最近幾天市場最熱議的話題其中之一是舊金山聯儲(San Fransico Fed)對於美國人超額儲蓄的預估。
基本上,雖然各種口徑的預估方式略有不同,但是舊金山聯儲給出的初步看法是,3Q23,美國人的超額儲蓄會用完。Overall, despite differing methodologies and assumptions, the existing body of work on household savings following the pandemic recession firmly points to the rapid accumulation and drawdown of excess savings in the United States. Our estimates suggest that a relatively small amount—around $190 billion—remains in the overall economy, and we expect the aggregate stock of excess savings will likely be depleted during the third quarter of 2023—that is, the current quarter—for which initial data will be released later.
筆者不會說,股市或經濟就此就會發生怎樣的負面影響,因為,筆者看的到,政策制定者也看的到。別忘了,明年有總統大選,因此,任何對經濟有利的變數都可能發生。因此,寫在此,只是做個註記,當個check point。知道有些事情的臨界點可能將屆。供參考。
Excess No More? Dwindling Pandemic Savings | San Francisco Fed (frbsf.org)