NOSE’s smelling the flavor of ROSE/Heritage.
Effects of the photo, clearly due to the technology of the smartphone.
Herein, the appliance shows us her intelligence,
To record my sensuous experience.
Move with NATURE,
Enjoy dancing with SCENERY,
Appreciate getting moved naturally. Pleasantly Yours, Love365**
熱情陽光和潔淨空氣, 歡迎著,
花朵綠葉順其自然地, 舞動了.
中心的橙黃色澤花瓣: 如同太陽力量, 充滿活力, 動後體感;
環繞的粉嫩顏色花瓣: 透露歡欣愉悅, 溫暖幸福, 舞後心覺.
好棒的一場表演, 舞台要素全員到位, 渾然天成.
喜歡隨興自由地攝影, 喜歡心曠神怡的美景;
宇宙萬物千變萬化, 天時地利佳景入鏡, 愛!