但對 Neff 來說,這並不是為人刻薄。她更像是某種老派的公主,剛從一個古老的歐洲城堡內逃脫,且忽然之間被丟入現代社會。(But to Neff, it didn’t come across as mean-spirited. More like she was some kind of old-fashioned princess who’d been plucked from an ancient European castle and deposited in the modern world.)—How Anna Delvey Tricked New York's Party People
安娜在整個影集裡有諸多轉移焦點或是自我開罪的技巧,都跟「美國夢(American Dream)」這個價值體系有關。正因為美國建立在披荊斬棘、尋求人生既有階級之外,新機會的期待之上,美式的「成功」與「地位」有不少直接與財富綁定。我旅居美國的同儕曾說:美國對於才能的認可跟報償非常簡單明確,就是給予巨大的經濟報酬——人人有機會,行行出狀元。造夢場如此,名利場如此,更讓美國社會對於白手起家,弄假成真(Fake it until you make it)有非常樂觀的期待。
如果 Aby Rosen 可以用猶太大屠殺倖存者兒子的身份,隻身在紐約把整個高樓大廈變身成藝術場域;如果卡戴珊家族可以從「虛無」中創造出龐大的財富帝國;如果 Dakota Johnson 可以靠著雕塑她的翹屁股讓一部電影系列(註:格雷的五十道陰影)全球賣座。安娜為什麼不可以?(If Aby Rosen, the son of Holocaust survivors, could come to New York and fill skyscrapers full of art, if the Kardashians could build a billion-dollar empire out of literally nothing, if a movie star like Dakota Johnson could sculpt her ass so that it becomes the anchor of a major franchise, why couldn’t Anna Delvey?)