更新於 2025/01/13閱讀時間約 2 分鐘

多黨新現實,揚棄舊認知 Méthode dépassée can not sever new reality

The result of the 2024 Legislative election makes Taiwan a moderately pluralistic congress in the coming four years. This is common in democratic countries, and even more so in countries with a cabinet system.

People in Taiwan, who were born during the martial law era before the 1990s, received authoritarian education, tend to deny the new situation. Some suspect that this is the result of CCP intervention during the election. This is because past education did not teach us how to identify and deal with pluralistic conditions.

When people are not prepared to handle situations for which they were educated or trained, they tend to deny or manage the plural world in conventional ways that were designed to fit the dual-party system.

Now, we have to learn to see the real world and make it better serve us.





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