2011-07-21|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 15 分鐘

如你所掌有(Uti possidetis)/雲程譯

    KMT theorists tend to refer to Uti possidetis, a principle of international law, as evidence that the Republic of China holds the sovereignty of Formosa and the Pescadores. 
    Quite the opposite,
    Uti possidetis is a principle to stabilize the border and to prevent war in the process of de-colonization or independence.  It denotes “that territory and other property remains with its possessor at the end of a conflict, unless otherwise provided for by treaty; if such a treaty doesn't include conditions regarding the possession of property and territory taken during the war, then the principle of uti possidetis will prevail.”  The words “unless otherwise provided for by treaty” are the key.
    Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, by the name of KMT or ROC, came to Taiwan because of the mandate of the General Order No. One issued by SCAP, Supreme Command of Allied Power.  They were the Proxy, the proxy-occupying authority.  The power was exercised under the laws of war, not the laws of peace. 
    Apparently, the late theorist Chiu Hungdah made a big mistake.    revised at 2230

    國民黨理論家「找到」並常引用國際法上的「如你所掌有」(Uti possidetis)作為其擁有台澎主權的根據。事實上,這是用來保護脆弱的新興獨立國家避免因為母國撤離而遭到鄰國侵略的和平法原則。除非條約有其他規定,否則在衝突之後仍為衝突中掌有者所保有。其中「除非條約有其他規定」是關鍵字。

    如你所掌有(Uti possidetis/雲程譯

    如你所掌有Uti possidetis[1]/雲程譯

    Uti possidetis 是拉丁文,其文意為「如你所掌有」as you possess)。這是國際法的原則──有關領土或其他財產,除非條約有其他規定,否則即屬於在衝突結束之時仍掌有者。雲程譯

    17世紀早期,此語為英格蘭的詹姆士一世所用,以表達:雖然他承認西班牙當局在西半球實際控制下的領土,他拒絕承認西班牙根據〈托爾德西里亞斯條約〉(Treaty of Tordesillas)主張西經 46° 37' 以西所有領土的權利。雲程譯

    更近代一些,此原則被修正為「法理上如你所掌有」(Uti possidetis juris),以建立脫殖民地化而新獨立國家之邊境。這是保證邊境與原殖民地疆界一致。這源自於19世紀西班牙帝國撤出南美的實踐。藉由主張適用「如你所掌有」,這些新國家尋求南美在西班牙撤離後沒有「無主地」(terra nullius),同時減少新獨立國家與新歐洲殖民地之間發生疆界戰爭的可能性雲程譯

    在歐洲強權撤離非洲大陸與亞洲大陸,也適用相同的原則。當前中央集權政府垮台,如前南斯拉夫和前蘇聯,其組成的加盟國取得獨立時也適用此原則。在1964年「非洲國家組織」(Organisation of African Unity)通過一項決議,述明基於疆界穩定的原則──主要原則為「如你所掌有」──將適用在非洲國家。當時大多數非洲國家已經獨立,因此決議主要為政治指針,以既存疆界來和平解決條約的紛爭。現在,遵守此原則已避免了非洲國家間的邊界戰爭最明顯的例外是1998-2000年的「厄垂利亞─衣索比亞戰爭」。戰爭的源由是,一個新國家要從一個獨立的非洲國家分裂出來,雙方並非原本就是兩個脫殖民化的鄰國雲程譯


    此一原則,被國際法庭在1986年「Burkina-Faso控告馬利」案件(Burkina-Faso v Mali)中所確認:

    雲程譯「如你所掌有」是一普遍性原則,無論發生於何處,必然與取得獨立的現象有關其顯然的目的是避免因為管理國撤退時邊界變動所引發的分化鬥爭危及新國家的獨立與穩定revised at 2215雲程譯



    Uti possidetis (Latin for "as you possess") is a principle in international law that territory and other property remains with its possessor at the end of a conflict, unless otherwise provided for by treaty; if such a treaty doesn't include conditions regarding the possession of property and territory taken during the war, then the principle of uti possidetis will prevail.[1]  Originating in Roman law, the phrase is derived from the Latin expression uti possidetis, ita possideatis, meaning "as you possessed, you shall possess henceforth".  This principle enables a belligerent party to claim territory that it has acquired by war.

    In the early 17th century, the term was used by England's James I to state that while he recognized the existence of Spanish authority in those regions of the Western Hemisphere where Spain exercised effective control, he refused to recognize Spanish claims to exclusive possession of all territory west of longitude 46° 37' W under the Treaty of Tordesillas.

    More recently, the principle has been used in a modified form (see Uti possidetis juris) to establish the frontiers of newly independent states following decolonization, by ensuring that the frontiers followed the original boundaries of the old colonial territories from which they emerged.  This use originated in South America in the 19th century with the withdrawal of the Spanish Empire.[2]  By declaring that uti possidetis applied, the new states sought to ensure that there was no terra nullius in South America when the Spanish withdrew and to reduce the likelihood of border wars between the newly independent states and the establishment of new European colonies.

    The same principle was applied to Africa and Asia following the withdrawal of European powers from those continents, and in locations such as the former Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union where former centralized governments fell, and constituent states gained independence. In 1964 the Organisation of African Unity passed a resolution stating that the principle of stability of borders—the key principle of uti possidetis—would be applied across Africa.  Most of Africa was already independent by this time, so the resolution was principally a political directive to settle disputes by treaty based on pre-existing borders rather than by resorting to force.  To date, adherence to this principle has allowed African countries to avoid border wars; the notable exception, the Eritrean–Ethiopian War of 1998–2000, had its roots in a secession from an independent African country rather than a conflict between two decolonized neighbours.[citation needed] On the other hand, the colonial boundaries often did not follow ethnic lines, and this has helped lead to violent and bloody civil wars among differing ethnic groups in many post-colonial (and post-Communist) countries, including Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Angola, Nigeria, and the former Yugoslavia.[3]

    The principle was affirmed by the International Court of Justice in the 1986 Case Burkina-Faso v Mali:

    [Uti possidetis] is a general principle, which is logically connected with the phenomenon of obtaining independence, wherever it occurs.  Its obvious purpose is to prevent the independence and stability of new states being endangered by fratricidal struggles provoked by the changing of frontiers following the withdrawal of the administering power.


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