[1] 可以參考The Ghost in the Atom(中譯為《原子中的幽靈》)書中採訪John Bell的章節。他說:「我認為解決我們目前的問題的,可能來自其他領域,一些本來並不是專門在研究這些困難議題的人,可能是最後看見解決曙光的人。我很喜歡一個比喻:門開著,一群蒼蠅卻在窗戶的玻璃前嗡嗡地想飛出去。面對問題時退後一步、花一些時間思考,我認為是非常有幫助的。我認為很有可能,像我們這種一直在鑽研這些問題的人,不會是最後解決問題的人。(I think it is very probable that the solution to our problems will come through the back door; some person who is not addressing himself to these difficulties with which I am concerned will probably see the light. An analogy that I like is that of the fly buzzing against a window when the door is open. It can be extremely useful to stand back from your problems and just wander about for a time, and it is quite possible that those of us who are somewhat fixated on these questions will not be those who see the way through.)」當中的這段話,透露了理論物理學家在最前端的地方遭遇到困境,他們自己知道很有可能被自身的觀念所困,卻很難能走出這些固有觀念的羈絆。