故事: 有趣的打工農村生活 The Amusing Rural Part-time Life

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Story's First Paragraph:
Tom is a high school student who is passionate about natural sciences. He grew up in a rural area, where he was exposed to farming and dabbled in growing fruits and vegetables. Growing up in such a natural environment, he developed a great interest in the unique charm of nature. However, rural life is not as bustling as the city, and there are not many opportunities to work part-time and earn money.
One day, Tom heard that a large traditional Chinese medicine shop in the alley was recruiting a large amount of medicinal materials for two kinds of herbs, and one of them could even bring high profits. This surprised him greatly because the traditional Chinese medicine materials he usually knew had to be found in deep mountains. Herbs like ginseng, polygonum multiflorum, and snow lotus should grow in deep mountains or require a special environment to cultivate.
However, these medicinal materials could be easily found in ordinary farmland, which made him very curious. So, Tom asked the adults about the actual situation. It turned out that the two types of medicinal materials the Chinese medicine shop needed were crickets and cicada shells. After being dried in the sun, crickets become diuretic ingredients in traditional Chinese medicine, while cicada shells are the exoskeletons left behind after cicadas molt and are versatile ingredients in Chinese medicine, used for treating sore throats, night crying, and other symptoms. Therefore, the purchase price is very high. At this moment, Tom realized that the crickets and cicadas he often played with could be turned into money-making opportunities, which gave him the idea to work part-time and earn money.
Story's Second Paragraph:
So, Tom gathered his friends and other children in the village to discuss working together to earn money. When the children heard that they could make money by selling crickets and cicada shells, they were eager to try and signed up one after another. At first, they found it incredible that crickets and cicada shells could be sold for money, but after Li Renhao's explanation, they all understood. Afterward, the children began discussing their ideas with each other. Many believed that they should catch cicada shells first, as the price was higher, but some thought crickets were easier to catch and could be sold in larger quantities. In the end, Tom decided to divide all the children into two groups, one to catch crickets and the other to catch cicada shells. Considering that cicada shells were more difficult to find, he decided to help the group that was catching them first.
In the beginning, the members of the cicada shell group worked hard to observe and search in the trees. They knew that cicadas generally hide in trees, even when they molt, they would hide high up on the branches. Since there were so many trees, even if each child climbed a different tree to look and search, they still found nothing after half an hour. At this point, Tom began to use his knowledge and experience in natural sciences to think about how to efficiently find cicada shells and catch them.
First, he thought of the characteristics of cicadas. The first characteristic is that cicadas like to stay on trees with smooth bark, juicy trunks, and more branches, such as plane trees. Moreover, considering that it would be time-consuming and inefficient to climb every tree to see if there were cicada shells on it, he eventually came up with an effective method: using a bamboo pole with a large mirror tied to it to quickly see through reflection whether there were cicada shells on the tree trunk. Sure enough, they soon found the first cicada shell, and before long, they found the second, the third, and after a whole day of hard work, they finally found 50 of them.
Story's Third Paragraph:
At this time, the cricket-catching group thought it would be easy, so they adopted a wait-and-see approach, waiting at the entrance of the cricket hole. When they were lucky, a cricket would run out, and they would try to catch it with their bare hands, which, as one can imagine, was quite difficult. When they were unlucky, they would wait and wait but never see a cricket run out of the hole. Their results after a whole day were disastrous, with only a few crickets caught. So, Tom came to help.
At first, Tom didn't rush into action but focused on observation. Later, he noticed a few interesting phenomena. Crickets move very fast and jump high, making it almost impossible to catch them with bare hands. He needed to think of some ways to catch them. Eventually, he came up with a clever method to catch crickets, which involved using a regular transparent plastic bag to cover the entrance of the cricket hole. Once a cricket was spotted running out, the bag would be quickly tied up, preventing the cricket from escaping. Although this solved the problem of catching crickets at the hole entrance, there was still a crucial issue left unresolved: how to predict which hole the crickets would emerge from? Not every hole would have crickets running out, and there were many cricket holes. After observing carefully for some time, Tom found that there was no pattern to be discerned, making it even harder to catch more crickets.
This part indeed gave him a headache. Later, Tom had a sudden inspiration, recalling a famous battle from the Three Kingdoms period, Guan Yu's "Flooding of the Seven Armies." This time, they would try a "Flooding of the Crickets" approach. First, they blocked some of the holes, poured water into a few of the remaining holes, and then used the plastic bag method to catch the crickets at the other hole entrances in a more relaxed manner. This method indeed worked well, yielding a bountiful harvest. After a whole day, they caught more than 600 crickets.
Story's Fourth Paragraph:
After several days of hard work, they finally reaped a considerable harvest, catching a total of 304 cicada shells and 3,122 crickets. However, Tom was also deeply concerned about the ecological balance of nature, realizing that they should not catch all the crickets and cicada shells, as doing so would disrupt the natural environment. Thus, this money-making venture came to an end.
Through this work experience, Tom deeply understood that earning money is not easy. Although he spent the whole day outside, exposed to the sun and rain, and sometimes had to climb up and down, he felt a great sense of accomplishment for the money he earned through his own efforts. Moreover, the experience of working together with the other children in the village, sharing hardships, and achieving goals strengthened their bonds.
Through this money-making activity, Tom experienced his own strength and capabilities, as well as the rewards and satisfaction that came from hard work. In the process, he not only learned a lot about nature and ecology but also experienced the emotional bond that comes from working together with the other children in the village, overcoming difficulties, and reaping the rewards. In addition, the activity made Tom deeply understand the importance of protecting the environment and the indispensability of ecological balance for sustaining life and the functioning of natural systems. He decided to pay more attention to environmental protection in the future and actively participate in various activities to protect nature and maintain ecological balance.
Finally, Tom was grateful for the opportunity to experience such a challenging and rewarding journey, which contributed to his growth and progress. He believes that this experience will stay with him for the rest of his life, serving as a strong support and continuous motivation to move forward.
學校不會學到的東西,真正去受傷之後才有的覺悟,更多的是人生,職場生存術。將自己18年來在頂尖世界級IC設計公司的經驗,及負責眾多知名的客戶SONY, Microsoft , Philips, Panasonic, BBK, Samsung, LG , Sanyo , 等十幾家客戶等寶貴經驗匯集成的職場和生活小故事。

年紀漸長後,我才驚覺,舞台上的歌手們, 多數都已比我年輕。也許正因如此,已很少特別關注哪一位新的歌星。 但方大同,是少數例外。 喜歡他的聲音、他的創作,那獨特的音樂靈魂。他的歌, 有聲音的記憶點,能輕輕敲擊記憶與畫面,喚醒一些獨有的氛圍。 有一段歲月,是香港樂壇輝煌的時代。那時的歌聲與
這是我三天前,摯友限動的內容。 新書《好久不見,靈魂伴侶》出版了,預購期跟正式出版不同,這次出版社和去年一樣是800本親簽。預購是2/21,出版是2/27。 2/21 - 2/26這五天,誠如 IG 的狀態,我聽出版社的話,每天都宣傳。 作家壓力大的部分,除了書市向來低迷,況且
Queen 方格女王是誰?所有為了女性而寫、身為女性而寫的創作者,都是 Queen! 來寫吧!為女性而寫!突破性別框架的日常經歷、職場挑戰、月經謠言終結者,凍卵、懷孕、育兒經驗分享⋯⋯所有成為「她」的人生抉擇,都值得紀錄。 voucs Queen 的一百萬種故事,因你而完整 😍
格友們好,vocus 作為內容平台,我們理解並重視社群互動與回饋對創作者的重要性。為了讓大家在回覆留言時可以更有效率、更直覺,幫助創作者與會員之間的互動更順暢,留言功能升級啦!
雖然已經過了一陣子(然後預算還算不出來到底刪了多少錢),但過年整理房間時翻到這張,還是廣傳一下金門立委陳玉珍的要飯說好了。她可能看錯了,我們手裡的是聚寶盆。 (明天2/19從斗六北上台北,若有在雲林金門人信任我可以約今天在斗六火車站請我轉交連署至造冊地點,我帶空白的給你寫也可以。)
年紀漸長後,我才驚覺,舞台上的歌手們, 多數都已比我年輕。也許正因如此,已很少特別關注哪一位新的歌星。 但方大同,是少數例外。 喜歡他的聲音、他的創作,那獨特的音樂靈魂。他的歌, 有聲音的記憶點,能輕輕敲擊記憶與畫面,喚醒一些獨有的氛圍。 有一段歲月,是香港樂壇輝煌的時代。那時的歌聲與
這是我三天前,摯友限動的內容。 新書《好久不見,靈魂伴侶》出版了,預購期跟正式出版不同,這次出版社和去年一樣是800本親簽。預購是2/21,出版是2/27。 2/21 - 2/26這五天,誠如 IG 的狀態,我聽出版社的話,每天都宣傳。 作家壓力大的部分,除了書市向來低迷,況且
Queen 方格女王是誰?所有為了女性而寫、身為女性而寫的創作者,都是 Queen! 來寫吧!為女性而寫!突破性別框架的日常經歷、職場挑戰、月經謠言終結者,凍卵、懷孕、育兒經驗分享⋯⋯所有成為「她」的人生抉擇,都值得紀錄。 voucs Queen 的一百萬種故事,因你而完整 😍
格友們好,vocus 作為內容平台,我們理解並重視社群互動與回饋對創作者的重要性。為了讓大家在回覆留言時可以更有效率、更直覺,幫助創作者與會員之間的互動更順暢,留言功能升級啦!
雖然已經過了一陣子(然後預算還算不出來到底刪了多少錢),但過年整理房間時翻到這張,還是廣傳一下金門立委陳玉珍的要飯說好了。她可能看錯了,我們手裡的是聚寶盆。 (明天2/19從斗六北上台北,若有在雲林金門人信任我可以約今天在斗六火車站請我轉交連署至造冊地點,我帶空白的給你寫也可以。)
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卡諾蘿斯悠悠的走林子裡的小路上,肩上的青鳥是幸福的象徵,手上輕握的韁繩的另一端,是一匹俊俏的白馬,旅行是他們最愛做的事,親近自然享受著和它融為一體的感覺,光穿過葉間的縫隙穿透了下來,青鳥愉悅的哼個歌 「開心吧!!我們就快穿越這個森林了」她看著前方的白點。   * * * 穿越了森林,是
「內文有狂熱因素請淡定諒解..謝謝-」 第一次認真去年開始 去療癒水果植物以及種植的土地 .所以才會在種植之前 完成獨角獸靈氣課程 題外: 因為自己蠻喜歡做研究實驗精神得 也包括觀察. 不過這些過程免不了也有人說.我有病. 蟑螂也有在研究觀察裡. 純粹因為這是個人的興趣. --
和先生從小徑回家,兩個青少年迎面而來,其中一人正在把玩魔術毛毛蟲,玩得很好,毛毛蟲活靈活現,不亞與購物商場的示範。擦身而過,隱約聽到身後傳來:「你會玩兩隻嗎?」我和先生相視一笑,他也有一隻魔術毛毛蟲,只是不會玩而已。 之前在購物商場閒逛,先生突然被吸引,要求我回過頭去瞧瞧。原來有個賣玩具的小攤,