更新於 2023/06/18閱讀時間約 6 分鐘

[完美商業英文Email] 會議婉拒篇 - 除了 Sorry,還能怎麼禮貌地回絕 ?

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「完美商業英文Email」開頭問候篇 - 精準打造英文信件開頭:5 種推薦商業技巧,拉近你和客戶的距離 ! 「完美商業英文Email」結尾篇 - 成功連結未來對話的關鍵步驟:6 種英文商業信件的結尾策略

情境一 : 因「...」,不克出席會議

  • 公式 :
[拒絕邀約] + [說明原因] + [替代方案 - 與其他人更新會議資訊]
  • 實例 :
I'm sorry that I can't attend the meeting due to a different schedule at that time, but I'd follow up on the progress with Tom.
  • 實例拆解 :
- 「I can't attend the meeting due to a different schedule at that time」無法出席的原因不一定總是時間上的衝突,你可以視實際情況來更改描述。
- 「I'd follow up on the progress with Tom.」雖然你無法參加會議,但是你將在之後追上進度,表示你對這場會議的重視

情境二 : 舉行會議的時機不恰當

  • 公式 :
[拒絕邀約] + [說明原因 - 缺乏的關鍵因素] + [加強論述 - 錯誤時機帶來的影響]
  • 實例 :
It's great to work on this project with all of you. However, before we proceed with the meeting, it would be better to wait until the marketing team completes the proposal.
Without their insights, it would be challenging for us to make decisions and move forward to the next steps.
  • 實例拆解 :
- 「wait until the marketing team completes the proposal.」說明這場會議中,需要的關鍵因素。因素依不同情況而改變,但是描述地越具體越好。
- 「it would be challenging for us to」說明了在缺乏關鍵因素時,會議上將遇到的瓶頸。

情境三 : 你無法參與全程,需要中途離席

  • 公式 :
[說明原因] + [相應措施 - 如何降低離席造成的影響]
  • 實例 :
Thank you for inviting me, and I will join the meeting. However, I need to leave the meeting early due to another schedule. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
If there are any specific topics where my input is crucial, please inform me in advance so I can address them before I leave.
  • 實例拆解 :
- 「due to another schedule」說明中途離席的原因,可以依實際情況修改。
- 「If there are any specific topics where my input is crucial, please inform me in advance so I can address them before I leave.」為了降低中途離席造成的影響,在會議前可以根據你的時程調整原訂的議程。

情境四 : 你不是會議的合適人選

  • 公式 :
[拒絕邀約] + [說明原因] + [替代方案 - 建議適合的與會人選]
  • 實例 :
Thank you for asking for my input. After reviewing the agenda, I don't think I'm suitable for this meeting. I'd suggest reaching out to Mr. Jim as he has experience in similar projects.
  • 實例拆解 :
- 「After reviewing the agenda」是拒絕邀約的切入點,你可以選擇直接使用它作為拒絕邀約的原因,當然,你也可以詳細地描述原因。
- 「as he possesses experience in handling similar projects in the past.」代表你的推薦人選的背景,也就是為什麼他比較適合參與對方邀約的會議,可能是因為過往的經驗、專長等。

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