有孚窒惕中吉,終凶,利見大人,不利涉大川。 -- 水氣會蒸發、往天上飄浮而停滯在天空中凝結、變成雲霧。雲霧不斷累積,最終也會從天空降下凶狠強勢的大雨,使得流水跟著暴漲、造成地域深水分隔,這是大人或一般的成年人、大多數人都明顯可見的事。不容易的是,在發生意識衝突的爭執訴訟之時,要怎麼涉過深水、渡過大河,要怎麼去和異地的人交涉溝通啊!
初六:不永所事,小有言,終吉。/ 變卦天澤履 -- 不能長久永續的去做一件事,通常是因為心中沒有浮現出想像的成果、感到美好的未來遙遙無期而失去耐心,於是受到一點信心的打擊就敲退堂鼓了。積沙成塔、澤水起風,引發雙方衝突的言論也是如此,就像微小的水氣經過壘積之後,最終會凝結成強烈的風波、浮顯出巨大的沖激和變化。意識的協調和爭執的化解不能太急燥,要步步爲營、通情達理啊!
九二:不克訟,歸而逋,其邑人三百戶,無眚。/ 變卦天地否 -- 如果衝突還不到非進行訴訟不可的程度,還是心平氣和、不動聲色的化解爭執比較好。因為,在訴訟的時候還得依靠中介的轉譯者處理大量的資訊。天在上、地在下,當天地發生爭執、互相否定對方、彼此漸行漸遠,苦的是奔命於天地之間的人哪!這情勢還不夠明顯嗎?[P.S. 此處「邑人」不是一般的「國人」之意,而是「中介的轉譯者」(inter-translator) 或「詮釋者」等資訊處理者的意思,也可以說是「譯人」。「三百戶」則是代表「很多門類」或「許多科目」。]
六三:食舊德,貞厲,終吉,或從王事,無成。/ 變卦天風姤 -- 攝取和過去風俗習慣有關的資訊,接納外界新奇事物的刺激、對外進行小心謹慎的偵察和探索,最終一定會有好的結果。把自己的領域開放一部份出來、縱容網路共享事業在其中發展連繫,不必要求自己佔有完全的成果。此時最應該觀注和照料的是:打好學業的基礎、穩固事業的根基啊!(P.S. 此處「從」解爲「縱容」,「王事」解爲「網路共享事業」。)
九四:不克訟,復即命,渝安,貞吉。/ 變卦風水渙 -- 如果雙方的衝突還不到非進行訴訟不可的程度,還是回復到各自的天命或專長的事情,安定各自的心情再跨界連繫、經過仔細的偵察再加以連結。精神渙散之時,不宜進行和訴訟有關的交涉或溝通啊!
九五:訟,元吉。/ 變卦火水未濟 -- 爭執訴訟總有勝訴的一方和沒勝訴的一方,不可能雙方都完全滿意。爭執訴訟的目的,其實是在交涉或溝通的過程中,讓雙方的意識達成互動連結、考慮到對方的感受,並且學會彼此協商或妥協。如果只是追求一己的滿意,那終將是無濟於事的!
上九:或錫之鞶帶,終朝三褫之。/ 變卦澤水困 -- 在訴訟的期間,那受到某個地域的賞賜、用銀白錫金飾和堅韌皮革製成、環繞佩戴在腰際、象徵公正威信和清白穩重的貴重腰帶,是在法庭中處理訴訟案件時的公定服裝配件,只有在休息、吃飯、上廁所的時候纔能解下來。一個早上的議程中,這負擔沉重的鞶帶在身上就穿穿脫脫了好幾次呢!處理訴訟可真是一件困難和麻煩的事情啊!(P.S. 此處「三」解爲「多次」。)
"About conflicting and judgement, what can I say?......That's a complex business,......not so funny. It's a public case of conferences, not private talking."
"Yes, I can see there is a meaning related to the 'public messages' in this Hanese pictogram word - 訟."
"訟 sounded like 'song', it might be related to a meaning of singing in public long time ago, just like some protest singers sing in the pub, but that might be an uncertain ancient history."
"公 sounded like 'gong', it has a meaning about 'public'. 言 sounded like 'yian', it has a meaning about 'message'.......Then I suppose the earliest public messages in humankind's civilization were hidden in some popular songs which were sung by some protest singers in public places before the sonata and the senate,......and they were talking about the balance of basic requirements.......for all living beings."
"But......how to keep balance with two sides in the argument?......Look the still water, it always keeps balance on the ground of the earth, that's why Hanese also called 'standard' as 水準 or 水平."
"I see......this qua's sign is consisted by 天 and 水, that means it's talking about 天平 or 天秤,........about scales or the libra, isn't it?"
"Rain water falls down from the sky, and it will also become the steam air and go back to the sky, it's a natural circulation, also a natural balance."
"All the livings need air and water, the nature freely supply air and water to everyone without any charging. If no air, I even cannot talk with you,.......then how can I argue with the other one? If no water, I even cannot know what is the balance,.......then how can I make a good judgment?........"
"Air and water have the ability to keep balance automatically on earth, higher density part of the air will move to lower density part of the air, higher level part of the water will move to lower level part of the water......."
"So, if you are rich in some things, you might spend a part of your welfare to exchange what you are lack of,.......that's the natural balance of the finance......"
"Balance just like a rolling ball on the ground, it can recognize where is higher and where is lower, then go to the lower place. Finance just like the distributing of the welfare, because 'fin' sounded like a Hanese word '分', and it has a meaning about distributing....."
"Actually maybe you can distribute many goods,......even the water for people, but how can you distribute the air for them?......."
"Not all things in the world can be distributed......or make a good judgment of balance, because something just like air, which cannot be divided or shared accurately......."
"Can you share my love with the other one?......."
"You must be a Goddess!......or an angel!......."
"No, I'm just a mermaid......I like sea water which sealed many secrets and I don't need much more air......"
"I don't, too......I had ever lived on the top of the mountain where is less air than the ground, but I still like clean and fresh rain water on the mountain........"
"I suppose there had ever been some inter-translators between us,.......from the mountain to the sea......."
"Look!.......There are many busy birds flying in the air and many nervous fishes swimming in the water,......and so on.......That's why we can closely and peacefully talk to each other at this moment......"
"But some litigation or lawsuit of the conflicting is hard to judge or resolve, just like the light air always go upward and heavy water always goes downward naturally......Then you might see they group together as crowds with their own leading master, and the possible conflicting is just beginning......... "
"Then, we might see the master's consciousness or the tight relationship group's consciousness will be gradually forming during the conflicting time in some humankind's early civilizations, but what will happen?......A horrible war of hot fighting?......or a peaceful deal between tight relationship groups?......."
P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.