多年前因職務關係,曾兩度擔任澳洲遊學團的帶隊老師,地點在布里斯本森林湖國際學校,遊學期間不論老師或學生均被分配至不同的寄宿家庭,也因此和Lorraine & Ray成了忘年之交,大女兒和雙胞胎國中畢業那年的暑假,也都在我的安排下,先後住進Lorraine家,多年來雖沒有再次造訪,也都會在聖誕節時互相寄送禮物,但疫情後已中段了兩年,畢竟二位長者都已90幾歲了,我也只將祝福放在心中,這次2024年4月3日的地震消息,Lorraine第一時間就寫信來,讓我好感動,也立刻寫了回信。
Dear Grace
Are you all alright with this terrible earthquake?
Love Lorraine and Ray xxxxx
We’re safe and sound. Some souvenirs bought from different countries fell apart, but my favorite mugs are OK. I spent the whole day cleaning and reordering the living room and kitchen. Michael has finished the bedroom already. Your mail is like a breeze in summertime. I feel lucky to have friends like you.