2023-09-07|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 4 分鐘



    1. Don't Throw the Baby Out with the Bathwater(別讓孩子和洗澡水一起丟掉)
      • 解釋: 表示在解決問題時要謹慎,不要丟掉有價值的東西。
      • 例句: "While we're making changes to the project, let's be careful not to throw the baby out with the bathwater and lose the good parts."
    2. Blood Is Thicker Than Water(血濃於水)
      • 解釋: 意指家庭關係比其他關係更緊密或重要。
      • 例句: "I'll always support my family; after all, blood is thicker than water."
    3. In Hot Water(陷入困境)
      • 解釋: 表示某人或某事處於困難或麻煩的情況。
      • 例句: "After missing the important deadline, he found himself in hot water with his boss."
    4. Test the Waters(試探水深)
      • 解釋: 意指嘗試新事物或新計劃,看看是否可行。
      • 例句: "Before investing in the business, they decided to test the waters with a small pilot project."
    5. Keep Your Head Above Water(保持頭在水面上)
      • 解釋: 意指處於困難狀況中保持穩定,不被淹沒。
      • 例句: "With all the bills and expenses, it's a challenge to keep our heads above water."
    6. Like a Fish out of Water(像魚在陸地上一樣)
      • 解釋: 表示某人感到不適應或不自在的環境。
      • 例句: "At the formal event, he felt like a fish out of water because he wasn't used to such gatherings."
    7. Water Under the Bridge(水底的水)
      • 解釋: 意指過去不再重要的事情。
      • 例句: "Our argument from last year is water under the bridge; we've moved on."
    8. Test the Waters(試探水深)
      • 解釋: 意指嘗試新事物或新環境,看看是否適合自己。
      • 例句: "She's testing the waters by taking on a part-time job in the field before committing to a career change."
    9. Muddy the Waters(攪混水)
      • 解釋: 意指使情況變得更加混亂或不清楚。
      • 例句: "His conflicting statements only served to muddy the waters of the investigation."
    10. Water Off a Duck's Back(鴨子背上的水)
      • 解釋: 意指不受影響或不在乎某人的批評或指責。
      • 例句: "Her negative comments are like water off a duck's back; they don't bother me."
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