(15) Gods

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#They all use mechanical translation, and my English is not good.

For humans, a god is not only a noble being, but also a "god who can let humans off their guard and trust"

I have often wondered what man is praying to God for, pious, attentive, as if he was defenseless at that moment, the truest time, when man prayed for happiness, man prayed for wealth, man prayed for the desires of his heart, prayed to the gods. I... Instead of praying to the gods, but for ##while praying, I don't understand greedy desires, I don't understand the meaning of health, it's not that there are no desires, but I know that my desires are not within their reach. I don't understand what humans do, or is my behavior the last thing they understand? But I'm just... After all, God has already become the "closest existence" to human beings when they are unconscious, and the gods like kind people, and whenever they complain or pray, the gods are listening. They have always been calm and intelligent, looking at the way humans pray, the interaction between adults and children... I don't understand the meaning of prayer, but if prayer is "blessed" then I understand it, so I don't pray for myself, but for ##while praying, praying ##Do not be too tired, praying ##able to be happy, praying ##they can last forever. As I said, it's not that I don't have desires, it's just that my desires are not within the reach of the gods, and I pray, pray for the sake of praying, because I want to ##while praying, like in the prayer room, except that I just want to close my eyes and pray. pray The gods are like lighthouses, lights in the storm, mirages in the desert, thinking they are there, but they are not, but so what? A basic introduction to mirages mirage distance Gods and people, religion and life have long been your daily interactions. Prayers in daily life, complaints of discomfort and confusion, prayers under certain desires and activities held.

一切所以,又或者其他,但誰又明白? 奧妙中的無知,盛大中的秘密。

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(11) Meditation Leisurely, leisurely on the overpass at Dajia Railway Station, leaning on the railing to watch the sunset, blowing the evening breeze,
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遇亨通的日子你當喜樂;遭患難的日子你當思想;因為上帝使這兩樣並列,為的是叫人查不出身後有甚麼事。 ‭‭傳道書‬ ‭7‬:‭14‬ 人面對事物的感覺很敏銳,亨通的時候,我們會開心,患難的時候,會愁苦。但若僅止於此,我們則和動物無異。
為何容外邦人說: 他們的上帝在哪裏呢? 然而,我們的上帝在天上, 都隨自己的意旨行事。 他們的偶像是金的,銀的, 是人手所造的, 有口卻不能言, 有眼卻不能看, 有耳卻不能聽, 有鼻卻不能聞, 有手卻不能摸, 有腳卻不能走, 有喉嚨也不能出聲。 造他的要和他一樣; 凡靠他的也要如此。
宗教可以是一個很美好的事物。他使人有力量、獲得寬慰。  不知為什麼,有一些些人卻會誤用裡面的論點, 無論是有意無心,用了裡面的故事來審判別人。
如果世界上有神,神應該怎麼樣子? 神全能,神有優點、有缺點,神有故事,神彼此之間有一個群體,神會互相合作、溝通。 你會發現,不論是東方西方,也不論是哪個教派,跟神相關的形象,一直都離不開人的影子...
為什麼所有人都在追求幸福的生活, 但有些人過上了幸福的生活, 有些人卻獲得了不幸福的生活?
遇亨通的日子你當喜樂;遭患難的日子你當思想;因為上帝使這兩樣並列,為的是叫人查不出身後有甚麼事。 ‭‭傳道書‬ ‭7‬:‭14‬ 人面對事物的感覺很敏銳,亨通的時候,我們會開心,患難的時候,會愁苦。但若僅止於此,我們則和動物無異。
為何容外邦人說: 他們的上帝在哪裏呢? 然而,我們的上帝在天上, 都隨自己的意旨行事。 他們的偶像是金的,銀的, 是人手所造的, 有口卻不能言, 有眼卻不能看, 有耳卻不能聽, 有鼻卻不能聞, 有手卻不能摸, 有腳卻不能走, 有喉嚨也不能出聲。 造他的要和他一樣; 凡靠他的也要如此。
宗教可以是一個很美好的事物。他使人有力量、獲得寬慰。  不知為什麼,有一些些人卻會誤用裡面的論點, 無論是有意無心,用了裡面的故事來審判別人。
如果世界上有神,神應該怎麼樣子? 神全能,神有優點、有缺點,神有故事,神彼此之間有一個群體,神會互相合作、溝通。 你會發現,不論是東方西方,也不論是哪個教派,跟神相關的形象,一直都離不開人的影子...