2023-05-15|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 11 分鐘

聽歌__Natalie Merchant (含簡介River Phoenix)

    *Natalie Merchant sings old poems to life
    Natalie Merchant sings from her new album, Leave Your Sleep. Lyrics from near-forgotten 19th-century poetry pair with her unmistakable voice for a performance that brought the TED audience to its feet.

    "Leave Your Sleep (2010)In October 2009, the official websites of Nonesuch Records and Natalie Merchant announced that she had signed with the label. Leave Your Sleep was released on April 13, 2010 [10] and is a compilation of five years of inspiration from a "conversation" with her daughter over the "first 6 years of her life." The album debuted on the Billboard Top 200 at No. 17, Billboard Folk Albums at No. 1, Amazon.com at No.1, and ITunes, No. 3. The album was co-produced by Grammy winning Andres Levin.
    Merchant contributed a cover of Buddy Holly's "Learning the Game" to the tribute album Listen to Me: Buddy Holly, released September 6, 2011.


    Natalie Anne Merchant (born October 26, 1963) is an American singer-songwriter and musician. She joined the alternative rock band 10,000 Maniacs in 1981 and left it to begin her solo career in 1993.

    With 10,000 Maniacs(這個樂團也很好玩...出的專輯還含易經喔...呵)
    Human Conflict Number Five (EP) (1982)
    Secrets of the I Ching (1983)
    The Wishing Chair (1985)
    In My Tribe (1987)
    Blind Man's Zoo (1989)
    Hope Chest: The Fredonia Recordings 1982-1983 (1990)
    Our Time in Eden (1992)
    MTV Unplugged (1993)
    Campfire Songs: The Popular, Obscure and Unknown Recordings (2004)

    Solo 單飛之後的CD
    Main article: Natalie Merchant discography
    1995: Tigerlily
    1998: Ophelia
    2001: Motherland
    2003: The House Carpenter's Daughter
    2010: Leave Your Sleep

    剛好朋友Rain寫了一首"他的生日花語是曇花"...歌中就是描寫River Phoenix這位天才全方位藝人...今天我才因為聽到Natalie Merchant的演出而意外找出他的資料。。。

    歌手Natalie Merchant在1995年專輯"Tigerlily"中,所唱的"River"
    *Natalie Merchant ' River ' VRC0006

    這首歌主要是在描寫瑞凡費尼克斯〈River Phoenix〉的故事。

    1970年八月23日是瑞佛菲尼克斯〈River Phoenix〉誕生的日子,假設瑞佛還活在世界上,他的人生一定會有更上層樓的成就,畢竟太多人認為瑞佛是80年代中期後最優秀傑出的天才型藝人。打開瑞佛的演戲歷史,可說驚呼連連,佳作不斷,23歲就猝死告別人間,的確令人惋惜,從〈Stand By Me〉、蚊子海岸〉、〈Running On Empty〉、〈印第安那瓊斯〉、〈我真的愛死你〉、〈男人的一半是男人〉、〈Dogfight〉、〈Sneakers〉甚至描述鄉村音樂的〈The Thing CalledLove〉等都再再顯現他成熟演技和螢幕魅力,這也是為什麼連基努李維站在一旁,都只有被比下去的份,瑞佛在影壇的愛惜羽毛形象也和一般好萊塢男演員有極大落差,電影〈夜訪吸血鬼〉和〈Even Cowgirls Get The Blues〉都有向瑞佛致敬的意味,瑞佛對音樂方面也頗有心得,是當代好萊塢難得的全方位天才藝人。

    談到音樂部分,這幾年下來有太多歌手向瑞佛致敬,原先裘弟只知兩首,不過好運看到國外歌迷整理,才知道有一卡車之多,樂壇對瑞佛地位和社會價值觀點多有看法,雖然逝者以矣,卻能透過這串串音樂片段,讓這位好萊塢模範生的典範得以長存延續。包括REM在1994的專輯《Monster》、裘弟音樂網曾經介紹的女歌手Sam Phillips專輯《Martinis and Bikinis》都傳達關懷訊息。

    最重要的兩首推薦作品,第一首是1995年一萬個瘋子〈10,000 Maniacs〉女主唱Natalie Merchant首張個人專輯《Tigerlily》中的〈River〉,Natalie用她敘述口吻和質問心情訴盡這則故事,當然也免不了要批判一下瑞佛在鎂光燈和媒體包圍下的心境,整首歌曲滿佈淡憂傷。

    第二首是來自Go Go's女主唱Belinda Carlisle96年深獲樂評讚賞的專輯《A Woman & A Man》中的〈California〉,這首歌不但有貝琳達出道來最好的意識和聲音表現,加上海灘男孩Brian Wilson大老的合聲,充分表現整首歌的矛盾情節,歌詞也頗扣人心弦。

    River Phoenix小檔案

    本名:River Jude Phoenix

    生日:23 August 1970

    出生地:Madras, Oregon, USA

    身高:5' 11"

    死亡日期:31 October 1993,Hollywood, California, USA.


    1. Canceled Lives: Letters from the Inside (1993) (voice)

    2. Silent Tongue (1993)

    3. 愛情有什麼道理 The Thing Called Love (1993)

    4. Even Cowgirls Get the Blues (1993) (uncredited)

    5. 神鬼尖兵 Sneakers (1992)

    6. 春色一籮筐 Dogfight (1991)

    7. Teen Vid II (1991) (V)

    8. 男人的一半還是男人 My Own Private Idaho (1991)

    9. 我真的愛死你 I Love You to Death (1990)

    10. 聖戰奇兵 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)

    11. Little Nikita (1988)(與莉莉泰勒合演)

    12. Night in the Life of Jimmy Reardon, A (1988)

    13. Running on Empty (1988)

    14. Circle of Violence: A Family Drama (1986) (TV)

    15. 蚊子海岸 Mosquito Coast, The (1986)

    16. 站在我這邊 Stand by Me (1986)

    17. "Robert Kennedy & His Times" (1985) (mini) TV Series

    18. Surviving (1985) (TV)

    19. Explorers (1985)(與伊森霍克合演)

    20. Backwards: The Riddle of Dyslexia (1984) (TV)

    21. "Celebrity" (1984) (mini) TV Series

    22. "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" (1982) TV Series
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