2020-03-06|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 6 分鐘


    1. Put God first.
    2. Each day at dawn and at dusk your divine Beloved opens the door of peace and invites you in. The whole earth meditates then.
    3. Do everything as worship, make every act an offering. The conscious awareness of the omnipresence of God will fill your heart and mind day and night.
    4. Practice meeting all people and all situations with the awareness that you are meeting your Self. Assume basic goodness and transform even the most difficult relationship. Let the truth of your being meet the truth of another. The key to right relationship with everyone is respect based on oneness—the conscious realization that there is only one Reality. Our relationships provide a precious opportunity for spiritual awakening. Behold the Divine in all people and in all situations.
    5. With spiritual maturity, we stop asking God to fix things for us. Instead, we learn to “lean into the light,” to cultivate the conscious awareness of spiritual sufficiency and divine grace already at work in our life. We see through the chaos of challenges by affirming that a higher harmony is unfolding. We bring that inner harmony into expression—first through our faith in the transformative power of Spirit, then through our conscious cooperation to do the next right thing we know to do. Through it all, we trust that all is well. This keeps our mind clear and our heart receptive to the divine guidance that is waiting to pour forth and fill the chalice of our consciousness.
    隨著靈性成熟,我們就會停止要求上帝為我們解決問題。取而代之,我們學習「朝向光明」(lean into the light),培養有意識的覺察力,便能覺知到靈性的豐盈與神的恩典早已在你的生命中運作。我們不會被諸多挑戰帶來的混亂圍困住,因為我們相信有一個更高層次的和諧正在展開,我們將那個內在的和諧展現出來。首先,我們深信「靈」(the Spirit)有改變和轉化一切的力量;接著,我們透過有意識的合作,來做下一件我們知道是正確的事情。透過它,我們相信一切皆善。我們的腦變得更清晰,我們的心變得更容易接收上天的指引。我們的意識是一只杯子,上天的指引早就等待著被倒入和注滿這只杯子。
    我住在美國加州聖荷西。我是專業中英文翻譯人員、教師和作家。 I live in San Jos, USA and I'm a translator/interpreter/teacher/writer.
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