更新於 2022/01/10閱讀時間約 7 分鐘


Hey all!
Happy New Year to you! I hope you all had a great celebration and did your countdown ( 跨年倒數) (not “cross-year “ please…. 😒). If you did, it’s great! It means you are still young and energetic. If you didn’t (like me), it great too! It means you are getting wiser and value your sleep more than your FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) 😆.
So I had my first lesson of the year with student M. We talked about the hindsight of 2021. I thought before we dive into 2022 with great excitement and brand new resolution, maybe it is worth looking back at all the things you have achieved and learned. Doing that could help you to map out a more feasible and realistic plan to achieve your goals from where you are now. I forgot the exact word for this quote but it goes something along the line with “ 你必須先知道你現在在哪,才能知道該往哪裡走”
💡So there are 3 questions suggested by (Marie Furleo) that we can ask ourselves:
  1. What did I do, create or experience in 2021 that I’m really proud of?Sometimes we are being too crictical of ourselves and constantly beating yourself up for not doing enough. Stop that! Start to take stock of the good things that you did, even if it’s tiny little thing like waking up a little early, drinking more water everyday, saying something nice to your colleagues. These are things worth to be proud of. Don’t underestimate the compounding effect of small positive decisions you have made everyday.
  2. What mistakes did I make? What lessons did I learn from this?Again, mistakes are inevitable. The point is not to beat yourself up over it but to take a step back and look at it objectively, extract the lesson from it and leverage what you have learnt. After all, best lessons are learned from mistakes.
  3. Let go of craps that is holding you back.In order to see the changes you want to see and become who you really want to be, you must not let your old disempowering beliefs stand in your way. Like “i’m too old for this” , “ I can’t because i don’t have enough resources” , “no one will care anyway”. As you may already know, “change your action, change your result”. If you want to see different outcome, start with being aware of what you have been telling to yourself, and choose ones that empowers you.
Hello! 我是教英文的 Judy 老師。從小在南非長大的我,一直都不知道我想要做的是什麼,但那時候唯一確定的是我很喜歡日文,也喜歡看日劇,因此便毅然決然地離開南非去日本教英文。也還好有英文,我才能用這樣的優勢來跟其他歐美國家的人一起成為英文老師。在日本教書五年後,發現英文不只是個讓你在職涯上能夠有更多選擇的能力,同時也是跟世界各國溝通並且理解和認識世界的必要技能。因此回來南非後,我便開始我的線上英文教學,也發現學習和教學語言就是我熱愛的事情。目前我教的學生有超過80位,其中有好幾位跟著我學習英文超過 2年。我的學生一開始都不太敢用英文,甚至打招呼都很害怕。也有幾個學生太習慣用中翻英的方式來表達,但往往詞不達意。但在幾個月後,我可以看到他們漸漸可以用完整和道地的英文來聊自己日常的事情,甚至是表達想法。對於把學好英文為今年目標的你,可以開始行動了!不要讓這件事情又變成你明年的願望。
為了幫助我的學生能夠多接觸英文,我將我寫給學生的文章 po 在這裡,也希望我到文章對你有所幫助跟啟發。
如果你想要更了解我的課程跟上課方式,可以透過 email : kaedejan@gmail.com 來聯繫我。目前開設課程有初級,中級,高級,面試和團體班。團體班有提供優惠價歐~
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