month.

58. Make a patchwork quilt in a month with 30 squares.

59. Research a different religion or philosophy every day for a month.

60. Read about a different period of history every day.

61. Get knowledgeable about art and pick an art movement a day to inspire you.

62. Do one thing each day that makes you feel inspired.

63. Live in an ashram for a month or visit a temple every day.

64. Revamp your house in a month and learn one upcycling trick a day.

65. Learn a new word every day.

66. Spend 30-60 mins practising a new language.

67. If you live in a city, try to spend some time each day in nature whether it’s your garden, a park or the countryside.

68. Do an hour of exercise a day.

69. Go on a date with yourself or partner doing something new each day.

70. Make an item of jewellery a day

71. Cut out the caffeine for a month

72. Learn to lucid dream in 30 days

73. Ditch social media sites for 30 days, or limit yourself to a few minutes a day.

74. Spend 30 days being a vegetarian or vegan

75. Eat something you’ve never tried before every day.

76. Do an act of kindness a day.

77. Go without talking for a month or visit a silent retreat.

78. Visit a new website a day.

79. Go internet free for a month.

80. Donate a bit of money to charity every day.

81. Read a chapter of a book idea

82. Spend a month reading the Bible.

83. Research a different Hindu God each day.

84. Make a 30 page hand drawn comic book in a month

85. Ditch your car for a month.

86. Be positive for 30 days — even when things go wrong, look only for the positives.

87. Try out napping in the afternoon or changing your regular sleeping patterns.

88. Spend 30 days fundraising for a charity or cause of your choice.

89. Go on a 30 day bike ride and see how far you get .

90. Spend 30 days eating (healthy) raw food meals.

91. Do a brain training puzzle a day like sudoku, crosswords or anything on lumosity.

92. Feel beautiful in your own skin every day.

93. Create a bucket list of 30 items in 30 days.

94. Write down something you love about your partner every day and give them the list after your month is up.

95. Read a poem a day.

96. Write a poem a day.

97. Dance every day — whether you’re good at it or not.

98. Don’t buy anything new for a month.

99. Sell 30 things you don’t need, use or wear anymore and see how much money you make at the end of the month.

100. Spend each day being as ‘present’ as possible and making the most of simple acts and routine tasks. Life will feel brighter and you will hopefully feel more fulfilled. It’s not often what we’ve got or where we are, but our attitude to what life throws our way.

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    *合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
    2024.05.05 不要看照片情勒仔好像毛很短的樣子,其實他毛超厚! 厚爆! 怎麼梳都梳不完,手一撸就能撸出一把毛。 而且這還都是自然掉落的毛,永無止盡地掉。 所以蟲蟲都叫他廢毛王(X 有夠多廢毛,然後平時蟲哥也不梳,所以當蟲蟲偶爾想到要梳一下的時候就隨便一梳一
    wow!!! 居然!!! 完成30天,真的做到了!!!!!!! 當初抱著好像不難,好像又很好玩,不然來做做看的有趣心情去嘗試. 自己因為懶便按照日期來算,今天幾號就要丟幾樣(果然很方便啊,哈哈!) 覺得被自己鼓舞到-要說有什麼立竿見影的速效倒是沒有-但知道腦袋思路越來越清晰, 任何決策不
    第 30 天,也是最後一天!在這 30 天的寫作中,感觸最深、或是學到最多的 3 件事情是什麼? 終於來到最後一天了!這次挑戰算是成功了吧?雖然中間幾次一度因為工作太忙,深夜才回家,延遲一天才上文,但這樣也算是有個完美 Ending 了!謝謝大家這三十天的照顧~
    Day 30:2023.08.13 畫了一個拿著鞭子的抖S老攻(前一天線稿畫了3小時、今天上色畫2小時20分) #100天練畫挑戰|練畫的耽美小說家—金蟬童子 金蟬童子(Kingzen),原創耽美作者,資深腐女,腐齡20+年。  從峰倉老師的最遊記入腐坑。 想將小說寫得像漫畫一樣。 喜歡攻舒服的
    旅途中的旅途 結束前的結束 我就要走到 達到那個夢 旅行總有終站 卻遲遲邁不開腳步 終於站在那個路口 卻想著奔跑回頭 在看看那山嵐壯闊 在聽聽那鳥語啁啾 在淋淋那冷雨稀落 在聞聞那髮香溫柔 但身後已是一片荒蕪 只留下追憶時的心痛 不再回眸 只能跨過。 /默蚺
    *合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
    2024.05.05 不要看照片情勒仔好像毛很短的樣子,其實他毛超厚! 厚爆! 怎麼梳都梳不完,手一撸就能撸出一把毛。 而且這還都是自然掉落的毛,永無止盡地掉。 所以蟲蟲都叫他廢毛王(X 有夠多廢毛,然後平時蟲哥也不梳,所以當蟲蟲偶爾想到要梳一下的時候就隨便一梳一
    wow!!! 居然!!! 完成30天,真的做到了!!!!!!! 當初抱著好像不難,好像又很好玩,不然來做做看的有趣心情去嘗試. 自己因為懶便按照日期來算,今天幾號就要丟幾樣(果然很方便啊,哈哈!) 覺得被自己鼓舞到-要說有什麼立竿見影的速效倒是沒有-但知道腦袋思路越來越清晰, 任何決策不
    第 30 天,也是最後一天!在這 30 天的寫作中,感觸最深、或是學到最多的 3 件事情是什麼? 終於來到最後一天了!這次挑戰算是成功了吧?雖然中間幾次一度因為工作太忙,深夜才回家,延遲一天才上文,但這樣也算是有個完美 Ending 了!謝謝大家這三十天的照顧~
    Day 30:2023.08.13 畫了一個拿著鞭子的抖S老攻(前一天線稿畫了3小時、今天上色畫2小時20分) #100天練畫挑戰|練畫的耽美小說家—金蟬童子 金蟬童子(Kingzen),原創耽美作者,資深腐女,腐齡20+年。  從峰倉老師的最遊記入腐坑。 想將小說寫得像漫畫一樣。 喜歡攻舒服的
    旅途中的旅途 結束前的結束 我就要走到 達到那個夢 旅行總有終站 卻遲遲邁不開腳步 終於站在那個路口 卻想著奔跑回頭 在看看那山嵐壯闊 在聽聽那鳥語啁啾 在淋淋那冷雨稀落 在聞聞那髮香溫柔 但身後已是一片荒蕪 只留下追憶時的心痛 不再回眸 只能跨過。 /默蚺