電影剛進入主線,The Daniels二人組的導演特色已經體現得淋漓盡致。和他們驚艷世人的前作《屍控奇幻旅程》一樣,在觀映初期你必定會問自己「我睇咗啲咩?/ 我看了三小?」,但到了中段你只想說:「不管他嗑了甚麼都給我來一點!」我覺得The Daniels很令人敬佩的一點是,他們引起共情的能力很強。他們的電影中,推進劇情的部分和產生感情共鳴的部分是由不同劇情來承擔的,有點像《天能》中說的:「Don't try to understand it. Feel it.」所以就算你完全不懂女兒Joy那堆有關多元宇宙的虛無主義碎碎念,也必定可以感受到她的厭世,以及穿過一大堆無厘頭的打鬥感受到秀蓮對女兒和丈夫那難以宣之於口的愛。
I wasn't looking for you so I could kill you. I was just looking for someone who could see what I see, feel what I feel. 我找你不是為了殺了你。我只是想找一個人能夠分享我所見的、體會我所感受的一切。
在美國的戰後女權運動中,曾經有一段時間興起過「仇母」的思想,宣揚解放現代女性必需要和傳統的「賢妻良母」的形象分割。在八十年代,女權主義者Adrienne Rich在著作《生於婦人(Of Woman Born)》中寫道:「恐母症可視作女人的自我被撕裂,想一了百了地清算掉我們母親的全部枷鎖,成就個體化與自由。而母親則代表我們自身之內的那個受害者 ── 那個不自由的女人,那個殉道者。(Matrophobia can be seen as a womanly splitting of the self, in the desire to become purged once and for all of our mother’s bondage, to be individual and free. The mother stands for the victim in ourselves, the unfree woman, the martyr.)」
I'm tired. I don't want to hurt anymore. And for some reason, when I'm with you, it just hurts the both of us. So let's just go our seperate ways, okay? Just let me go.
當年秀蓮要跟Wyman私奔到美國時,公公以很符合經典華人家長的形象說了一句:「去了我就當沒你這個女兒,你不要回來了!」在對抗Jobu Topacki時,對秀蓮不聽話的自作主張也失望的說:「You don't look like me.」
Maybe it's like you said. Maybe there is something out there, some new discovery that will make us feel like even smaller pieces of shit. Something that explains why you still went looking for me through all of this noise. And why, no matter what, I still want to be here with you. 或者就像你說的,這個世界很大,大到還有很多新發現會讓我們感覺自己渺小得像坨屎。那或許就能解釋,為甚麼你穿越了那麼多宇宙還是要來找我。還有為甚麼無論如何,我都只想和你在一起。