AI-Driven Crypto research platform SoSoValue raises $15M

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The fundraise comes at a $200 million valuation for the rapidly-growing startup

Singapore - January 08, 2025 - (SeaPRwire) - SoSoValue, the leading AI-driven investment research platform, announced today that it has raised $15 million in a Series A. This comes on the back of strong growth over the last month, surpassing eight million registered users.


This comes as crypto assets continue hitting higher all-time prices and overall interest in the asset class recently drove total market capitalisation across all tokens to nearly $4 trillion just weeks ago. The Series A round, co-led by existing shareholder HSG and SmallSpark, with participation from Mirana Ventures and SafePal, brings the crypto startup's valuation to approximately $200 million. Following its $4.15 million seed round in mid-2024, the total investment in the project now approaches $20 million.

This latest funding round was closed at the end of December and is primarily earmarked as a reserve fund for theSoSoValue Indices (SSI) Protocol, an innovative spot crypto index protocol designed to help efficient investment in the crypto market. SoSoValue launched four SSI tokens on Base chain as beta test in late December 2024, namely; MAG7.ssi, MEME.ssi, DEFI.ssi, and USSI (Delta-neutral funding-rate earning). Within two weeks, more than 10,000 unique wallet addresses have been shown to be holding SSI tokens.

The SoSoValue Index Protocol is a cutting-edge spot index solution designed to make crypto investments simple and secured. It leverages on-chain smart contracts to repackage multi-chain, multi-asset portfolios into wrapped tokens that represent a basket of assets. These tokens track the price action of the underlying, effectively achieving the effects of passive index investing. The underlying spot assets are safeguarded by licensed custodian partners for security and full transparency. The SSI tokens automatically rebalance monthly. Token holders are subject to 0.01% tech service fee per 24 hours.

"As Charlie Munger famously said, 'In the long run, none of us can beat the market.' For ordinary investors, the best approach is index investing. We believe the best solution for everyday investors is a spot-based index that automatically rebalances—as a stress-free, market-tracking investment option." said Jivvva Kwan, co-founder at SoSoValue. " To further democratize investing, we plan to launch an open-source index creation tool, empowering professional investors to turn their unique market insights into actionable index strategies. This will enable anyone to issue their own indices, embodying SoSoValue's commitment to information and asset equality."

With the SSI launch, SoSoValue follows through on its vision to make crypto investment tools and resources accessible and equitable for everyone. The SSI protocol to SoSoValue's comprehensive data platforms is the natural evolution of a mission to attract and sustain healthy, long-term participation in the cryptocurrency market. Organic growth to more than eight million total users in one year represents a near-tripling of the user base and shows the appetite for such products.

SoSoValue helps retail investors to sift through vast amounts of data to find meaningful insights; and achieves this by leveraging advanced AI algorithms that analyze data from multiple sources and present it in an intuitive dashboard. Every investor, regardless of background, has access to the same high-quality information and is given the tools to better understand it.

"Finding reliable, relevant data has historically been a challenge in the space, as it has been fragmented across disparate platforms and providers, and we are on a mission to simplify investing in this asset class for all market participants," said co-founder Jessie Lo. "Our growth this past year is proof there is an appetite for actionable information and products, and we will continue to expand and bring more to our users throughout the rest of this year and beyond."

Funds will also be used to expand teams across marketing, engineering, and business development, and also to bring additional products to market that are expected to be launched over the coming quarters.

Development on SoSoValue began in 2023 and after the launch in 2024 is rapidly growing to become the largest professional research platform for digital assets. It was the first to highlight net-inflows and net-outflows fromBitcoin ETFs on a unified dashboard, and is also the first to bring together spot indexes in token form.

To learn more, please visit or join the SoSoValue community onTwitter/X orTelegram.

About SoSoValue

SoSoValue is an AI-driven crypto research platform that offers global investors free access to professional-grade market data, ETF dashboards, 24-hour news, and community services. With over 8 million registered users worldwide, SoSoValue is the largest professional crypto research platform, now available on PC and mobile apps for both Android and iOS. Backers include HSG, SmallSpark, Mirana Ventures, SafePal, GSR Markets, Alumni Ventures, CoinSummer Labs, OnePiece Labs, and others; and the founding team spans decades of experience in AI, traditional and digital asset markets. SoSoValue empowers investors with equitable access to investment tools and resources.

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Jessie Lo


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