如何創造得體且具有吸引力的郵件結尾呢?透過工作坊,我們將分享給你 6 個萬用包,讓你輕鬆達成目標!
透過我們的工作坊,我們將向你介紹 6 種商務推薦用法 ! 讓我們一同探索如何在郵件結尾中展現專業、有效且引人入勝的技巧!
“Looking Forward to Hearing from You”
- 公式 : 「正文」+ Looking Forward to Hearing from You.
- 適用情境 : 無論在正式或非正式場合,這種結尾方式都廣泛適用。當你期待對方的回饋或答覆時,幾乎在任何情境下,都是合適的選擇!對於那些對英文郵件還不太熟悉的新手來說,這絕對是一個理想的起步方式!
- 實例 :
Dear Mr. Andy,
I hope this email has provided the necessary information you were seeking. If you have any further questions or require clarification, please don't hesitate to reach out.
「Looking forward to hearing from you.」
“Your prompt reply would be greatly appreciated.”
- 公式 : 「正文」+ Your prompt reply would be greatly appreciated.
- 適用情境 : 當你希望盡快收到收件人的答覆時,這樣的結尾可以讓對方意識到你的急迫性,並明白他們的回覆對於重要決策至關重要
- 實例 :
Dear Lucas,
I hope you're doing well. This is just a quick reminder that I'm awaiting your response regarding our conversation in the meeting. 「Your prompt reply would be greatly appreciated.」
“Please feel free to reach out at your earliest convenience”
- 公式 : 「正文」+「詢問對方疑問」+ please feel free to reach out at your earliest convenience.
- 適用情境 : 在提案剛結束,且尚未確認與對方的合作關係前,這句結尾適合作為開啟下一步合作的開端。除了彰顯出你對他們的重視,同時也傳達了你時刻準備提供服務的心態。
- 實例 :
Dear Sam,
Thank you for considering our services for your upcoming project. If you have any questions or would like to discuss the details further,「 please feel free to reach out at your earliest convenience.」
“We value your feedback and look forward to the opportunity to address any inquiries you may have”
- 公式 : 「正文」+「詢問對方疑問」+ We value your feedback and look forward to the opportunity to address any inquiries you may have.
- 適用情境 : 這樣的結尾適用於與已經確立合作關係的客戶進行溝通,像是對提案內容的最後確認,或者是針對進行中的合作專案,提供售後服務的一環。
- 實例 :
Dear Ms. Jim,
Thank you for considering our proposal. We believe that our solution can greatly benefit your organization. If you have any questions or would like to discuss the details further, please feel free to reach out at your earliest convenience.
「We value your feedback and look forward to the opportunity to address any inquiries you may have.」
“Please let me know if you have any further questions”
- 公式 : 「正文」+ Please let me know if you have any further questions.
- 適用情境 : 當你已經清楚說明了某項提案、專案或合作內容,而對方的回應並不會對整個事件造成太大影響時,你可以選擇這樣的結尾作為一個封閉式的結束。
- 實例 :
Dear Mr. Mike,
As per your requirement, I have attached the document outlining the scope of work, timeline, and cost estimate.
Please let me know if you have any further questions.
“Please kindly keep me informed of any updates or progress regarding...”
- 公式 : 「正文」+ Please kindly keep me informed of any updates or progress regarding + 「你想追蹤的項目」
- 適用情境 : 作為某個專案的主導角色,你可能不需要對執行過程有過深的了解,但當你需要同事或合作對象向你更新重要訊息時,這句話可以很適用。
- 實例 :
Dear Frank,
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I appreciate your cooperation in providing the requested information. Please proceed with the necessary steps, and 「please kindly keep me informed of any updates or progress regarding」 the project.
通過學習以上 6 種商務用法,我們已經邁向更加精通英文的一步!如果你有任何疑問,直接告訴我們,讓工作坊與你攜手解決 !