2024-05-29|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 27 分鐘


    頑張っているのに励ましの言葉ももらえず、落ち込んでいる子どもたちの気持ち、よくわかると思います。兄弟がいると比べられてしまう気持ち。 .. 頑張って何かをしているのに、何でも怒られるのはとても不快です... 私が子供の頃(実際はそんなに長くなく、約...8年前!?)5歳のときに行ったものです。姉の影響で、私も小さい頃から姉がピアノを習いに行くときはいつもついていきました(もちろん姉のほうが先に習っていました)。私が授業でうまく遊べなかったり、うまく遊べなかったりする限り、妹は家に帰ると、なぜ今日は一緒に遊べなかったのかと尋ねるでしょう。私の答えは、もちろんそうではありません。遊び方を知っていれば(それは私のせいでもあります!)、彼女は今日はとても簡単に弾けたと言ってくれるでしょう。これが私がピアノを嫌いになった理由でもあり、その後個人レッスンを受けるようになり(以前はすべてグループレッスンでした)、その後おじいちゃんが車に乗せてくれました(車に乗せてくれたことにもとても感謝しています)。乗ってます)でも…私はもともと演奏が下手で、先生に叱られると祖父が聞いていて、授業後は必ず怒られていました…慣れですよ。でも、自分の叱責が自分を傷つけるとは決して分からないのです。祖父は私にこう言いました。「交渉がうまくいかないなら、議論するな。なぜお金を無駄にするんだ!」 ……でも、こんな言葉を言われると、私はこんなに頑張ったのに、誰も気づいてくれなかったんだ〜。

    I think I understand those children who are in frustration. I know the feeling of not getting any words of encouragement despite working hard. This kind of thing often happens to people who have brothers and sisters. The feeling of being compared... .... It’s very uncomfortable when you work hard to do something but you get scolded for everything... When I was a child (actually not that long, about... 8 years ago!?) I was 5 years old I went to piano lessons because of my sister. When I was little, I always followed my sister. When she went to learn piano, I also went with her (of course she learned it earlier than me). I couldn’t keep up at first. As long as I didn’t play well in class or I didn’t play well, my sister would When I get home, she will ask me why I didn’t play along today. My answer is of course that I don’t know how to play (which is also my fault!) and she will tell me that it was very easy to play today! This is also the reason why I started to hate the piano. Later I started taking individual lessons (previously they were all group lessons) and then my grandpa gave me a ride (I am also very grateful to him for being willing to give me a ride) but... I was originally I don’t play well, and my grandfather was listening when I was scolded by the teacher. I was inevitably scolded after class. Being scolded... you just get used to it... but you never know that your scolding will hurt you. So deep, my grandpa told me, "If the negotiation is not good, then don't discuss it. Why waste money!" I admit that I don't play well...but...this kind of words makes me completely despair. I have tried hard. Ah! It’s just that no one noticed my efforts~


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