About Choosing Street Food(下)

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I'm trying to answer the questions from this article:

【Further Discussion 延伸討論】

  1. (it's a long story.)

I'm not sure if I have had food poisoning, but I remember when I was a child, I participated in a traditional wedding party, in Taiwan, we called that "Bando("辦桌"的台語)" aka “Roadside banquet”.

Because I really like to eat fish, I ate a lot of a kind of fish at the party, I don't know what is the fish's name, only remember the fish meat very soft and no fish bone. I only could see the fish's body was chopped piece by piece on the dish, no fish head, no fish tail. That's what a great thing for a child that I didn't need to pick the fishbone, and no annoying fish head! So I ate a piece and a piece of fish's body, and no doubt.

After the party, I went home, and I started to have the runs(diarrhea), but I didn't have normal shit, I got a... oil shit!! Oh my god, I thought I would die, and die with unknown reason! Then I started to cry alone. I didn't want to leave my mom, my dad, my brother, and all of my family.

Then, my brother told me he had the same situation. What? And a few minutes later, I heard our neighbor told to my parent they had the same situation, too. "Oh, I'm not alone!" I thought at that time.

And I heard my neighbor told to my mom: "What a black-hearted chef! Give us the garbage fish! make me have an oil shit all day!"

Oh, I knew we would die for what reason!

Finally, my mom told us we won't die, but maybe have oil shit for several days. And the fish came from a ditch, not a sewer lid but a farm ditch. The fish is illegal to sell at fish markets but cheap, and it tastes like cod, so many dishonest vendors sell that and lie to customers it is cod.

Because I didn't go to see a doctor and got well a few days later, I think maybe it is not part of food poisoning.

Wow, a little long story, and it's the end.



Of course need to think about Tainan, there are many street foods, like beef soup, and tofu pudding in 安平,

especially 國華 street cross 正興 street, a lot of traditional foods and new foods are gathered there.

Like milkfish congee, rice noodles with squid, shrimp rice, and chicken house(炸雞洋行).

As long as you want to have a dessert, there are 蜷尾家 ice cream, 莉莉fruit ice, and many hipster coffee stores. Welcome to Tainan~


Ok, like we mentioned in question 2, I would recommend foreigners try some foods like beef noodles, beef soup, milkfish congee, shrimp rice, and bubble tea.

There are many tea shops in Taiwan, not only bubbles, you can change to taro balls, coconut jelly, coffee jelly, and pudding instead.

It's even possible to adjust the sugar and ice in your tea.

So, welcome to Taiwan~~


There are not many foreign restaurants where I live. If must to say, I think the Vietnam and Thailand restaurants are more in there.

Recently, my ex-colleague recommended a restaurant to me, the restaurant named "好泰麵", according to the name, we can know that is a Thailand restaurant.

The food is clean and fresh, which is not common in kind of these restaurants.

Especially the Pork Rice(打拋豬?), it is really delicious if you have the chance, must try it.


I don't cook in Taichung, because I'm not used to the kitchen here.

But when I was living in Tainan, I loved to cook Japanese hamburgers, different from American hamburgers, A Japanese hamburger is thicker and more juicy than American's.

I can mix some tofu in the hamburger, the tofu can decrease the hamburger's calories, and I can put it in a bento box, then take it to my office as a lunch.

And I can make a lot of raw hamburgers and put them in the freezer(冰箱), when I want to eat them, I can cook them immediately.


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有一段時間沒吃爭鮮了,看到車站一樓大廳裡有一家店,就進去了,還不錯有位置。看到有一些不一樣,原來盤子不一樣了,其他還是差不多,服務生問要甚麼?分別要了茶碗蒸跟味噌湯。加了茶帶跟熱水。水好小,旁邊的小朋友一直吵鬧,有些煩。 鮮蝦壽司,這種壽司是用新鮮蝦製成的,通常煮或水煮,然後切片。蝦子通常放在醋飯
I've been in Canada for three months, and before this, I hadn't eaten any Taiwanese food. Previously, when I mentioned to my Canadian friends that the
上禮拜因為工作時遇到了奧客,心情有點受影響,連午餐都沒心情吃。後來覺得還是要吃點東西,突發奇想,既然遇到了台灣鯛,那就吃鯛魚燒吧! 🔖菜單與訂餐網站請見文末,可以由左側選單快速進入
位於曼谷的王朗市場(Wang Lang Market)以其多樣的美食和地道的市井風情吸引了遊客和當地居民。這裡的美食種類繁多,從小吃到正餐應有盡有。而在眾多美食中,鐵板蚵煎(Oyster Omelette)無疑是我最期待品嚐的一道。這道美食結合了新鮮的海鮮和豐富的口感,是泰國街頭小吃的代表之一。
有一段時間沒吃爭鮮了,看到車站一樓大廳裡有一家店,就進去了,還不錯有位置。看到有一些不一樣,原來盤子不一樣了,其他還是差不多,服務生問要甚麼?分別要了茶碗蒸跟味噌湯。加了茶帶跟熱水。水好小,旁邊的小朋友一直吵鬧,有些煩。 鮮蝦壽司,這種壽司是用新鮮蝦製成的,通常煮或水煮,然後切片。蝦子通常放在醋飯
I've been in Canada for three months, and before this, I hadn't eaten any Taiwanese food. Previously, when I mentioned to my Canadian friends that the
上禮拜因為工作時遇到了奧客,心情有點受影響,連午餐都沒心情吃。後來覺得還是要吃點東西,突發奇想,既然遇到了台灣鯛,那就吃鯛魚燒吧! 🔖菜單與訂餐網站請見文末,可以由左側選單快速進入