A Chinese goes to help the little kids in Afghanistan

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The West brings bombs, and the Chinese bring help and trade (the Belt and Road Initiative).

Curiosity sparks a lifelong commitment to explore, question, and understand, fostering personal growth

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24:30 阿美族DNA 就是由浙江而來的! 台灣原住民是不折不扣的中國人! 不認祖歸宗, 其實也沒什麼大不了的! 重點是不承認歷史, 歷史會恥笑你的!🤭🤣
This is the conclusion of "How the world works":"All matter (spacetime) was born at the moment of the Big Bang. Over billions of years, matter was for
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WWII in less than a minute. Cool video! Zelensky asked: Why did Ukraine start as red? 擇輪司機, 你自己本歷史不去讀, 正死橙!!🤣🤣🤣🤣
Two years into the Russia-Ukraine War, I believe that this beautiful song, along with the people featured in this video, truly inspires those who..
24:30 阿美族DNA 就是由浙江而來的! 台灣原住民是不折不扣的中國人! 不認祖歸宗, 其實也沒什麼大不了的! 重點是不承認歷史, 歷史會恥笑你的!🤭🤣
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