Frontage Announces Co-CEO Promotions

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EXTON, Pa., / January 13, 2025 / – Frontage Holdings Corporation (SEHK stock code: 1521) announced on January 6 2025 that Dr. Abdul Mutlib has decided to step aside from his current role as CEO of the company to facilitate the Company’s leadership succession planning and that Chief Strategy Officer Dr. Wentao Zhang and President Dr. John Lin have been promoted to Co-CEOs of the company effective today. Going forward, Dr. Mutlib will assume an advisory role as the Chief Scientific and Strategy Officer, ensuring a smooth transition and business continuity. Dr. Mutlib will remain committed to Frontage for at least a year, advising and supporting the Frontage leadership team, contribute to Frontage’s growth plans across various business units, and participate in business development, especially in early drug discovery and development.

Dr. Zhang has been a valued Frontage executive for nearly 4 years, following Frontage’s acquisition of Quintara Discovery, which Dr. Zhang founded in 2012. Likewise, Dr. Lin has been a core member of Frontage’s executive team for over 17 years, most recently serving as President of Frontage Laboratories, Inc.

In announcing the promotions, Dr. Song Li, Executive Chairman on the Board, said, “Since its founding over 20 years ago, Frontage has been a remarkable and dynamic organization. We have continued to enjoy impressive growth in many areas during Abdul’s successful tenure as CEO and we are grateful for his vision and leadership over the past two years. I believe he has guided the company through a period that has presented some challenges to the CRO industry and, through his steady stewardship, has positioned us for ongoing success.”

Dr. Li continued, “Wentao and John are incredibly talented leaders – each of them have proven track records of delivering impressive results for Frontage, while inspiring their colleagues at Frontage and our partners throughout the industry. They both have many years of executive-level experience and have been working closely with Abdul in preparation for assuming their new responsibilities as Co-CEOs. I respect Abdul’s decision to step aside from his role as CEO and I am thankful that he will be remaining with the organization as Chief Scientific and Strategy Officer – a role in which he will offer support to Wentao and John, while also offering guidance to the company in strategic and corporate development initiatives. As Co-CEOs, Wentao and John will have clearly delineated roles and responsibilities, and I believe their history of effective collaboration presents a unique leadership opportunity for Frontage. On behalf of the board of directors, it is my privilege to announce their elevation to their new roles.”

In announcing his decision to step aside as CEO, Dr. Mutlib said, “As I approach my 65th birthday, the time is right for me to transition from day-to-day duties of actively managing the Frontage organization. Serving our clients, employees, and stockholders as CEO for the past 2 years has been an honor and privilege. The support of Frontage’s Board of Directors and Frontage’s extraordinary employees has helped us navigate through a challenging environment while delivering the impressive results that our clients have come to expect from us. I am looking forward to continuing to serve Frontage in my role as Chief Scientific and Strategy Officer, a role in which I will offer my full support to Wentao and John. I have complete confidence in their ability to lead Frontage into the future, and I congratulate them as my successors.”

Dr. Zhang said, “I am honored to succeed Abdul as Frontage’s Co-CEO. He has demonstrated remarkable leadership for the company over the last 2 years. I am fortunate to continue to work with Abdul in my new role and am humbled by the confidence that Abdul, Song, the Frontage board of directors, and our dedicated employees have placed in me. My Co-CEO John and I have worked together for many years, and it is the honor of my business career to collaborate with him in leading our company.”

Dr. Lin said, “I would like to express my thanks to Song and the board of directors for the opportunity to lead this outstanding organization with Wentao as Co-CEOs. Abdul has set an impressive example in leadership over the past two years, and I am grateful for the opportunity to continue to work with him. Wentao is a remarkable colleague, and we will endeavor to jointly lead Frontage with humility, integrity and care, as we maintain our focus on serving our customers, enhancing profitability and creating long-term value for all of our stakeholders.”

About Frontage ( )

Frontage Holdings Corp (1521.HK), together with its wholly owned subsidiaries including Frontage Laboratories, Inc., is a global Contract Research Organization (CRO) that provides integrated, science-driven, product development services from drug discovery to late-phase clinical process to enable biopharmaceutical companies to achieve their development goals.Comprehensive services include drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics, analytical testing and formulation development, preclinical and clinical trial material manufacturing, bioanalysis, preclinical safetyand toxicology assessment, and early-phase clinical studies. Frontage has enabled many biotechnology companies and leading pharmaceutical companies of varying sizes to advance a myriad of new molecules through development and to successfully file global regulatory submissions. For more details visit

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在全德科技的全球經營會議上,CEO發怒,原因是東南亞的業績出現了三成的下滑。這一驚人的數字引起了高層的高度關注和不滿。為了挽救這一困境,CEO緊急召集了負責東南亞市場的高管們,要求他們立即採取行動。 黃瑜作為科技營銷市場的主要負責人,壓力倍增。她明白這次的業績下滑並非小事,必須迅速找到解決
未來將新增 AI & 半導體巨頭財報之個人解讀。
新加坡元續科技赴港創業板上市 半導體蓬勃發展推動新加坡精密工程服務需求   近年,多家高新技術企業為應對宏觀因素影響,紛紛推動供應鏈多元化,上游佈局亦由以往集中在中國大陸和台灣,逐漸轉移到以新加坡為首的東南亞市場。其中,UMC、Applied Materials、恩智浦半導體、格芯、世界先進積體
不是我整理的,但因為我自己在做功課,順便分享給大家 蔡力行,首席執行官 大家下午好。聯發科第一季度表現穩健。收入超出了我們指導的高端,主要是由於智能手機、寬帶和電視客戶的庫存需求超出預期。毛利率超出了指導範圍,這是由於一次性項目,扣除此項後,毛利率為 47.9%,高於我們指導範圍的中點。 在上
摘要重點 1.2024 年會是成長的一年,在各產品線都有升級潮與產品組合優化。 2.聯發科在 AI 具備多種邊緣運算裝置的產品組合,且在雲端擁有 SerDes IP。 3.車用、ASIC 等下一波成長動能會在 2025 年底開始貢獻營收。
大家好,我是 Miula,從 2024/01 起,科技巨頭解碼專案會做出下述調整 - 內容更新由每個月至少 4 篇分析長文,改為全年 50 篇以上的分析長文。