鑑於,最近看了很多相關文件後,知道歷史都是被串改,目的是方便控制人類群體,所以我開始踏上在網上尋找遺失的古文明科技資訊的路,終於不斷挖啊挖啊挖,陸續被我找到了些有趣東西,例如:備受爭議的梵蒂岡的時間機器Chronovisor,結果真的有人做出類似的心靈相機,叫Delawarr Camera,還有古埃及人對人類心靈力量的了解是超乎想像的,例如這個 荷魯斯魔杖,說白了就是兩根金屬棒 但是裡面放不同比例的石英碎片,透過人體本身的頻率電場,進而調節自身頻率身體狀態等等,都是現在人,想不到的,於是我想透過馬斯克的力量,想把這些科技實踐出來,哈哈,於是有給他寫了EMAIL的想法EMAIL內容如下 有後續再繼續更新:)Dear Mr. Musk,
I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to express my utmost admiration for your remarkable contributions to the world of innovation. Your unparalleled understanding of physics and groundbreaking advancements have been a tremendous source of inspiration for me.
Recently, I've delved into the realm of lost technologies—fascinating concepts such as the Delawarr Camera, akin to the concept of a time lens, and the enigmatic ancient Egyptian technology of the Wands of Horus. These inventions, brimming with special materials and deep significance, have piqued my interest. I firmly believe that if brought to life and introduced to the world, they could potentially revolutionize our society in meaningful ways.
Understanding your immense capabilities and passion for technology, I couldn't help but wonder if, in your spare time, you might consider actualizing these concepts and bringing them to a wider audience. Your visionary approach could undoubtedly elevate these ideas into tangible realities that benefit humanity.
I've attached detailed information that outlines these concepts further. I sincerely hope this information sparks your interest and imagination.
https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/time_travel/esp_ciencia_timetravel20.htmWands of Horushttps://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_wandshorus02.htm
The Use of the Wands of Horus in Medicine & Everyday Lifehttps://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_wandshorus02b.htm#The%20Use%20of%20the%20Wands%20of%20Horus%20in%20Medicine%20&%20Everyday%20Life