更新於 2022/11/20閱讀時間約 9 分鐘

June 23, 2021

In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps. -Proverbs 16:9
Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure. -Psalms 16:9
I turned 26 yesterday and I had an awesome birthday. It’s fresh to me because sometimes I’m an overthinker. And I know I’ve been an overthinker for a while, but there’s something different this year. I feel more comfortable talking in my own voice and more active. And it’s because I learn something about myself during these few months.
1.DO something for yourself
Today is Wednesday, June 23rd, 2021. Good afternoon, Taipei! The last thing on my agenda is… No, I don’t do that anymore. In my early twenties, I reach goals for anyone but myself. What does that mean? I didn’t know what to do, not because I did not have any thoughts, but I heard NO more often than YES. So on my first day in 26, I’m so excited to share a video with you guys. :3
2.Stop criticizing
I can’t believe the time is creeping up on everyone. I don’t know about you, but the limitation of humans/myself sometimes makes me feel unbearable. i.e.How many times that you feel or you know you out of time to do something important? My schedule has always been too full or loses control. I fixed problems for others. I speak carefully and gently. But I cannot feel myself. I’ve been fighting a depressed mood and lose hope and happiness. I need a goal and ways to get that. Something good for me and others.
3.Learning slowly is fine
I kept my little secret and then, a secret became a different secret when I kept thinking and talking to myself in my brain. For instance, if I don’t know what he’s talking about, I might pretend that I get what he means. Because I don’t want to feel stupid. However,  the more I hide, the more I feel insecure. Then the way I initially used to protect myself became the pain. I judge myself. Little did I know, this is not healthy to suspect ourselves too often. Too careful on everything is not a good thing!
To cut a long story short, I’m different than before and it’s all happened from inner self to outer self.  It took me a while to really reflect on what happened in my past 25 years… and I had a wholesome birthday yesterday. I’m so grateful for every blessing I got, especially from my parents.
The danger is overrated, at least in my experience.
Lately, I’ve been practicing mind mapping through software called MINDOMO. Also, a digital notes software called NOTION. If these two companies see my video, please contact me. I would love to have some sponsors.
Okay, thank you all for watching. See you next time. :3i
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