Chinese New Year is around the corner ! 新年快到了!你們今年在農曆新年裡有什麼活動呢?可能這一年很多活動也不能有吧?教了八課英文,其實你們知不知道我是在哪裡的人呢?如果你看了我的作者介紹,可能都已經知道了,我是香港人。現在香港新一輪疫情氾濫 (the pandemic is getting more and more severe),新一年的新年也沒什麼可做了,我和未婚夫家裡的團聚也取消(call off)了。 我就想,究竟我可以教什麼呢?
新年最重要的,當然是派和收紅包啦!近來,我都開始用了很多虛擬銀行,當然也有用支付寶,不過我爸媽沒有用電子支付 (electronic payment) 來應付日常開支( daily expenses),可能他們也會給我一封紅色的實體紅包吧!大概我也是傳統的人,如果發紅包給舊生對正在唸大學的他們以示鼓勵,我不介意派紅包,但如果我是去他們家裡,或者我爸媽給我紅包,我當然是 prefer (寧願) 實體的紅包呢!那種紙的質感,是一種家的溫暖的感覺!電子的東西,在這種場合,未免太冷漠了吧!不過,各位的打賞(文未有 likecoin button,可以按1-5下,作為對這篇文章的打賞,各位也可以訂閱我的讚賞公民),雖然是電子化,但當然是小小無拘啦!哈哈!
發紅包 give red packets
- 不能立馬在現場拆紅包 can't take a look at the amount of money inside the packet on spot
- 馬上 immediately / at once
You can't take a look at the amount of money inside the packet immediately after your relatives give it to you. 你不能在親友給你紅包之後立馬拆來看看裡面裝了多少錢。
It's for showing respect. 是為了尊重別人。
團年 enjoy a family reunion
- Family and friends will gather together to enjoy dinner in a family reunion 家庭和朋友都會聚首一堂吃飯團年
- It's possible that we have not seen one another for the whole year. 我們可能沒有見面一年了。
- So, it's a very significant occasion for us to catch up with one another. 所以這是一個重要的場合,讓我們知道互相的近況。
This year, we are not holding any reunion. You know, not the large scale one. 今年,我們不打算搞大型的聚會。
Why ?
Because of the pandemic. Omicron is looming and everybody is scared. Large-scale reunion is not encouraged either. 因為疫情呀!Omicron一步步迫近,人心惶惶。人們也不被鼓勵舉行大型聚會。
貼揮春 stick spring couplets // put up red paper with blessing
- 在牆上貼 on the wall
- 在門上貼 on the door
red paper with blessing 是那種隨手貼一張「出入平安」在房門口,貼一張「笑口常開」在公司桌前的那種!現在有很多Q版,或者「笑口常開」中間的「口」字會變成emoji 或者公仔的那一種很可愛的Q版揮春!
說溫暖的祝福說話 send heartwarming blessing by telling one another the best wishes in Chinese
- 身體健康,笑口常開 May health and joy be with you!
- 學業進步 Nail all of the tests in the coming year!
- 財源滾滾來 May all of the wealth stay with you!
Nail it! = You've done a good job !
所以,nail all of the tests = 所有的測考都拿到高分!