2024-02-04|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 27 分鐘

, which非限定→這個、那個.

    2405 繼上篇情境延伸

     , which非限定→這個、那個.  這週的這個、那個是接在介系詞面, 情境的延伸, 以下分析紐約時報的三句:

     1.          The company hired hundreds of researchers for the lab, which pioneered Microsoft’s work in speech, image and facial recognition and the kind of artificial intelligence


     2.          Volkswagen has begun hiring for a team of nearly 3,000 Chinese engineers, which will include hundreds transferred from Volkswagen operations elsewhere in China.


     3.          The new VW factory in Hefei uses robots from Kuka, which has shifted considerable production to Shanghai.




    英文的介系詞用途豐富, 就像中文的語助詞. 上方粗體字延伸而來的介系詞+名詞, 又可用, which→這個、那個 的情境延伸:


    1.          ~~for the lab:為這實驗室

    , which pioneered Microsoft’s work in speech, image and~~:這個實驗室開創了微軟在語音、圖像~~

    , which 後的句型:” 我要錢” 句型:which(s) pioneered(vt) work(o)→這開創工作


    2.          ~~ of nearly 3,000 Chinese engineers:近3000名中國工程師

    , which will include hundreds transferred from Volkswagen ~~: (中文也可翻為:其中, 更貼合中文用法) 包括從大眾集團調來數百人~~

    , which 後的句型:” 我要錢” 句型:which(s) include(vt) hundreds(o)→其中包括數百人


    3.          ~~ from Kuka:從庫卡

    , which has shifted considerable production~~: (中文不特別翻出這)庫卡已將大量生產轉移~~

    , which 後的句型:” 我要錢” 句型:which(s) shifted(vt) production(o)→轉移生產



    I want money for a new house, which will have three rooms, a big yard and a beautiful living room.


    →中文情境優先, 主角壓軸出場的講法(承上篇)

     我要錢來建一間新房子, 這 間房子擁有三個房間、一個大院子和一個漂亮客廳

    →英文主角開場, 形容詞子句建構情境講法(承上篇)


    今天的三句例句都是”我要錢+我要錢”句型(我真的很要錢), 祝福大家新春愉快, 財源滾滾!!


    以下文章取材自紐約時報, 也請分析一下, which 這個, 那個 的用法吧!! 在中文翻譯裏, 幾乎都不特別翻出這個, 那個. 所以不會習慣成自然, 在英語表達上, 就不會使用, which了.


    India Is Chasing China’s Economy. But Something Is Holding It Back.



    1.           At some point soon, the government will need to reduce its extraordinary spending, which could weigh on the economy if private sector money doesn’t pick up.



    2.          One point of widespread agreement is that India should benefit from China’s slowdown, which has been fueled by an unfolding property crisis.



    3.         The World Bank has applauded India’s commitment to infrastructure spending, which ramped up during the pandemic when the private sector needed rescuing.



    4.          Most of the rest of the population is struggling with inflation in food and fuel prices. Banks are extending credit to consumers of both kinds, but less so to businesses, which fear that the great majority of their customers will be tightening their belts for years to come.



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