2023-09-04|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 18 分鐘

The Tortoise and the Hare

    3 Characters:





    Narrator: Once upon a time, in a big forest, there was a Tortoise and a Hare.


    Tortoise: (Slowly) Hi there, Hare. Want to race?


    Hare: (Laughing) Race? With you? You're too slow, Tortoise!


    Narrator: The Hare was very fast and loved to show off.


    Tortoise: (Calmly) Well, let's see who wins.


    Hare: (Confidently) Alright, Tortoise. Let's race tomorrow!


    Narrator: The next day, all the animals gathered to watch the race.


    Tortoise: (Ready) I might be slow, but I'll keep going.


    Narrator: The race began, and the Hare zoomed ahead.


    Hare: (Mocking) See you at the finish line, Tortoise!


    Narrator: The Tortoise walked slowly and steadily.


    Tortoise: (Focused) I won't stop. Slow and steady wins the race.


    Narrator: The Hare was so confident that it decided to take a nap.

    Hare: (Yawning) Wake me up when the Tortoise is almost done.

    Hare: (Sleeping) A quick nap won't hurt.


    Narrator: Meanwhile, the Tortoise kept moving forward.


    Tortoise: (Persistently) One step at a time.


    Narrator: When the Hare woke up, it was surprised.


    Hare: (Panicking) Oh no! I slept too long!


    Narrator: The Tortoise was near the finish line.


    Tortoise: (Calmly) I'm almost there.


    Narrator: The Hare sprinted as fast as it could, but it was too late.


    Tortoise: (Crossing the finish line) I did it!


    Narrator: The Tortoise had won the race!


    Hare: (Breathing heavily) Congratulations, Tortoise. You were right. Slow and steady does win.


    Narrator: From that day on, the animals learned that it's not just speed that matters, but also determination.


    Tortoise: (Smiling) Remember, slow and steady wins the race.


    Narrator: And they all lived happily, knowing that every step forward counts.


    (All characters gather and take a bow)


    Narrator: The end.


    [End of script.]





































    Vocabulary 單字

    1. Tortoise (烏龜)
      • Definition: A slow-moving land animal with a hard shell on its back.
      • 一種行動緩慢、背部有硬殼的陸地動物。
      • Related Words: Turtle (烏龜), Reptile (爬行動物)
      • Collocations: Giant tortoise (巨大的烏龜), small tortoise (小烏龜), tortoise shell (烏龜殼)
      • Example Sentence: The tortoise slowly made its way through the grassy field. (烏龜緩慢地穿越草地。)
    2. Hare (兔子)
      • Definition: A fast-running animal that resembles a rabbit.
      • 一種奔跑迅速的動物,類似於兔子。
      • Related Words: Rabbit (兔子), Rodent (齧齒動物)
      • Collocations: Swift hare (敏捷的兔子), brown hare (棕色的兔子), hare's speed (兔子的速度)
      • Example Sentence: The hare darted across the open field in seconds. (兔子在開闊的田野上飛馳而過。)
    3. Race (比賽)
      • Definition: A competition to see who is the fastest or best.
      • 一場為了看誰是最快或最好的競賽。
      • Related Words: Contest (競賽), Competition (比賽), Tournament (錦標賽)
      • Collocations: Running race (賽跑), swimming race (游泳比賽), horse race (賽馬)
      • Example Sentence: The children were excited to participate in the annual foot race. (孩子們興奮地參加了年度賽跑活動。)
    4. Show Off (炫耀)
      • Definition: To display one's abilities, achievements, or possessions to impress others.
      • 展示自己的能力、成就或擁有的東西,以打動他人。
      • Related Words: Boast (吹噓), Flaunt (炫耀), Parade (誇示)
      • Collocations: Show off skills (炫耀技能), show off new car (炫耀新車), stop showing off (停止炫耀)
      • Example Sentence: He always tries to show off his new gadgets to his friends. (他總是試圖向朋友炫耀他的新小玩意。)
    5. Confidently (自信地)
      • Definition: In a self-assured and sure manner.
      • 以自信和確定的方式。
      • Related Words: Assuredly (確信地), Self-assuredly (自信地)
      • Collocations: Speak confidently (自信地講話), walk confidently (自信地行走), answer confidently (自信地回答)
      • Example Sentence: She spoke confidently about her research findings. (她自信地講述她的研究發現。)
    6. Gather (聚集)
      • Definition: To come together; to collect or assemble in one place.
      • 聚在一起;在一個地方收集或集合。
      • Related Words: Assemble (集會), Collect (收集), Convene (召集)
      • Collocations: Gather information (收集信息), gather belongings (收集物品), family gathering (家庭聚會)
      • Example Sentence: The students gathered in the cafeteria for the school assembly. (學生們聚集在自助餐廳參加學校的集會。)
    7. Yawning (打哈欠)
      • Definition: Opening one's mouth wide involuntarily due to tiredness or boredom.
      • 因疲勞或無聊而不由自主地張大嘴巴。
      • Related Words: Tired (疲勞), Bored (無聊), Fatigued (疲憊)
      • Collocations: Yawning widely (張大的打哈欠), stifling a yawn (壓制一個打哈欠), yawning during the meeting (在會議期間打哈欠)
      • Example Sentence: He couldn't stop yawning during the long lecture. (他無法停止在冗長的講座中打哈欠。)
    8. Almost Done (幾乎完成)
      • Definition: Nearly finished or completed.
      • 幾乎完成或結束。
      • Related Words: Nearly finished (幾乎完成), Close to completion (接近完成)
      • Collocations: Almost done with homework (幾乎完成作業), almost done cooking (幾乎完成烹飪), almost done cleaning (幾乎完成清潔)
      • Example Sentence: The cake is in the oven and will be almost done soon. (蛋糕在烤箱裡,很快就幾乎完成了。)
    9. Zoomed (迅速移動)
      • Definition: Moved quickly with a buzzing or humming sound.
      • 嗡嗡聲或嗡嗡聲迅速移動。
      • Related Words: Speed (速度), Dash (衝刺), Rush (急速前進)
      • Collocations: Zoomed past (飛馳而過), zoomed by (嗡嗡聲掠過), car zoomed (汽車急速行駛)
      • Example Sentence: The car zoomed down the highway. (汽車嗡嗡地行駛在高速公路上。)
    10. Steadily (穩定地)
      • Definition: In a consistent and stable manner.
      • 以持續且穩定的方式。
      • Related Words: Continuously (持續地), Sequentially (連續地)
      • Collocations: Work steadily (穩定地工作), walk steadily (穩定地行走), move steadily forward (穩步前進)
      • Example Sentence: She steadily worked until the project was completed. (她穩定地工作,直到完成項目。)
    11. Sprint (短跑)
      • Definition: A short-distance run at a fast speed.
      • 短距離內快速奔跑。
      • Related Words: Run (奔跑), Dash (短跑)
      • Collocations: Sprinting in a race (賽跑), sprinting across the field (衝刺過田野), quick sprint (急速前進)
      • Example Sentence: The athletes sprinted to the finish line with all their energy. (運動員們用盡全力短跑到終點線。)
    12. Congratulations (恭喜)
      • Definition: Expressing joy and approval for someone's success or achievement.
      • 表達對某人成功或成就的喜悅和讚許。
      • Related Words: Felicitations (祝賀), Commendations (讚揚)
      • Collocations: Offer congratulations (表示恭喜), receive congratulations (接受祝賀), send congratulations (送上祝賀)
      • Example Sentence: They offered their congratulations to the newlyweds. (他們向新婚夫妻表示祝賀。)
    13. Determination (決心)
      • Definition: Firmness of purpose; the quality of being resolute and committed.
      • 決意的堅定;堅決和有承諾的品質。
      • Related Words: Resolution (決心), Perseverance (毅力)
      • Collocations: Show determination (展現決心), have determination (擁有決心), determination to succeed (成功的決心)
      • Example Sentence: Her determination to overcome challenges led to her success. (她克服挑戰的決心導致了她的成功。)


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