更新於 2023/02/26閱讀時間約 5 分鐘


我相信再過不久的將來,一定會有發生由ChatGPT相關技術所造成的科技革命。 他的表現真的太好了XDD 這篇文記錄這個時刻,我猜過個一兩年回來看,他的表現會更令人驚訝。
LeetCode 是一個非常受歡迎的技術面試練習平台,提供了各種難度的題目 💻。以下是一些幫助你充分利用 LeetCode 練習的技巧 💡:
從基礎開始:在進入複雜的題目之前,先從解決陣列、字符串和鏈接串等基本算法題開始 🔨。這有助於建立堅實的基礎,並且發展出對算法和數據結構的良好理解 💡。
重點克服自己的弱點:識別出你有困難的領域,並在那些領域花費更多時間 🔍。這可以通過分析你對特定題目類別的表現,並改善你對這些題目的解決方案來完成 💪。 使用系統化的方法:對於每個題目,首先了解題目陳述,並嘗試想出一個暴力解決方案 🤔。然後,嘗試使用動態規劃、貪婪算法或數據結構等技巧來優化它 💡。
學習其他用戶的解決方案:提交你的解決方案後,花時間研究其他解決方案,並了解題目的不同方法 🤓。這有助於擴大你的知識,並學習其他人的思維方式 🧠。
持續練習:練習是至關重要的!設定每週或每月的目標,保持定期的練習,並且持續進步 📈。不要放棄,即使遇到困難,因為困難會加強你的技能 💪。 通過使用以上技巧,你將能夠充分利用 LeetCode 平台,提高你的技術能力,並準備好面對面試 🎉。加油!💪
LeetCode is a popular platform for preparing technical coding interviews, with a vast collection of problems of varying difficulty levels. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your LeetCode practice:
Start with the basics: Before diving into complex problems, start by solving basic algorithmic problems like arrays, strings, and linked lists. This will help you build a strong foundation and develop a good understanding of algorithms and data structures.
Focus on your weaknesses: Identify the areas where you are struggling and spend more time on those topics. This can be done by analyzing your performance on specific problem categories and improving your solutions for those problems. Use a systematic approach: For each problem, first understand the problem statement and try to come up with a brute force solution. Then, try to optimize it using techniques like dynamic programming, greedy algorithms, or data structures.
Study solutions from other users: After submitting your solution, take the time to study other solutions and understand different approaches to the problem. This will help you expand your knowledge and learn new techniques.
Practice regularly: Consistent practice is key to improving your skills. Set a goal for the number of problems you want to solve each week and stick to it. Participate in contests: LeetCode regularly holds contests where you can compete with other users and improve your ranking. Participating in these contests will not only help you practice under pressure, but also help you learn from others. By following these tips, you can make the most of your LeetCode practice and improve your coding skills. Good luck!
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