更新於 2023/11/29閱讀時間約 4 分鐘

手嶌葵 | 空谷絕音中的希望玫瑰

在追蹤手嶌葵的線索時,意外發現她曾經翻唱過世界名曲『The Rose』,正好切中我的【荒島歌單】的共同主題——希望。歌曲一開始唱著愛,玫瑰也是愛情的象徵,但唱到後來,我們會發現,這首歌説的卻是凜冬中的希望,再冷的寒冬都會過去,再殘暴的戰爭都會結束,春天終會到來,這是自然,也是應許。原本英語是不需要我來翻譯的,然而翻譯這件事並非僅止於精確地譯出文義,而是一種二次創作,一種對詞句的咀嚼與琢磨,一種對美感的領悟與感受。故而技癢,不禁把歌詞翻譯出來,提供大家做參考。這次一共翻譯了手嶌葵的三首歌,希望大家在聆聽她既溫柔又充滿療癒的歌聲之餘,也別忘了欣賞我的譯詞。
Some say love…it is a river                      有人説愛是河流
That drowns the tender reed.                     淹沒柔弱的蘆葦
Some say love…it is a razor                      有人説愛是利刃
That leaves your soul to bleed.                    讓你的靈魂淌血
Some say love…it is a hunger                     有人說愛是飢渴
An endless, aching need.                       是無盡的心痛與索求
I say love…it is a flower                        我卻説愛是花朵
And you, it's only seed.                        而你 是唯一的種子
It's the heart afraid of breaking                    一顆害怕受傷的心
That never learns to dance.                      永遠無能學會跳舞
It's the dream afraid of waking                    一場害怕醒來的夢
That never takes the chance.                     永遠無法獲得機會
It's the one who won't be taken                   不願失去的人
Who can not seem to give,                      無能懂得付出
And the soul afraid of dying                     害怕死亡的靈魂
That never learns to live.                       無能懂得生命
When the night has been too lonely                 當長夜顯得寂寞難挨
And the road has been too long,                   當路途顯得無盡漫長
And you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong.     當你認為唯有幸運 與剛强方能得到愛
Just remember in the winter,                     請你謹記冬日裏
Far beneath the bitter snows…                    在冷酷的冰雪下
Lies the seed that with the sun's love,                 靜躺著一顆種子 陽光灌注以深愛
In the spring becomes the rose.                   在春天便能幻化成玫瑰
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