更新於 2022/02/26閱讀時間約 6 分鐘


原文發佈於:2021/05/12 【三顧茅蘆,被看見的美】"請邀請我" 。投射者俱樂部
難怪叫醒乘客(*指Human Design/人類圖/人類設計/人設圖中的乘客)如此困難。如果你看不到這個世界、如果你的存在不引起它的自然動力,那麼你將不僅僅是非自我/非我而已。你不是。當然不是。Projector/導能者/投射者能夠說「我正在遵循自己的人生策略,這將保護我」是不夠的,這是不對的。為此,該策略過於開放。
再一次,當你賦予乘客最終可辨識的知識時,你的Aura將會反映出這一點。在該Aura的反映之中,你才真正能夠看到並終於有了一個顯示著:「我運行正常,我的動力不足 出於我的動機而運作,我以一種原本應該去看世界的方式去看世界,但不要試圖讓我遠離這裡」的路標。就是這個。

The Projector's Strategy does not Protect
It’s no wonder it’s so hard to wake up passengers. If you don’t see the world, if your being doesn’t resonate to its natural motivation, you are more than not-self. You’re not. It’s just a not. It’s not enough for a Projector to be able to say “I’m following my strategy and that’s going to protect me,” it’s not true. The strategy is too wide open for that.
The Generator doesn’t need to know about their Color motivation other than for the intellectual wakening of the passenger, because they have the moment-by-moment potential of the absolute truth of their Sacral. But a Projector doesn’t have that. And given that Projectors are supposed to be at the top of the hierarchy, it’s not like they were given no tools, or the potential.
It’s people. I was always concerned in the beginning that I would cause too many broken relationships and be blamed for all of that. It’s not an easy thing to tell adults who have complex lives and relationships that it probably was mostly incorrect. Sometimes luck and type come together. But the reality is in most cases it’s incorrect. And then you end up in the woof and warp of what you’re doing.
It’s just people. Projectors that get involved in any kind of knowledge, knowledge that attracts them, tend to go very deeply into its systems that are natural for them. But I’m actually referring to something as well, something much more profound. That is, the very way in which your aura works. That it explores the self of the other.
And again, the moment that you give the passenger the intellectual grasp to be able to discern your aura ultimately is going to reflect that. And in the reflection of that aura, your ability to really be able to see and finally have a signpost that says “I am operating correctly; I’m operating out of my motivation, I’m seeing the world the way in which I was intended to see the world and don’t you try to take me away from that.” This is the thing.
臉友建議翻成:I am operating out of my motivation =出於我的動機而運作
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