2023-09-02|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 19 分鐘

The Ant and the Grasshopper 螞蟻與蚱蜢


3 Characters:




Other Insects (optional)

(Scene: The stage is set with a garden backdrop. The Narrator stands to the side, ready to begin the story.)


Narrator: In a beautiful garden, there lived an Ant and a Grasshopper. They were neighbors, but their attitudes towards life couldn't be more different. Let's listen to the tale of the Ant and the Grasshopper!

(Ant enters the stage, busy collecting food and working diligently.)


Narrator: Here comes the hardworking Ant, always busy preparing for the future.

Ant: (singing while working) Gathering food for the winter is essential. I must work diligently.


(Grasshopper hops onto the stage, carefree and enjoying the moment.)


Narrator: And here comes the carefree Grasshopper, hopping around, singing and enjoying the sunny day.

Grasshopper: (singing) Oh, what a lovely day! I'll sing and dance and enjoy every moment.

Ant: (pausing) Grasshopper, shouldn't you be preparing for the winter too? It will be cold, and there won't be much food.


Grasshopper: (laughs) Ant, why worry about the future when there's so much joy in the present? Let's enjoy the day!


(Ant continues working, gathering food and storing it, while Grasshopper dances around.)

Narrator: As the seasons changed, winter arrived, and the garden became covered in snow.


(Ant stays inside its cozy home, while Grasshopper shivers in the cold.)

 Grasshopper: (shivering) Oh, how I wish I had listened to the Ant's advice and prepared for winter.

(Ant hears Grasshopper's plea and opens the door.)


Ant: Grasshopper, come inside and share my food and shelter. I'm glad to help.


(Grasshopper enters Ant's home, grateful for its kindness.)

 Grasshopper: (thankful) Thank you, Ant. I have learned my lesson. From now on, I'll be more responsible and prepare for the future.


Narrator: And so, the Ant and the Grasshopper spent the winter together, sharing food and warmth. The Grasshopper had learned the importance of hard work and planning for the future.

(Optional: Other insects, such as bees, ladybugs, and butterflies, can join in the scene, emphasizing the value of teamwork and community.)


Narrator: Spring arrived, and the garden bloomed once again. The Ant and the Grasshopper continued their friendship, supporting and helping each other.

(The Ant and the Grasshopper happily dance together, symbolizing their newfound harmony.)


Narrator: They learned that finding a balance between enjoying the present and planning for the future is the key to a fulfilling life.


(The curtains close, and the play concludes.)





















































  1. Beautiful (美麗)
    • Definition: Pleasing to the senses; attractive and visually appealing.
    • Traditional Chinese: 美麗的;令人愉悅的。
    • Related Words: Gorgeous (華麗的), Stunning (令人驚嘆的)
    • Collocations: Beautiful garden (美麗的花園), beautiful scenery (美麗的風景), beautiful sunset (美麗的日落)
    • Example Sentence: The garden was filled with beautiful flowers of various colors. (花園裡滿是各種顏色的美麗花朵。)
  2. Attitudes (態度)
    • Definition: A way of thinking or feeling about something; a person's opinions and beliefs.
    • Traditional Chinese: 對某事的思考或感受方式;個人的觀點和信念。
    • Related Words: Mindset (心態), Outlook (觀點)
    • Collocations: Positive attitude (積極的態度), negative attitude (消極的態度), attitude towards life (對生活的態度)
    • Example Sentence: His positive attitude towards challenges helped him overcome difficult situations. (他對挑戰的積極態度幫助他克服了困難情況。)
  3. Diligently (勤奮地)
    • Definition: Doing something with careful and steady effort; working hard and consistently.
    • Traditional Chinese: 以細心和穩定的努力進行某事;努力工作且持續不斷。
    • Related Words: Industriously (勤勞地)
    • Collocations: Work diligently (勤奮工作), study diligently (努力學習), practice diligently (勤奮練習)
    • Example Sentence: She diligently practiced the piano every day to improve her skills. (她每天都勤奮練習鋼琴,以提升自己的技能。)
  4. Carefree (無憂無慮)
    • Definition: Having no worries or concerns; free from stress or anxiety.
    • Traditional Chinese: 沒有煩惱或擔憂;免於壓力或焦慮。
    • Related Words: Lighthearted (輕鬆愉快的), Untroubled (無憂的)
    • Collocations: Enjoy a carefree day (享受無憂無慮的一天), live a carefree life (過著無憂無慮的生活), carefree attitude (無憂無慮的態度)
    • Example Sentence: The children ran around the park, enjoying a carefree afternoon. (孩子們在公園裡跑來跑去,享受著無憂無慮的下午。)
  5. Shivering (顫抖)
    • Definition: Trembling or shaking involuntarily due to cold, fear, or excitement.
    • Traditional Chinese: 因寒冷、恐懼或興奮而不由自主地顫抖或搖晃。
    • Related Words: Trembling (顫抖), Quivering (顫動)
    • Collocations: Shivering from the cold (因寒冷而顫抖), shivering with fear (因恐懼而顫抖), shivering in excitement (因興奮而顫抖)
    • Example Sentence: She stood outside without a jacket, shivering from the cold wind. (她站在外面沒有穿外套,因寒風而顫抖。)
  6. Plea (懇求)
    • Definition: A sincere request or appeal for help, understanding, or forgiveness.
    • Traditional Chinese: 真誠的請求或懇求,尋求幫助、理解或寬恕。
    • Related Words: Appeal (呼籲), Request (要求)
    • Collocations: Make a plea (提出懇求), heartfelt plea (真誠的懇求), emotional plea (情感懇求)
    • Example Sentence: His heartfelt plea for a second chance touched everyone's hearts. (他對第二次機會的真誠懇求觸動了每個人的心。)
  7. Friendship (友誼)
    • Definition: A close and positive relationship between two or more people; the state of being friends.
    • Traditional Chinese: 關係密切且積極的兩個或更多人之間的關係;友誼的狀態。
    • Related Words: Companionship (陪伴), Camaraderie (同志情懷)
    • Collocations: Strong friendship (堅固的友誼), lifelong friendship (一生的友誼), build a friendship (建立友誼)
    • Example Sentence: Their friendship grew stronger as they supported each other through thick and thin. (隨著彼此在艱難困苦中相互支持,他們的友誼變得更加堅固。)
  8. Harmony (和諧)
    • Definition: A state of peaceful coexistence and agreement; a pleasing arrangement of different elements.
    • Traditional Chinese: 和平共處和協議的狀態;不同元素的愉快安排。
    • Related Words: Concord (協調), Unity (團結)
    • Collocations: Live in harmony (和諧共處), harmony among nations (國家之間的和諧), achieve harmony (實現和諧)
    • Example Sentence: The community worked together to create a sense of harmony and unity. (社區一起努力,創造了和諧和團結的氛圍。)
  9. Fulfilling (充實)
    • Definition: Providing satisfaction, happiness, and a sense of accomplishment.
    • Traditional Chinese: 提供滿足感、幸福感和成就感。
    • Related Words: Satisfying (令人滿足的), Rewarding (有回報的)
    • Collocations: Fulfilling life (充實的生活), fulfilling experience (充實的體驗), find fulfilling work (找到充實的工作)
    • Example Sentence: Pursuing one's passion often leads to a more fulfilling and meaningful life. (追求自己的熱情通常會帶來更充實和有意義的生活。)
  10. Balance (平衡)
    • Definition: The state of being evenly distributed or in proper proportion; the ability to maintain stability between different aspects of life.
    • Traditional Chinese: 均勻分布或適當比例的狀態;在生活的不同方面保持穩定的能力。
    • Related Words: Equilibrium (平衡), Stability (穩定)
    • Collocations: Find balance (找到平衡), work-life balance (工作與生活的平衡), maintain balance (保持平衡)
    • Example Sentence: Balancing work, family, and personal time can be a challenge, but it leads to a healthier lifestyle. (平衡工作、家庭和個人時間可能是個挑戰,但這會帶來更健康的生活方式。)


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