上了國中之後,闘始學英語,接觸了余光先生主持的西洋音樂節目,其中有個單元會介紹美國告示牌排行榜(Billboard ),唱英文歌學美語有趣多了。
後來她又唱紅了一首暢銷歌曲 "What's Love Got to Do with It" 很多人都能朗朗上口哼幾句,後來還出了以此為名的電影。
you must understand
though the touch of your hand
makes my pulse react
that it's only the thrill
of boy meeting girl
opposites attract
its physical
only logical
you must try to ignore
that it means more than that
what's love got to do got to do with it
what's love but a second emotion
what's love got to do got to do with it
who needs a heart when a heart can be broken
it may seem to you
that i'm acting confused
when you're close to me
if i tend to look dazed
i read it some place
i've got cause to be
there's a name for it
there's a phrase fits
but whatever the reason
you do it for me
repeat chorus
i've been taking on a new direction
and i have to say
i've been thinking 'bout my own protection
it scares me to feel this way
what's love got to do got to do with it
what's love but a sweet old fashioned notion
what's love got to do got to do with it
who needs a heart when a heart can be broken
從網路資料上得知蒂娜透娜的作品被「滾石雜誌」(Rolling Stone)列入史上最棒500大專輯之一,並被列為史上最偉大歌手之一,全球唱片銷量超過1億張。
歌而優則演,蒂娜透娜曾在1975年電影「衝破黑暗谷」(Tommy)飾演迷幻女王;1985年與梅爾吉勃遜(Mel Gibson)演出「衝鋒飛車隊續集」(Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome),獲得了1986年有色人種促進協會形象獎最佳女主角。
她一生得過12座葛萊美獎(Grammy Awards)肯定,曾於1991年入主搖滾名人堂(Rock and Roll Hall of Fame),搖滾女王之封號當之無愧。