作品名稱:VirtualscapeA /漂流在虛空的記憶碎片
「102º_GPSMAS + 121º_GPSTW=virtualscape 」系列作品年代:2023作品尺寸:27.7 x 61 cm
作品媒材:數位多媒體,照片, EA藝術微噴
Two groups of images taken at different latitudes and longitudes, by comparing the images and the marked GPS, present the changes in the two groups of humanities, society and customs in two existing networks. Images are not only the reproduction of phenomena, but also a channel to another time and space; through the GPS channel of the series of images, the condensed moment, the desire of a foreign land, and the contented gaze form a new connection in the hearts of the viewers.
This image is extracted from a ‘Virtualscape’ series of visual artworks and photographs, a moment of suspended breath, an endeavor to grasp inner messages. Yet, just like in the multimedia virtual space of the artwork, it feels so elusive, almost non-existent and yet present at the same time.