2019-12-13|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 4 分鐘

July 14

【作者】Eileen Caddy 【翻譯】熊倩涵 【編輯】顏士寶
EVERYTHING has to grow and expand. You would not want to remain a child all of your life, having to be fed and dressed and have everything done for you. If you watch a child, you will see how it wants to change and how it wants to try new things. All the time it is experimenting and learning growing and expanding. This is the natural process of growing up, of changing. A child does not have to struggle to do it; it comes quite naturally. So with the unfolding of the New Age, which is right here with you now. You need not fight and struggle to move into it; you need not fear the unknown; you need not be concerned with the speed of the changes and expansion all around you. Look forward with real joy and expectancy to what is waiting to unfold. Nothing is too great, nothing is too wonderful, nothing is too impossible. See My wonders unfold in true perfection, and give eternal thanks.
每天給自己 5~10 分鐘的時間,安靜下來,傾聽自己內在的聲音。沈澱、整理自己的生命,也會發現,可以增進自己與上天的聯結。讓我們一起來發現 Opening Doors Within ^_^
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