A face, half-forgotten, half-revealed, seemed to stare at her through the veil of time. And at the very bottom of the faded canvas, her name was etched in delicate strokes: Jane.
Jane had always known that memories were fragile things, slipping through time like sand through open fingers. But she had never expected to find herself trapped between them, caught in a space where identities blurred and past lives whispered through layers of green and gold.
The day she discovered the Echo Portrait was the day she ceased to belong to a single moment. It had been hidden beneath the peeling wallpaper of an abandoned house at the edge of the forest—an image neither fully formed nor entirely lost, shifting between presence and absence. A face, half-forgotten, half-revealed, seemed to stare at her through the veil of time. And at the very bottom of the faded canvas, her name was etched in delicate strokes: Jane.
She traced the letters with trembling fingers, the ink dissolving into her skin, a sensation like distant voices threading through her mind. As she gazed into the portrait, the world around her dimmed. Shadows lengthened, colors melted, and suddenly, she was no longer standing in the abandoned house.
Instead, she found herself in a time long past, where the air smelled of rain-soaked earth, and a man stood beneath a twisted tree, his face lost to shifting mist. He turned toward her, his eyes filled with something like recognition. You found me, he murmured.
Jane understood then—she was not merely an observer. She was the vessel, the bridge, the keeper of echoes that refused to be erased.
And so, she walked forward, into the haze of forgotten memories, where names dissolved, and faces blurred, but the past was never truly gone.