我遠遠尾隨著他們的背影,上上下下,有時爬得一身汗,脫下外套又是一段下行的山路,冷風吹來吹乾熱汗,使我打一個寒顫。有時是乾枯赤裸的土石,只長著小灌木,黃色的小花滿山滿谷開著,枝上長著尖刺。他們的背影在眼前消失了,我看著Barnicoat Range Walkway的看板前進,不久又因看到他們而感到安心。他們爬上近乎垂直的Richmond Hill Lookout一棟小樓,我也跟著爬上去。也許人家想小解或休息啊。我問他們這小樓做甚麼?女士告訴我:「山中夏日容易引發森林火災,有人在此負責觀看留神,一旦發現,會立即通報處理。現已入秋,火災可能性較小,所以工作人員離去了。」我問他們:「我要走到Easby Park ,Richmond,該如何走?」他們將下山,提醒我要朝右邊山路走。
謹記向右前行。走過許多松針、松果滿地、松樹搖曳的美麗步道,貪婪地張大口呼吸新鮮的空氣,感受人在山中寧靜的幸福。路上不見一人,使我想起王維的詩,竄改為「山中不見人,但聞松濤響。」靜謐的氛圍讓我陷入沉思,居然走到標示Barnicoat Range Walkway看板的盡頭。
我查看地圖標示山路附近往Easby Park的道路,但始終不見那路。於是我選擇朝右的路走去,看到殘留的木頭,感覺這似乎是產業道路,供輸送木材所用,沒有看到往山下的路,只看到遠方山谷綠色的小湖泊。我仍在山中走,心想「再走下去也不會到達山下道路的。」將近三點,我又走了三個小時了。我開始心慌了。秋天日頭五點要下山,我必須趕緊回頭。於是我衝刺似地拔腿跑,快四點時,我趕緊向牧師Phil求救。但電話不通。跑回Barnicoat Range Walkway看板處。我往來時路走,又感覺不對。心想這下子慘了,今夜我可能要在山中度過了。除了方才看到兩隻兔子外,山中應無虎豹蛇象。只是沒水,沒食物。所帶的一份吐司,中午已吃了。400cc的水,我還保留一些。但是整日流了不少汗,感覺自己身體已經乾渴了。我向上帝祈禱有人可以救我離開山中。
再嘗試走另一向右的山路。這回我有警覺性,拿著手機走了二三十分鐘,覺察我還是在山中,這不可能是往Easby Park的路。04:55我趕緊發簡訊給Phil。「我需要幫助,我本想走到Easby Park,但我迷路了,我在山中。」他可能覺得莫名其妙。我趕緊快跑回頭,跑回標示Barnicoat Range Walkway處。途中Phil來電,問我在哪裡,是甚麼路?他要接我。「可是我在山中啊,沒有路名,沒有燈與人家。」
我告訴他,我在Barnicoat Range Walkway,右邊是 Reed Rd 。
05:36 Phil關心:「警察連繫你了嗎?」
我跑上Barnicoat Range Walkway盡頭時五點多了。警察打電話給我,問我手機還有多少電?可否用compass?我說我手機無法上網。Phil也不斷來電,但警察正跟我通話。他不斷地給我簡訊,安慰鼓勵我。
靠著他們的頭燈與腳踏車燈,我們三人快步走下山。他們時而騎著,時而下車走著,讓我走在兩輛腳踏車中。我們朝Barnicoat Range Walkway回頭路走,走過下午我走過的山路,爬過圍籬,繞過一處必須繞著山谷的窄路。我說:「我經過這裡,只是我沒看見任何標示,不知在此要轉向另一條山路。」他們說:「限於經費,市政府沒有做很多路標,連當地人都會迷路呢!」
當夜躺在溫暖乾爽的被窩裡,既感幸福,又覺得恐怖。如果沒有mountain bikers,今夜是怎樣的景況?我也想到及時跑回Barnicoat Range Walkway,是正確的決定,否則就無法遇到mountain bikers了啊。還有Phil報警,警察跟他們互動,讓他們確認我已跟警察聯繫,這也很重要啊。後來記者採訪協助我的兩位朋友,把我迷路山中,因他們獲救的故事加以報導。無論如何,感謝mountain bikers、Phil、警察,更要感謝上帝的眷顧。
從此之後,喜愛獨自出遊的我參加Tramping Club,跟著領隊與一群同好登山。
2021年7月4 日重修
I got lost in Marsden Valley Barnicoat Range walk way when I went tramping by myself on 19th May 2016.
I have been in Marsden Valley before it happened. From Marsden Valley to Easby Park will take 4〜5 hours, so I chose a lovely, sunny day to challenge myself. I started from my home at 7 am and I arrived Marsden Valley at 8:30am. When I was walking, I met the first couple, but they finished walking just at the beginning.
It was a beautiful day, I viewed the scenery on the top of the hill and enjoyed the fresh air as well. I was very happy and relaxed. Later, I saw another couple and followed them. When they had lunch under “Richmond Hill Look out” I asked them the direction. They told me “Keep right……”
After they left, I was alone completely, but I wasn’t terrified. However, I enjoyed the peaceful, free time and the forest, which belongs to me. When I saw the last Barnicoat Range walk way sign, I turned right and walked more than 1 hour, then I found I was still in the valley. I ran back to the sign with anxiety. I tried another one and it was also wrong. I ran back again and it was getting dark, though it was just 5 p.m. I thought I need help so I called my friend- Phil and Phil contacted police. Fortunately, when I was talking with the police, lots of mountain bikers came toward me. I let them talk with the police and asked them to help me. It was very dark. Relying on the bike’s light and their head light, I ran to Easby Park and Phil had been waiting for me.
On our way to the Park, when we pass a track, which I should turn right, but there were no sign. The mountain bikers said that the local people would lost, even though I was a newbie. And I was very lucky, because they go mountain biking once a week. If I had gone tramping on another day, I wound have to stay at the forest by myself.
A few days later, when I visited Phil, He showed me a local newspaper, which reported 2 mountain bikers rescued a woman who had got lost in the Richmond Hills.
It seemed like a funny story, but I have joined the tramping Club since then.