更新於 2024/02/07閱讀時間約 7 分鐘





甫結束的1月26日澳洲國慶日,在墨爾本發生了船長庫克(James Cook)、維多利亞女王(Queen Victoria)等英國殖民時期人物的雕像遭到破壞、砍倒、潑漆等示威抗議新聞,越來越多原權支持人士,認為國慶日應該改為紀念為原住民族苦難的「哀悼日」(The Day of Mourning)。

不管是政治意義或歷史意義上,「國家」與「原住民」是相對的兩個主體,前者也往往代表了入侵、掠奪、占領與屠殺的一方。澳洲政府曾經在1910 至1970年代實施同化政策,教會界在其中則扮演了共犯者的角色。當時的原民兒童被送往教會開辦的孤兒院和寄宿學校,在這些學校裡發生了人權剝奪和侵犯。而這些原民孩童的身體、文化與認同被強制斷根,成為「失竊的世代」(Lost generations)。

1957 年,在聯邦和州政府、教會和主要原住民組織的支持與合作下,成立了全國原住民日紀念委員會 (NADOC)。1996年,澳洲聯合教會(UCA)為教育同化政策道歉。澳洲當地也有「團結原住民與島民基督教議會」(Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress,UAICC)、由原住民主導的治癒基金會(Healing Foundation)等團體持續為原權倡議。

今年,澳洲聯合教會也在各地舉行哀悼日禮拜(UCA Day of Mourning services),並發布說明:「……我們致力於坦誠面對歷史,並與原住民共同面對這一天所帶來的痛苦和哀悼。」

(Although Australia Day is a time to reflect on what we’re grateful for about this country, we are committed to marking this day with respect and in honour of the survival of the world's oldest living culture. We are committed to being honest about history and standing in solidarity with First Peoples in the pain and mourning related to this day. )








The World Council of Churches (WCC) has a longstanding commitment to solidarity with Indigenous Peoples and to promoting their concerns, especially the need to respect and uphold their inherent rights and dignity.

While reaffirming the commitment to work on Indigenous Peoples’ issues, the WCC assembly, meeting in Busan, Republic of Korea, from 30 October to 8 November 2013:

Calls on member churches to:

- respect Indigenous Peoples’ spiritualities and support the aspirations of self-determination of indigenous communities around the world;

- reflect upon their own histories and seek greater understanding of the plights of Indigenous Peoples in different contexts;

- provide assistance to Indigenous Peoples’ delegations to participate in advocacy efforts at the United Nations;

-support and strengthen the efforts of indigenous communities working to dismantle oppressive laws and policies that legitimize continued colonial practices on their lands; and

- coordinate communications among the member churches of the WCC and ecumenical actors working for Indigenous Peoples’ rights.

Recommends that the general secretary:

- give special attention to Indigenous People’s issues during the next programme period of the WCC; and

- maintain the Indigenous Peoples’ programme with adequate staff in the WCC’s Geneva office, to coordinate, facilitate and realize its programmatic commitments.


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