Do you sometimes wonder why you are where you are, doing what you are doing? Do you ever have doubts in your mind? Seek deep within your heart, and answer these questions honestly. Then, if you feel you are still one of those Doubting Thomases, take time to be still, to seek enlightenment from within, and find out where you fit into the whole vast scheme. I can assure you that it is not by chance that you are where you are. Life may have been very tough for you. You may have had to go through many tests and trials. You may even have been plunged into the fiery furnace. You may be sure there is a reason for all oft: so that all the dross might be burnt away and nothing, but the pure gold—the I AM within-remains, and so that I can work in and through the I AM to bring about My wonders and glories for all to see.