詩篇38: 拯救我的主啊,求祢快快幫助我!| Psalm 38: give me help, O Lord

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Come quickly to give me help, O Lord, my salvation.







<A Psalm. Of David. To keep in memory.> O Lord, be not bitter with me in your wrath; let not your hand be on me in the heat of your passion. For your arrows have gone into my flesh, and I am crushed under the weight of your hand. My flesh is wasted because of your wrath; and there is no peace in my bones because of my sin. For my crimes have gone over my head; they are like a great weight which is more than my strength. My wounds are poisoned and evil-smelling, because of my foolish behaviour. I am troubled, I am made low; I go weeping all the day. For my body is full of burning; all my flesh is unhealthy. I am feeble and crushed down; I gave a cry like a lion because of the grief in my heart. Lord, all my desire is before you; my sorrow is not kept secret from you.


My heart goes out in pain, my strength is wasting away; as for the light of my eyes, it is gone from me. My lovers and my friends keep away from my disease; my relations keep far away. Those who have a desire to take my life put nets for me; those who are designing my destruction say evil things against me, all the day their minds are full of deceit. But I kept my ears shut like a man without hearing; like a man without a voice, never opening his mouth. So I was like a man whose ears are shut, and in whose mouth there are no sharp words. In you, O Lord, is my hope: you will give me an answer, O Lord, my God. I said, Let them not be glad over me; when my foot is moved, let them not be lifted up with pride against me. My feet are near to falling, and my sorrow is ever before me. I will make clear my wrongdoing, with sorrow in my heart for my sin. But they are strong who have hate for me without cause: those who are against me falsely are increased in numbers. They give me back evil for good; they are my haters because I go after the thing which is right. Do not give me up, O Lord; O my God, be near to me. Come quickly to give me help, O Lord, my salvation.

For Machine

Psalm 38 (Q3066515)

詩篇圖片皆授權 CC0



A.H. 小語

今日 #主日詩篇 38 讀著讀著,一邊緊張萬分,一邊對大衛的悲痛欲絕,感同身受,久久不能釋懷。令人不禁想起巴勃羅·魯伊斯·畢卡索(Pablo Ruiz Picasso,1881-1973)他在1902年的名畫《蜷坐的女人》(Crouching woman)一樣,陰鬱蜷縮在牆角,向上帝阿爸父禱告吶喊: 拯救我的主啊,求祢快快幫助我!求祢快快幫助我!

愛因斯坦: "所有的科學都只不過是日常思維的提煉。” 對於A.H.而言,每個人的內在都住著一個好奇的小孩, A.H.藉著寫科普,提煉日常的觀察與理解, 期待科學其實也能成為大家閒話家常的有趣日常。

A.H.科普(pScience) 的其他內容
你當默然倚靠耶和華,耐性等候他;不要因那道路通達的和那惡謀成就的心懷不平。Take your rest in the Lord, waiting quietly for him; do not be angry because of the man who does well in his evil
在你那裡有生命的源頭;在你的光中,我們必得見光。 For with you is the fountain of life: in your light we will see light.
我的心必靠耶和華快樂,靠祂的救恩高興。My soul will have joy in the Lord; it will be glad in his salvation.
義人呼求,耶和華聽見了,便救他們脫離一切患難。耶和華靠近傷心的人,拯救靈性痛悔的人。The cry of the upright comes before the Lord, and he takes them out of all their troubles...
諸天藉耶和華的命而造;萬象藉他口中的氣而成。。。因為他說有,就有,命立,就立。By the word of the Lord were the heavens made; and all the army of heaven by the breath of his mouth...For he g
祢是我藏身之處;祢必保佑我脫離苦難,以得救的樂歌四面環繞我。。。你們義人應當靠耶和華歡喜快樂;你們心裡正直的人都當歡呼。 Be glad in the Lord with joy, you upright men; give cries of joy, all you whose hearts。。。
你當默然倚靠耶和華,耐性等候他;不要因那道路通達的和那惡謀成就的心懷不平。Take your rest in the Lord, waiting quietly for him; do not be angry because of the man who does well in his evil
在你那裡有生命的源頭;在你的光中,我們必得見光。 For with you is the fountain of life: in your light we will see light.
我的心必靠耶和華快樂,靠祂的救恩高興。My soul will have joy in the Lord; it will be glad in his salvation.
義人呼求,耶和華聽見了,便救他們脫離一切患難。耶和華靠近傷心的人,拯救靈性痛悔的人。The cry of the upright comes before the Lord, and he takes them out of all their troubles...
諸天藉耶和華的命而造;萬象藉他口中的氣而成。。。因為他說有,就有,命立,就立。By the word of the Lord were the heavens made; and all the army of heaven by the breath of his mouth...For he g
祢是我藏身之處;祢必保佑我脫離苦難,以得救的樂歌四面環繞我。。。你們義人應當靠耶和華歡喜快樂;你們心裡正直的人都當歡呼。 Be glad in the Lord with joy, you upright men; give cries of joy, all you whose hearts。。。
這是我近期的疑惑,有些動漫女性角色的聲音,聲音也太高,氣音也太多了吧?! 這樣真的有人看得下去嗎? 難道不會覺得耳朵痛嗎? 起因是我在 Netflix 上看到一部少女動漫作品。 這部作品的漫畫我之前有看過,角色塑造都很可愛,劇情也流暢,是一部看了會讓人心裡暖暖的作品。所以我一看到 Netflix
這是我近期的疑惑,有些動漫女性角色的聲音,聲音也太高,氣音也太多了吧?! 這樣真的有人看得下去嗎? 難道不會覺得耳朵痛嗎? 起因是我在 Netflix 上看到一部少女動漫作品。 這部作品的漫畫我之前有看過,角色塑造都很可愛,劇情也流暢,是一部看了會讓人心裡暖暖的作品。所以我一看到 Netflix
Writing 生活玩家