Following yesterday's AI art creation discussion, I wanted to try out some of my favorite paintings by famous painters. What kind of works would be created if they were recreated through AI remix?
The left pictures below are the original paintings, and the right picture is the result of aH's AI text descriptions.
不過, 怎麼感覺是另一位法國印象派畫家的作品?
But why does it feel like the work of another French Impressionist painter?
繼昨日的AI藝術創作力後,就想試試幾位家己喜愛的名畫家畫作,若透過 AI亂做 (remix)重新創作後,毋知會呈現出啥物款的作品 ?
頂懸左圖是原畫作,右圖是小 a透過 AI文字描述,產生的結果 。